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Item 101 - Removal of Structures and Obstructions

101.1       Description

This  item shall consist of the removal wholly or in part, and satisfactory disposal of all buildings, fences, structures, old pavements, abandoned  pipe lines and any other obstructions which are not designated  or permitted  to  remain, except for the  obstructions  to  be removed and  disposed off under other items  in  the Contract. It shall also  include  the  salvaging of  designated  materials,  and backfilling  the resulting trenches, holes  and pits.

101.2       Construction  Requirements

101.2.1    General

The  Contractor shall  perform the work described above   within and adjacent  to the  roadway,  on Government land  or easement,  as shown on  the  Plans or as directed by the Engineer. All designated salvable material shall  be removed, without unnecessary damage, in sections  or pieces which  may  be  readily   transported,  and  shall  be  stored  by  the Contractor at specified places  on the  project or as  otherwise shown  in the   Special  Provisions. Perishable  material  shall be  handled as designated  in  Subsection  100.2.2   Nonperishable  material  may  be disposed  off  outside  the limits  of view  from  the  project  with  written permission  of the  property  owner  on  whose property the  material  is placed. Copies of all agreements with property owners  are  to  be furnished to the Engineer. Basements or cavities left by the structure removal  shall be filled with acceptable material  to. the level  of the surrounding  ground and,  if within  the  prism  of construction, shall be compacted to the required density.

101.2.2   Removal of Existing  Bridges, Culverts,  and other Drainage Structures

All  existing bridges,  culverts and  other drainage structures in  use by  traffic shall   not  be  removed until  satisfactory  arrangements  have been  made  to  accommodate traffic.   The  removal of existing  culverts within embankment  areas will  be  required  only  as  necessary for  the installation of  new  structures.    Abandoned  culverts  shall   be  broken down,   crushed and  sealed   or plugged. All  retrieved  culvert for future use  as determined by the  Engineer shall  be carefully  removed and all precautions shall  be employed to .avold  breakage or structural damage to  any of its  part.  All sections of structures removed which are not designated for stockpiling or re-laying shall  become the property of the Government  and  be  removed from  the  project or disposed  of in a manner approved by the  Engineer.

Unless otherwise directed, the substructures of existing structures shall  be  removed down   to  the natural stream bottom  and  those  parts outside of the stream shall  be removed down  to at least 300 mm  below natural ground surface.  Where such portions of existing structures lie wholly or in  part within  the  limits  for a  new structure,  they shall be removed as necessary to accommodate   the   construction  of  the proposed structure.

Steel  bridges  and  wood   bridges  when   specified  to  be  salvaged shall   be  carefully  dismantled without  damaged. Steel members shall be match  marked unless such match marking is waived by the Engineer.  All salvaged material shall be stored as specified in Subsection 101.2.1.

Structures designated  to become  the property of the Contractor shall  be removed from  the right-of-way.

Blasting or other operations necessary for the removal of  an existing structure or obstruction, which may damage new  construction, shall be completed prior to placing the new, work, unless otherwise provided in the Special Provisions.

101.2.3   Removal of Pipes Other than Pipe Culverts"

Unless  otherwise provided, all pipes shall  be carefully removed and every precaution taken to avoid  breakage or damaged. Pipes to be relaid  shall  be removed and stored when  necessary so that there will be no loss of damage. before  re-laying. The Contractor shall replace sections lost  from  storage  or  damage by  negligence, at  his own expense.

101.2.4   Removal of Existing  Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, etc.

All concrete pavement, base  course, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, etc., designated for removal, shall  be:
  1. Broken  into pieces  and used  for riprap on the  project,  or
  2. Broken  into  pieces,  the  size  of which shall  not exceed  300 mm   in  any dimension and stockpiled at designated locations on the project for use by the Government,  or
  3. Otherwise  demolished  and  disposed off as  directed by  the Engineer.  When  specified, ballast,  gravel,  bituminous materials or other surfacing or pavement materials shall  be removed and  stockpiled as  required in  Subsection  101.2.1, otherwise such  materials shall be disposed off as directed.
There will  be no separate payment for excavating for the  removal of structures  and   obstructions,  or for backfilling  and compacting the remaining cavity.

101.3        Method of Measurement

When  the Contract stipulates that payment will be made for removal of obstructions on lump-sum basis,  the  pay item  will include  all structures and  obstructions encountered within the  roadway. Where the  contract stipulates  that payment will  be  made   for the   removal  of specific  items on  a unit basis,   measurement will  be  made   by  the  unit stipulated  in the  Contract.

Whenever the  Bill  of Quantities  does  not contain  an  item  for any aforementioned  removals, the work will  not  be  paid  for directly,  but will be  considered as  a subsidiary obligation  of the Contractor under other Contract Items.

101.4      Basis of Payment

The  accepted quantities, measured as  prescribed in Section 101.3, shall be paid  for at the  Contract unit price or lump sum  price  bid for each of the   Pay  Items  listed  below that is  included  in  the Bill  of Quantities which price  and   payment shall   be  full compensation for removing  and disposing of obstructions,  including  materials,  labor,  equipments, tools and  incidentals  necessary to  complete the  work prescribed  in  this Item. The  price  shall  also  include  backfilling, salvaging of materials  removed, their custody, preservation, storage on  the  right-of-way and  disposal as provided herein.

Payment will  be made  under:

Pay  Item Number Description Unit of Measurement
101 (1) Removal of Structures and Obstruction Lump Sum
101 (2) Removal of actual structures/obstruction Each
101 (3) Removal of actual structures/obstruction Square Meter
101 (4) Removal of actual structures/obstruction Linear Meter

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