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104.1      Description

This    Item   shall    consist   of   the   construction   of   embankment in accordance with   this   Specification   and   in conformity   with   the   lines, grades    and   dimensions   shown    on   the   Plans   or   established   by the Engineer.

104.2       Material Requirements

Embankments    shall    be    constructed    of    suitable     materials,     in consonance with the following definitions:

  1. Suitable Material - Material which is acceptable in accordance with the Contract and which can be compacted in the manner specified in this Item.    It can be common material or rock.

    Selected   Borrow, for  topping   -  soil  of  such  gradation that all  particles will  pass  a sieve with  75  mm  square   openings and not  more  than   15  mass   percent  will  pass  the  0.075 mm  (No.200)   sieve,   as  determined   by  AASHTO  T  11.     The   material shall  have  a plasticity  index  of  not  more  than  6 as  determined by  AASl4TO  T  90  and   a  liquid  limit of  not  more   than   30  as determined  by AASHTO  T 89.

  2. Unsuitable   Material -   Material   other   than   suitable   materials such as:

    1. Materials containing detrimental quantities of organic materials, such as grass, roots and sewerage.
    2. Organic soils such as peat and muck.
    3. Soils with liquid limit exceeding 80 and/or plasticity index exceeding 55.
    4. Soils with a natural water content exceeding 100%.
    5. Soils with very low natural density, 800 kg/m3 or lower.
    6. Soils that cannot be properly compacted as determined by the Engineer.

104.3       Construction Requirements

104.3.1    General

Prior   to  construction  of  embankment,   all  necessary  clearing  and grubbing  in that  area  shall have  been  performed  in conformity  with  Item 100,  Clearing and  Grubbing. Embankment construction shall consist of constructing roadway embankments,   including   preparation  of  the areas   upon  which   they  are to be placed;  the  construction  of dikes  within   or adjacent to the roadway; the  placing  and  compacting  of  approved  material  within   roadway  areas where unsuitable   material   has   been   removed;   and   the   placing   and compacting    of    embankment material    in    holes,   pits,    and    other depressions  within  the  roadway   area.

Embankments and backfills shall contain no muck, peat, sod, roots or other deleterious matter. Rocks, broken concrete or other solid, bulky materials shall not be placed in embankment areas where  piling is to be placed or driven.

Where   shown   on the  Plans  or directed  by the  Engineer,  the  surface of the  existing  ground   shall   be compacted  to a depth  of  150  mm  and  to the  specified requirements  of this  Item.

Where   provided on the  Plans  and  Bill of Quantities  the  top  portions of  the   roadbed  in  both   cuts   and   embankments,   as   indicated,   shall consist  of selected borrow for topping   from  excavations.

104.3.2  Methods of Construction

Where   there   is evidence  of  discrepancies  on .the  actual   elevations and  that  shown   on  the Plans,  a  preconstruction  survey   referred  to  the datum   plane   used   in  the   approved  Plan  shall be  undertaken  by  the Contractor  under   the  control   of  the  Engineer  to  serve   as  basis  for  the computation  of the  actual  volume   of the  embankment  materials.

When   embankment  is to  be  placed   and  compacted  on  hillsides,  or when     new     embankment is    to    be    compacted    against     existing embankments,   or  when   embankment   is  built  one-half  width   at  a time, the  existing  slopes   that   are  steeper  than   3: 1    when   measured  at  right angles  to  the  roadway  shall   be  continuously  benched  over  those   areas as  the  work   is brought  up  in  layers. Benching  will  be  subject   to  the Engineer's  approval  and  shall  be  of sufficient  width  to  permit   operation of  placement  and   compaction  equipment.  Each  horizontal cut  shall begin  at the  intersection  of the  original   ground   and  the  vertical sides  of the  previous cuts. Material    thus  excavated   shall   be   placed    and compacted  along  with  the  embankment material  in accordance  with  the procedure described  in this  Section.

Unless   shown   otherwise  on the  Plans  or special   Provisions,  where an  embankment  of  less than   1.2  m  below   subgrade  is to  be  made,   all sod   and   vegetable   matter   shall   be  removed from   the   surface    upon which   the  embankment  is to  be  placed,   and  the  cleared   surfaced shall be   completely   broken    up   by   plowing,   scarifying,    or   steeping   to   a  minimum depth of  150  mm  except   as  provided  in  Subsection 102.2.2. This area shall then   be compacted as provided in Subsection 104.3.3. Sod  not required  to  be removed  shall  be thoroughly  disc harrowed  or scarified  before   construction  of  embankment.     Wherever  a compacted road surface containing  granular    materials  lies  within   900   mm  of  the subgrade,  such  old  road  surface shall  be scarified to a depth   of at least 150 mm whenever directed by the Engineer.  This scarified materials shall then be compacted as provided in Subsection 104.3.3.

When shoulder excavation is specified, the roadway shoulders shall be excavated to the depth   and   width shown on the Plans. The shoulder material shall be removed without disturbing the adjacent existing base course material,and  all excess excavated  materials  shall be  disposed  off  as  provided  in  Subsection  102.2.3. If necessary, the areas shall be compacted before being backfilled.

Roadway   embankment    of   earth    material     shall    be    placed     in horizontal   layers   not exceeding  200  mm,   loose  measurement,  and  shall be  compacted  as  specified  before   the  next layer  is  placed.   However, thicker   layer  maybe   placed   if vibratory  roller  with  high compactive effort is  used provided that  density   requirement  is  attained  and  as  approved by  the   Engineer. Trial  section  to this effect must be conducted and approved by the Engineer.  Effective spreading equipment  shall  be  used on each  lift to obtain   uniform thickness  as determined  in the  trial section prior   to  compaction. As the   compaction   of each   layer   progresses, continuous leveling and  manipulating  will  be  required  to  assure   uniform density. Water shall  be added or removed, if necessary, in order to obtain   the required density. Removal of water   shall   be accomplished through aeration by plowing, blading,  discing,  or  other  methods satisfactory to the Engineer.

Where    embankment    is   to   be   constructed   across    low   swampy ground    that   will   not support   the    mass    of   trucks    or   other    hauling equipment,  the   lower   part   of  the  fill  may be  constructed   by  dumping successive   loads   in  a  uniformly  distributed   layer   of  a  thickness  not greater  than necessary to support the hauling  equipment while  placing subsequent layers.

When   excavated  material  contains  more   than  25  mass   percent  of rock  larger  than   150  mm in greatest  diameter  and  cannot   be  placed   in layers    of   the   thickness   prescribed   without crushing, pulverizing or further breaking  down   the   pieces resulting  from   excavation  methods, such  materials  may    be   placed    on   the   embankment    in   layers    not exceeding   in  thickness the approximate   average   size   of  the   larger rocks, but  not greater   than  600  mm.

Even though   the  thickness  of  layers   is  limited   as  provided  above, the   placing   of  individual rocks   and   boulders  greater   than   600   mm   in diameter  will   be   permitted   provided   that when  placed,  they  do  not exceed 1200 mm  in  height   and  provided  they  are  carefully distributed, with  the  interstices filled  with  finer  material to form  a dense  and  compact mass.

Each layer shall   be leveled    and   smoothed with   suitable leveling equipment and   by distribution of spalls   and   finer   fragments   of earth. Lifts of material containing more   than   25 mass   percent of rock larger than  150  mm  in greatest   dimensions  shall  not  be constructed  above   an elevation 300  mm  below   the  finished  subgrade.   The   balance  of  the embankment shall   be  composed   of  suitable  material  smoothed  and placed  in   layers   not   exceeding    200   mm      in   loose   thickness  and compacted  as specified for embankments.

Dumping  and  rolling areas   shall  be  kept  separate,  and  no  lift  shall be covered  by another  until compaction  complies with  the  requirements of Subsection  104.3.3.

Hauling  and  leveling  equipment  shall  be  so  routed and  distributed over   each    layer   of   the   fill   in   such   a   manner   as   to   make  use   of compaction  effort   afforded   thereby  and  to minimize _rutting  and  uneven compaction.

104.3.3  Compaction

Compaction  Trials

Before   commencing  the  formation  of embankments,  the  Contractor shall  submit   in writing   to the  Engineer for  approval  his  proposals for the compaction  of  each  type  of  fill  material  to  be used  in  the  works.  The proposals    shall     include     the     relationship    between    the    types  of compaction  equipment,  the  number of  passes   required and  the  method of adjusting  moisture content.  The  Contractor  shall  carry  out  full  scale compaction  trials  on  areas  not less than 10  m wide  and  50  m  long  as required  by  the  Engineer  and   using his  proposed  procedures  or  such amendments  thereto   as may  be found  necessary to satisfy  the  Engineer that    all   the    specified requirements    regarding   compaction    can    be consistently  achieved.      Compaction  trials   with the   main   types   of  fill material to be used  in the works  shall  be completed  before  work  with the corresponding  materials will  be allowed to commence.

Throughout the periods  when  compaction of  earthwork is in progress, the  Contractor shall  adhere   to  the compaction procedures found  from  compaction  trials  for  each  type  of material being compacted, each   type   of  compaction   equipment   employed   and   each   degree    of compaction specified.


The     Contractor    shall     compact    the     material    placed    in    all embankment  layers   and the material  scarified  to  the  designated  depth below  subgrade  in cut  sections,   until  a uniform density   of  not  less  than 95 mass  percent of the maximum  dry density determined  by AASHTO T 99 Method C, is attained,  at a moisture content   determined  by  Engineer to  be  suitable  for  such density.    Acceptance   of  compaction  may   be based on  adherence  to  an  approved  roller   pattern developed  as  set forth  in Item  106',  Compaction  Equipment and  Density "Control Strips.

The   Engineer   shall   during   progress   of  the   Work,  make  density tests of compacted material in  accordance with AASHTO T  191,  T 205, or  other  approved  field   density  tests,  including  the use   of  properly calibrated nuclear testing  devices.   A correction  for coarse particles  may be made in  accordance  with  AASHTO  T  224.     If,  by  such  tests,  the Engineer determines that the specified density and  moisture conditions have  not  been  attained, the  Contractor  shall  perform additional  work as may  be necessary to attain the  specified conditions.

At  least  one  group  of three  in-situ  density tests  shall  be carried  out for each 500  m2 of each layer of compacted fill.


Density requirements will  not apply to portions of embankments constructed  of  materials  which cannot  be  tested  in  accordance  with approved methods.

Embankment   materials   classified   as   rock    shall    be   deposited, spread and  leveled  the  full width  of the  fill  with sufficient  earth  or other fine   material  so  deposited  to  fill  the   interstices to   produce  a  dense compact embankment.     In addition, one  of the  rollers, vibrators, or compactors  meeting  the  requirements  set forth   in  Subsection  106.2.1, Compaction Equipment, shall  compact the  embankment full  width with a minimum of three-complete  passes for each layer of embankment.

104.3.4   Protection of Roadbed During Construction

      During   the construction   of   the   roadway,   the   roadbed  shall    be maintained  in   such condition  that  it  will   be  well   drained  at  all  times. Side    ditches or   gutters   emptying   from  cuts   to   embankments   or otherwise shall  be so  constructed as to avoid damage  to  embankments by erosion.

104.3.5   Protection of Structure

If embankment  can  be  deposited  on  one-side  only of abutments, wing  walls,   piers or culvert headwalls, care shall  be  taken  that the  area immediately adjacent to the  structure  is  not compacted to the  extent that it will  cause overturning of, or excessive pressure against the  structure. When   noted  on  the  Plans,   the  fill  adjacent  to  the  end  bent  of  a  bridge shall  not  be placed higher than  the  bottom  of the  backfill  of the  bent until the  superstructure  is  in  place. When embankment is to  be  placed on both sides  of  a concrete wall  or box  type  structure,  operations shall  be so conducted that the  embankment is always at approximately the  same elevation  on both sides  of the  structure.

104.3.6   Rounding and  Warping Slopes

Rounding-Except in  solid  rock,  the  tops  and  bottoms of all  slopes, including  the  slopes of drainage  ditches,  shall  be  rounded as  indicated on the  Plans. A  layer  of  earth  overlaying  rock shall  be  rounded above the  rock  as done  in  earth  slopes.

Warping-adjustments  in  slopes  shall   be  made   to  avoid   injury  in standing  trees   or  marring of weathered   rock,   or  to   harmonize  with existing  landscape features,  and  the  transition to  such adjusted slopes shall   be  gradual.      At  intersections  of  cuts  and  ftlls,   slopes  shall   be adjusted and  warped to  flow into each other or into the  natural  ground surfaces without noticeable  break.

104.3.7·  Finishing  Roadbed and  Slopes

After the  roadbed  has  been  substantially  completed, the  full  width shall  be conditioned  by removing any  soft  or other unstable  material  that will  not compact properly or serve  the  intended purpose. The  resulting areas and  all  other low  sections,  holes  or depressions  shall  be  brought to grade  with suitable selected material.    Scarifying,  blading, dragging, rolling,    or  other  methods of  work  shall    be   performed   or  used   as necessary to  provide  a thoroughly  compacted roadbed shaped to  the grades  and   cross-sections  shown  on  the   Plans   or  as  staked  by  the Engineer.

All  earth   slopes  shall  be  left with  roughened  surfaces  but shall  be reasonably  uniform,  without any  noticeable  break,  and   in  reasonably close  conformity with  the  Plans  or other surfaces indicated  on the  Plans or  as   staked  by  the   Engineer,  with  no  variations  therefrom  readily discernible  as viewed from  the  road.

104.3.8   Serrated Slopes

Cut   slopes  in   rippable   material   (soft   rock)   having    slope    ratios between 0.75:1   and  2:1 shall  be constructed so that  the  final  slope  line shall  consist of a  series  of small   horizontal steps. The  step  rise  and tread   dimensions  shall   be  shown  on  the  Plans.  No 'scaling  shall   be performed   on  the   stepped  slopes  except  for  removal 1      of  large   rocks which will  obviously be  a  safety  hazard  if they  fall  into the  ditchline  or roadway.

104.3.9   Earth  Berms

When  called  for  in the  Contract,  permanent earth  berms  shall  be constructed  of well   graded materials  with  no  rocks   having   a  diameter greater than  0.25  the  height  of the  berm.     When   local  material  is  not acceptable, acceptable material shall be imported, as directed by the Engineer.

Compacted Berm

Compacted  berm construction shall  consist of moistening or drying and  placing  material  as necessary  in  locations  shown on  the  drawings or as  established  by  the   Engineer.      Material shall   contain  no  frozen material,  roots,  sod,   or other  deleterious  materials.      Contractor  shall take precaution to prevent material from escaping over the  embankment slope.      Shoulder surface beneath berm will  be  roughened to  provide a bond  between the  berm and  shoulder when completed.   The  Contractor shall  compact the  material  placed until at least 90  mass  percent of the maximum density  is  obtained as  determined by AASHTO T 99,  Method C.    The  cross-section of the  finished compacted  berm shall  reasonably conform to the typical cross-section as shown on the Plans.

Uncompacted  Berm

Uncompacted    berm    construction    shall     consist   of   drying,    if necessary and  placing material  in  locations  shown on  the  Plans   or as established by the  Engineer.    Material shall contain no frozen material, roots,   sod   or  other  deleterious   materials.         Contractor   shall   take precautions  to 'prevent  material  from  escaping  over  the   embankment slope.

104.4 Method of Measurement

The  quantity of embankment to  be  paid for shall  be  the  volume of material compacted in place, accepted by the Engineer and  formed with material  obtained from  any source.

Material    from     excavation    per   Item    102    which   is    used     in embankment   and  accepted  by   the    Engineer  will    be    paid    under Embankment and  such ·payment will  be deemed  to  include the  cost of excavatinq,  hauting,  stockpiling  and   all  other  costs  incidental  to the work.

Material  for Selected Borrow topping will  be  measured  and  paid  for under the  same-conditions specified in  the  preceding  paragraph ..

104.5 Basis  of Payment

The  accepted quantities,  measured as  prescribed in Section  104.4, shall   be  paid    for· at the Contract  unit  price  for each of the  Pay  Items listed below that is included in the  Bill  of Quantities.    The  payment shall continue  full  compensation  for  placing  and   compacting  all materials including   all   labor,   equipment,   tools    and   incidentals   necessary     to complete the work prescribed  in this  Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay  Item Number Description Unit of Measurement
104 (1) Embankment Cubic Meter
104 (2) Selected Borrow for Topping Case 1 Cubic Meter
104 (3) Selected Borrow for Topping Case 2 Cubic Meter
104 (4) Earth Berm Meter

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