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100.1       Description

This    item   shall    consist  of  clearing,   grubbing,   removing   and disposing  all   vegetation  and debris  as   designated  in  the  Contract, except those objects that    are designated to  remain in  place or are to be  removed  in  consonance with other provisions of this  Specification. The  work shall also  include  the  preservation  from injury or defacement of all objects designated to remain.

100.2      Construction Requirements

100.2.1   General

The   Engineer will   establish  the limits of work and   designate all trees, shrubs, plants and other things to remain. The Contractor shall preserve all objects designated to remain. Paint required  for cut or scarred surface of trees or shrubs selected for retention shall be an approved asphaltum base paint prepared especially for tree  surgery.

Clearing  shall  extend one  (1) meter beyond the  toe  of the fill slopes or  beyond  rounding of cut slopes  as  the   case   maybe for the   entire length  of the  project unless otherwise shown on the plans or as directed by  the  Engineer and  provided it is within the  right of way limits  of the project, with the  exception  of trees   under the  jurisdiction of the Forest Management Bureau  (FMB).

100.2.2   Clearing and  Grubbing

All surface objects and  all trees, stumps, roots and  other protruding obstructions,  not designated to remain, shall  be cleared  and/or grubbed, including  mowed as required, except as provided below:.

  1. Removal of undisturbed stumps and  roots  and  nonperishable solid   objects with  a  minimum depth of one   (1)  meter below subgrade or slope  of embankment will  not be required.

  2. In areas outside of the  grading  limits of cut and  embankment areas, stumps and  nonperishable  solid  objects shall  be  cut off not more than  150  mm  above the  ground line  or low water level.

  3. In areas to be rounded at the top of cut slopes,  stumps shall  be cut off flush  with or below  the surface of the final  slope  line.

  4. Grubbing of pits,  channel changes and  ditches will  be required only to the depth necessitated  by  the proposed excavation within  such  areas.

  5. In areas covered by cogon/talahib, wild grass and other vegetations, top soil shall be cut to a maximum depth of 150mm below the original ground surface or as designated by the Engineer, and disposed outside the clear.ing and grubbing limits as indicated in the typical roadway section.
Except in areas to be excavated, stump holes and  other holes  frorn which  obstructions  are removed shall  be backfilled with suitable material and compacted to the  required density.

If .perishable   material   is   burned,   it  shall    be   burned   under  the constant  care  of component watchmen  at such  times  and   in  such  a manner that  the   surrounding  vegetation,  other  adjacent property,  or anything   designated   to   remain   on.  the    right   of  way  will    not   be jeopardized. If  permitted, burning  shall be done in accordance with applicable laws, ordinances, and regulation.

The  Contractor shall  use high intensity burning procedures, (i.e., incinerators, high  stacking or pit and  ditch burning with forced air supplements) that produce intense  burning with  little or no visible smoke emission during the  burning process.   At the  conclusion of each  burning session, the  fire shall  be  completely extinguished so that no smoldering debris  remains.

In  the  event that the  Contractor is  directed by the  Engineer not to start burning operations or to suspend such operations because of hazardous  weather conditions,  material  to  be  burned  which interferes with   subsequent   construction   operations   shall    be    moved   by   the Contractor to temporary locations  clear of construction  operations and later,  if directed by  the  Engineer,  shall be placed on  a designated spot and  burned.

Materials   and   debris  which  cannot  be   burned   and   perishable materials  may be disposed off by methods and  at locations  approved by the  Engineer, on  or off the  project. If disposal is by burying, the  debris shall  be  placed in  layers with the  material  so disturbed  to  avoid  nesting. Each layer shall  be  covered or mixed with earth material by the  land-fill method  to  fill   all  voids. The   top   layer  of material  buried  shall  be covered with at least  300  mm   of earth or other approved material  and shall    be   graded,   shaped   and    compacted   to    present   a   pleasing appearance. If  the  disposal location  is  off the project,  the Contractor shall  make all  necessary arrangements with property owners in  writing for obtaining suitable disposal locations  which  are outside  the limits  of view  from  the  project. The  cost involved  shall  be  included  in  the  unit bid price.  A copy  of such agreement shall  be furnished to the Engineer. The   disposal  areas  shall    be seeded,  fertilized   and   mulched  at  the Contractor's expense.

Woody material  may be disposed off by chipping. The wood chips may be used for mulch, slope erosion control or may be uniformly spread over selected areas as directed by the Engineer. Wood chips used as mulch for slope erosion control shall have a maximum thickness of 12 mm and faces not  exceeding  3900 mm2 on any individual surface area. Wood chips not designated for use  under other sections shall be spread  over the designated  areas  in  layers not to exceed 75 mm loose thickness. Diseased  trees shall be buried or disposed off as directed by the  Engineer.

All  merchantable  timber  in  the  clearing  area  which has not been removed  from  the  right  of way  prior to the beginning of construction, shall become the property of the  Contractor, unless otherwise provided.

Low  hanging branches and  unsound or unsightly branches on trees or shrubs designated to remain shall be trimmed as directed. Branches of trees extending over the  roadbed  shall   be  trimmed  to give a clear height of 6 m  above the roadbed surface. All trimming shall be done by skilled workmen and  in  accordance with  good  tree  surgery practices.

Timber cut  inside  the  area staked for clearing  shall  be felled  within the  area to be cleared.

100.2.3    Individual  Removal of Trees or Stumps

Individual  trees   or stumps designated by  the  Engineer for removal and  located  in  areas other than  those established for clearing,  grubbing and  roadside cleanup shall   be  removed and  disposed off as  specified under Subsection  100.2.2 except trees removed shall   be  cut as  nearly flush  with the ground as practicable without removing  stumps.

100.3     Method of Measurement

Measurement will be by one or more of the following alternate methods:

  1. Area  Basis. The  work to  be  paid  for shall   be  the number of hectares and  fractions thereof acceptably cleared and  grubbed within  the  limits  indicated  on  the Plans or as  may  be adjusted in  field  staking  by the  Engineer.  Areas not within the  clearing and   grubbing limits shown  on  the Plans or not staked for clearing and grubbing will not be measured for payment.
  2. Lump-Sum  Basis. When  the  Bill  of Quantities contains a Clearing  arid Grubbing  lump-sum  item,  no   measurement  of area will  be made for such  item.
  3. Individual Unit Basis (Selective Clearing). The diameter of trees will be measured at a height of 1.4 m above the ground. trees less than 150 mm in diameter will not be measured for payment.
When Bill of Quantities indicates measurement of  trees by individual unit basis, the units will be   designated and measured in accordance with the following schedule of sizes:

Diameter at height of 1.4m Pay Item Designation
Over 150 mm to 900 mm Small
Over 900 mm Large

100.4    Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 100.3, shall be paid for at the Contract unit price  for each  of  the Pay Items listed  below that is  included  in  the  Bill  of Quantities, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement
100 (1) Clearing and Grubbing Hectare
100 (2) Clearing and Grubbing Lump Sum
100 (3) Individual Removal of Trees, Small Each
100 (4) Individual Removal of Trees, Large Each

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