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508.1 Description
This Item shall consist of hand-laid rock embankment, as designated in the Bid Schedule, constructed in accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the lines and grades shown on the Plans or established by the Engineer.

508.2 Material Requirements
Stones shall be sound and durable and furnished in a well-balanced ranged of sizes meeting the requirements herein.

Unless otherwise provided by the Plans or Special provisions, all stones shall be more than 0.015 cubic meter in volume and not less than 75 percent of the total volume of rock embankment and shall consist of stones 0.03 cubic meter in volume. Stones obtained from excavation performed under this contract may be used. Adobe stone shall not be used, unless otherwise specified.

508.3 Construction Requirements
Sufficient excavation shall be made to expose a foundation bed that is satisfactory to the Engineer. The stones shall be founded on this bed and laid to the lines and dimensions required.

Stones shall be laid flat and securely placed with broken joint lines. The larger stones shall generally be located in the lower part of the structure and voids shall be eliminated to the extent possible. Spalls smaller than the minimum stone size specified in Section 506.2, Material Requirements, shall be used to check the larger stones solidly in position and to substantially fill voids between the major stones as laid in the embankment. The exposed face of the rock mass shall be reasonably uniform, with no projections of more than 150 mm, beyond the neat lines shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Backfill adjacent to the hand-laid rock embankment shall be filled entirely with acceptable material coming from excavation items and compacted.

508.4 Method of Measurement
The quantity to be paid for will be the number of cubic meter of hand-laid rock embankment measured in place, completed and accepted.

508.5 Basis of Payment
The quantity determined, as provided in Section 508.4, Method of Measurement, will be paid for at the contract price per cubic meter for Hand-Laid Rock Embankment, which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing, selecting, and transporting stones, for placing stones by hand, for backfilling, and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item including foundation excavation.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
Hand-Laid Rock Embankment
Cubic Meter

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