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107.1 Description

Overhaul shall consist of authorized hauling in excess of the free-haul distance. Free-haul distance is the specified distance that excavated material shall be hauled without additional compensation. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the free-haul distance shall be 600 meters.

107.2 Method of measurement

In determining what constitutes authorized overhaul, it will be assumed that material taken from excavation will be deposited in embankment after having been hauled the shortest distance.

The overhaul distance for material obtained and placed within the roadway limits will be measured along the centerline of the roadway. No allowance will be made for transverse or lateral movement to or from the centerline except materials moved to or from designated areas outside the roadway limits; such as Case 1, Borrow Pits disposal areas, etc. In such case, measurement shall be along the shortest route determined by the Engineer to be feasible and satisfactory unless otherwise provided.

If the Contractor chooses to haul material over some other route and such other route is longer, the computation  for payment shall be based on the overhaul distance measured along the route designated by the Engineer.

The number of cubic meter-kilometers of overhaul to be paid for shall be the number of cubic meters of overhaul material multiplied by the overhaul distance in kilometers. The unit "cubic meter-kilometer" is the amount of hauling required to move one cubic meter a distance of one kilometer beyond free-haul distance.

107.3 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 107.2, shall be paid for the contract unit price for Overhaul, for the particular Pay Item listed below that is shown on the Bill of Quantities, which price and Pay Item shall be full compensation for overhaul, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will not be made for overhaul of Borrow, Case 2, Foundation Fill, bedding materials and material removed in the rounding of cut slopes when rounding is a separate Pay Item.

When the Bill of Quantities does not show estimated quantities for "Overhaul" from the Pay Item listed below, overhaul will not be directly paid for, but will be considered as a subsidiary obligation of Contractor under contract items.

Payment will be made under:

Pay  Item Number Description Unit of Measurement
107 (1) Overhaul Cubic Meter-Kilometer
107 (2) Overhaul of Borrow, Case 1 Cubic Meter-Kilometer

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