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502.1 Description
This item shall consist of the construction, reconstruction or adjustment of manholes, inlets and catch basins in accordance with this Specification and in reasonably close conformity with the lines and grades shown on the Plans or as established by the Engineer.

502.2 Material Requirements
Concrete for these structures shall meet the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete. Other materials shall meet the following specifications:

Corrugated Metal Units – The units shall conform to Plan dimensions and the metal to AASHTO M 36. Bituminous coating, when specified, shall conform to ASTM D1187, Asphalt-base Emulsion for use as Protective Coating for Metal.

Sewer and manhole brick (Made from clay or shale)  AASHTO M 91

Building brick (Solid masonry units made from clay or shale) AASHTO M 114

Joint Mortar - Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans, joints mortar shall be composed of one part Portland Cement and two parts fine aggregate by volume to which hydrated lime has been added in an amount equal to 10 percent of the cement by weight. All materials for mortar shall meet the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete.

Frames, Gratings, Covers and Ladder Rungs – Metal units shall conform to the plan dimensions and to the following specification requirements for the designated materials.

Metal gratings and covers which are to rest on frames shall bear on them evenly. They shall be assembled before shipment and so marked that the same pieces may be reassembled readily in the same position when installed. Inaccuracy of bearings shall be corrected by machining, if necessary. A frame and a grating or cover to be used with it shall constitute one pair.

All castings shall be uniformly coated with asphalt-based emulsion meeting the requirements of ASTM D 1187, Asphalt-base Emulsion for use as Protective Coating for Metal.

Samples of the material in casting shall be taken during the casting of the
units and shall be separate casting poured from the same material as the casting theyrepresent.

Gray iron casting AASHTO M 105

Mild to medium-strength carbon steel castings for general application AASHTO M 103

Structural steel AASHTO M 183

Galvanizing, where specified for these units shall conform to the requirements of, AASHTO M 111

Reinforcing Steel AASHTO M 31

Pre-cast Concrete Units – These units shall be cast in substantial permanent steel forms. Structural concrete used shall attain a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 20.682 MPa. The pre-cast units shall be cured in accordance with AASHTO M 171. Water absorption of individual cores taken from such units shall not exceed 7 percent. Additional reinforcement shall be provided as necessary to provide for handling of the pre-cast units.

A sufficient number of cylinders shall be cast from the concrete for each unit permit compression tests at 7, 14 and 28 days, and to allow for at least 3 cylinders for each test. If the strength requirement is met at 7 or 14 days, the units shall be certified for use 14 days from the date of casting. If the strength is not met at 28 days, all units made from that batch or load will be rejected.

Cracks in units, honeycombed or patched areas in excess of 2,000 square millimeters, excessive water absorption and failure to meet strength requirements shall be the causes for rejection. Pre-cast reinforced concrete manhole risers and tops shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 199.The plants will be inspected periodically for compliance with specified manufacturing methods, and material samples will be obtained for laboratory testing for compliance with material quality requirements. This may be the basis for acceptance of manufacturing lots as the quality.

All materials shall be subjected to inspection for acceptance as to condition at the latest practicable time the Engineer has the opportunity to check for compliance prior to or during incorporation of materials into the work.

502.3 Construction Requirements
Concrete construction shall conform to the requirements for Item 405, Structural Concrete.
Metal frames shall be set in full mortar bed. Pipe sections shall be flushed on the inside of the structure wall and projected outside sufficiently for proper connection with next pipe section. Masonry shall fit neatly and tightly around the pipe.

When grade adjustment or existing structures is specified, the frames, covers and gratings shall be removed and the walls reconstructed as required. The cleaned frames shall be reset at the required elevation. Upon completion, each structure shall be cleaned of any accumulation of silt, debris, or foreign matter of any kind and shall be kept clear of such accumulation until final acceptance of the work.

Excavation and backfill shall be done in accordance with Item 103, Structure Excavation.

502.4 Method of Measurement
Standard manholes, inlets and catch basins, both new and reconstructed as applicable, will be measured by the unit. Any additional concrete, reinforcing steel, or masonry required for authorized increases in heights of structures paid of under this Item and in excess of the standard height shown on the Plans will be measured and paid for under Item 405, Structural Concrete and Item 404, Reinforcing Steel, as applicable. Structures noted on the Plans as “junction boxes” will be measured for payment as manholes.

The number of concrete covers, pairs of metal frames and gratings, and pairs of metal frames and covers will be measured as acceptably completed.

The number of existing manholes, inlets and catch basins adjusted as directed will be measured as acceptably completed.

502.5 Basis of Payment
The accepted quantities, determined as provided in Section 502.4, Method of Measurement of the Pay Items in the Bill of Quantities will be paid for at the contract unit prices, which shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Excavation and backfill will be measured and paid for as provided in Item 103, Structure Excavation.
Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
502 (1)
502 (2)
502 (3)
502 (4)
502 (5)
502 (6)
502 (7)
502 (8)
Inlets, type
Catch basins
Concrete covers
Metal frames and gratings, type
Metal frames and covers Adjusting manholes
Adjusting catch basin

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