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Item 102 - Excavation

102.1       Description

This Item  shall consist of roadway drainage  and  borrow excavation, and  the disposal of material in accordance with this Specification and  in conformity with the  lines, grades and  dimensions shown on the Plans or established by the Engineer.

102.1.1      Roadway Excavation

Roadway  excavation will  include excavation and grading for roadways, parking areas, intersections, approaches, slope rounding, benching, waterways and  ditches;  removal of unsuitable material  from the roadbed and  beneath embankment areas; and  excavating selected material  found in  the roadway as ordered by the Engineer for specific use in  the improvement. Roadway excavation will be classified  as "unclassified excavation", "rock excavation", "common excavation", or "muck excavation" as  indicated  in the  Bill  of Quantities and  hereinafter described.
  1. Unclassified  Excavation.   Unclassified excaJation  shall  consist of the  excavation  and disposal of all materials  regardless of its nature,  not  classified  and   included  in  the   Bill  of Quantities under other pay items.

  2. Rock  Excavation.  Rock  excavation  shall  consist of excavation of igneous,  sedimentary  and metamorphic rocks  which  cannot be  excavated without  blasting  or the  use  of rippers,  and all boulders or other detached stones each  hqving  a volume of 1 cubic  meter or more as determined by physical measurements or visually by the  Engineer.

  3. Common  Excavation.  Common  excavations  shall  consist of all excavation not included in the  Bill of Quantities under "rock excavation" or other pay items.

  4. Muck  Excavation. Muck  excavation  shall consist  of  the removal and  disposal of deposits of saturated or unsaturated mixtures of soils and organic matter not suitable for foundation materials regardless of moisture content.

102.1.2    Borrow Excavation

Borrow excavation shall  consist of the  excavation and  utilization of approved materials required for the  construction of embankments or for other  portions  of  the work, and shall be obtained from  approved sources,  in   accordance  with  Clause  61 , Standard  Specifications  for Public Works  and  Highways, Volume I  and the following:

  1. Borrow,  Case  1 - Borrow Case 1 will consist of material obtained from sources designated on the  Plans  or in the Special Provisions.
  2. Borrow, Case  2 - Borrow Case  2 will  consist  of  material  obtained from  sources provided by the  Contractor.
The  material  shall  meet the  quality requirements  determined by the Engineer unless  otherwise  provided in the Contract.

102.2      Construction Requirements

102.2.1   General

When   there is  evidence of discrepancies on  the  actual   elevations and  that shown on  the  Plans, a pre-construction survey referred to the datum  plane used in the approved Plan shall be  undertaken by  the variations  that do'  not  constitute  a  safety  hazard or an  impairment  to drainage courses or facilities will  be permitted.

A  maximum offset of 600  mm    will  be  permitted for a construction working bench at the  bottom of each  lift for use  in drilling the  next  lower presplitting pattern.

102.2.6   Excavation  of Ditches, Gutters,  etc.

All   materials  excavated  from  side   ditches  and   gutters,  channel changes,  irrigation  ditches, inlet and  outlet ditches,  toe  ditches, furrow ditches, and  such 'other ditches as  may  be  designated on  the  Plans  or staked  by  the   Engineer,   shall   be  utilized   as  provided  in   Subsection 102.2.3.

Ditches  shall   conform   to   the   slope,    grade,   and   shape of  the required  cross-section,  with no projections  of  roots,  stumps,  rock, or similar matter. The Contractor shall  maintain  and  keep open  and  free from  leaves,  sticks,  and  other debris  all  ditches dug  by  him  until final acceptance of the work.

Furrow  ditches  shall   be  formed  by  plowing  a  continuous  furrow along   the  line  staked  by  the Engineer. Methods other than - plowing may  be  used if acceptable to the Engineer.The ditches  shall be cleaned out by hand shovel work, by ditcher, or by some  other suitable method, throwing  all loose materials on the downhill side so that the bottom of the  finished  ditch shall  be approximately 450  mm  below the crest of the  loose  material  piled  on  the  downhill side. Hand  finish will not  be  required; but  the flow lines  shall be in satisfactory shape to provide drainage without overflow.

102.2. 7  Excavation of Roadbed Level

Rock   shall   be  excavated  to  a  depth of  150  mm  below subgrade within  the  limits .'of  the   roadbed,  and   the   excavation  backfilled  with material  designated. on  the   Plans   or approved  by the   Engineer and compacted to the.required  density.

When  excavation   methods  employed   by   the   Contractor  leave undrained  pockets .tn  the  rock surface, the  Contractor  shall at his  own expense,  properly  drain  such  depressions  or when   permitted  by  the Engineer fill the  depressions with approved impermeable material.

Material below subgrade, other than  solid   rock  shall  be  thoroughly scarified to  a  depth. of 150 mm  and  the  moisture content increased or reduced,  as  necessary,  to  bring  the  material throughout  this  1.50  mm layer  to  the  moisture. content  suitable for maximum compaction. This layer shall  then be compacted in accordance with Subsection 104.3.3

102.2.8   Borrow Areas

The  Contractor shall  notify the  Engineer sufficiently in  advance of opening any borrow  areas so that cross-section elevations and measurements of the  ground surface after stripping  may  be taken, and the  borrow material can be tested  before being  used. Sufficient time  for testing the borrow material  shall  be allowed.

All borrow  areas  shall  be bladed  and  left in such shape  as to permit accurate  measurements after excavation  has  been  completed.  The Contractor shall  not  excavate  beyond   the  dimensions  and elevations established, and  no  material  shall  be  removed prior  to  the  staking  out and  cross-sectioning of the site. The  finished borrow areas shall be approximately true to line  and grade established and specified  and  shall be  finished, as prescribed in Clause  61,  Standard Specifications for Public  Works  and Highways, Volume 1. When  necessary  to  remove fencing,  the fencing  shall be replaced in  at  least as good  condition as it was  originally.  The  Contractor shall  be  responsible for the  confinement of livestock when  a portion of the fence is  removed.

102.2.9   Removal of Unsuitable  Material

Where  the Plans show  the top  portion  of the  roadbed to be selected topping,  all   unsuitable   materials   shall   be   excavated   to   the   depth necessary for replacement of the  selected topping to the  required compacted thickness.

Where   excavation  to   the   finished  graded  section  results  in   a subgrade or slopes of unsuitable soil, the Engineer may require the Contractor to remove  the unsuitable material and  backfill  to the finished graded section  with approved  material. The Contractor shall  conduct his operations in such  a way  that the  Engineer can  take  the  necessary cross-sectional measurements before the backfill  is placed.

The  excavation  of muck shall  be handled in  a manner that will  not permit the entrapment of muck within the backfill.  The.material used  for backfilling up to the ground line or water level, whichever is higher,  shall be  rock  or other suitable granular material  selected from the  roadway excavation, if available. If not available, suitable material shall be obtained from other approved sources. Unsuitable  material  removed shall be disposed off in designated areas shown  on the Plans or approved by the Engineer.

102.3      Method of Measurement

The   cost of excavation  of  material which  is   incorporated   in  the Works or in  other  areas of fill shall  be  deemed to  be  included  in  the Items of Work  where  the  material  is  used.

Measurement of Unsuitable or Surplus Material shall  be the net volume in  its original  position.

For  measurement  purposes,   surplus   suitable  material   shall   be calculated as the  difference between the  net volume of suitable material required to  be  used  in embankment corrected by applying a shrinkage factor or  a  swell  factor in    case     of  rock   excavation,  determined  by laboratory  tests to  get its  original  volume  measurement,  and  the  net volume  of  suitable material from  excavation  in  the   original  position. Separate pay  items  shall  be  provided for surplus common, unclassified and  rock  material.

The  Contractor shall  be  deemed to  have  included  in  the  contract unit prices all  costs of obtaining land  for the  disposal of unsuitable or surplus material.

102.4       Basis of Payment

The  accepted quantities,  measured as  prescribed  in  Section 102.3 shall  be  paid  for at the contract unit price  for each   of  the  Pay  Items listed  below  that is  included  in  the  Bill  of Quantities which  price  and payment  shall   be  full  compensation  for the   removal  and  disposal  of excavated   materials   including all labor, equipment,  tools, and Incidentals  necessary to complete the work prescribed  in this  Item.

Payment will be made  under:

Pay  Item Number Description Unit of Measurement
102 (1) Unsuitable Excavation Cubic Meter
102 (2) Surplus Common Excavation Cubic Meter
103 (3) Surplus Rock Excavation Cubic Meter
102 (4) Surplus Unclassified Excavation Cubic Meter

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