403.1 Description
This work shall consist of steel structures and the steel structure
portions of composite structures, constructed in reasonably close
conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Plans or
established by the Engineer.
The work will include the furnishing, fabricating, hauling, erecting,
welding and painting of structural metals called for in the Special
Provision or shown on the Plans. Structural metals will include structural
steel, rivet, welding, special and alloy steels, steel forgings and
castings and iron castings. This work will also include any incidental
metal construction not otherwise provided for, all in accordance with these
Specifications, Plans and Special Provisions.
403.2 Material Requirements
Materials shall meet the requirements of Item 712, Structural Metal; Item
409, Welded Structural Steel, and Item 709, Paints.
403.3 Construction Requirements
403.3.1 Inspection
The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least fifteen (15) days notice
prior to the beginning of work at the mill or shop, so that the required
inspection may be made. The term “mill” means any rolling mill, shop or
foundry where material forth work is to be manufactured or fabricated. No
material shall be rolled or fabricated until said inspection has been
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with copies of the certified mill
reports of the structural steel, preferably before but not later than the
delivery of the steel to the job site.
The Contractor shall furnish all facilities for inspection and the Engineer
shall be allowed free access to the mill or shop and premises at all times.
The Contractor shall furnish, without charge, all labor, machinery,
material and tools necessary to prepare test specimens.
Inspection at the mill or shop is intended as a means of facilitating the
work and avoiding errors and it is expressly understood that it will not
relieve the Contractor from any responsibility for imperfect material or
workmanship and the necessity for replacing same. The acceptance of any
material or finished member at the mill or shop by the Engineer shall not
preclude their subsequent rejection if found defective before final
acceptance of the work. Inspection of welding will be in accordance with
the provision of Section 5 of the “Standard Code for Arc and Gas Welding in
Building Construction” of the American Welding Society.
403.3.2 Stock Material Control
When so specified in the Contract, stock material shall be segregated into
classes designated as “identified” or “unidentified”. Identified material
is material which can be positively identified as having been rolled from a
given heat for which certified mill test can be produced. Unidentified
material shall include all other general stock materials. When it is
proposed to use unidentified material, the Engineer shall be notified of
such intention at least fifteen (15) days in advance of commencing
fabrication to permit sampling and testing. When so indicated or directed,
the Contractor shall select such material as he wishes to use from stock,
and place it in such position that it will be accessible for inspection and
sampling. The Contractor shall select identified material from as few heat
numbers as possible, and furnish the certified mill test reports on each of
such heat numbers. Two samples shall be taken from each heat number as
directed, one for a tension test and one for a bend test.
In the case of unidentified stock, the Engineer may, at his discretion,
select any number of random test specimens.
Each bin from which rivets or bolts are taken shall subject to random test.
Five rivets or bolts may be selected by the Engineer from each bin for test
Structural material, either plain or fabricated, shall be stored above the
ground upon platforms, skids, or other supports. It shall be kept free from
dirt, grease, or other foreign matter, and shall be protected as far as
practicable from corrosion.
403.3.3 Fabrication
These Specifications apply to riveted, bolted and welded construction. The
Contractor may, however, with approval of the Engineer, substitute high
tensile strength steel bolts equivalent to the rivets in any connection.
Workmanship and finish shall be in accordance with the best general
practice in modern bridge shops. Portions of the work exposed to view shall
be finished neatly. Shearing, flame cutting, and chipping shall be done
carefully and accurately.
Structural material, either plain or fabricated, shall be stored above
theground upon platforms, skids or other supports. It shall be kept free
from dirt,grease or other foreign matter, and shall be protected as far as
practicable fromcorrosion.
Rolled material before being laid off or worked must be straight. If
straightening is necessary, it shall be done by methods that will not
injure the metal. Sharp kinks and bends will be cause for rejection of the
Preparation of material shall be in accordance with AWS (American Welding
Society) D 1.1, paragraph 3.2 as modified by AASHTO Standard Specification
for Welding of Structural Steel Highway Bridges.
403.3.4 Finishing and Shaping
Finished members shall be true to line and free from twists, bends and open
1. Edge Planing
Sheared edges of plates more than 15.9 mm in thickness and carrying
calculated stresses shall be planed to a depth of 6.3 mm. Re-entrant cuts
shall be filleted before cutting.
2. Facing of Bearing Surfaces
The surface finish of bearing and based plates and other bearing surfaces
that are to come in contact with each other or with concrete shall meet the
American National Standards Institute surface roughness requirements as
defined in ANSI B-46.1-47, Surface Roughness Waviness and Lay, Part I:
Steel slabs
Heavy plates in contact in shoes to be welded Milled ends of compression members, stiffeners and fillers |
ANSI 2,000
ANSI 1,000 ANSI 500 |
Bridge rollers and rockers
Pins and pin holes Sliding bearing |
ANSI 250
ANSI 125 ANSI 125 |
3. Abutting Joints
Abutting joints in compression members and girders flanges, and in tension
members where so specified on the drawings, shall be faced and brought to
an even bearing. Where joints are not faced, the opening shall not exceed
6.3 mm.
4. End Connection Angles
Floor beams, stringers and girders having end connection angles shall be
built to plan length back to back of connection angles with a permissible
tolerance of 0 mm to minus 1.6 mm. If end connections are faced, the
finished thickness of the angles shall not be less than that shown on the
detail drawings, but in no case less than 9.5 mm.
5. Lacing Bars
The ends of lacing bars shall be neatly rounded unless another form is
6. Fabrication of Members
Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, steel plates for main members and
splice plates for flanges and main tension members, not secondary members,
shall be cut and fabricated so that the primary direction of rolling is
parallel to the direction of the main tensile and/or compressive stresses.
Fabricated members shall be true to line and free from twists, bends and
open joints.
7. Web Plates (Riveted or Bolted)
In girders having no cover plates and not to be encased in concrete, the
top edges of the web shall not extend above the backs of the flange angles
and shall not be more than 3.2 mm below at any point. Any portion of the
plate projection beyond the angles shall be chipped flush with the backs of
the angles. Web plates of girders having cover plates may not be more than
12.7 mm less in width than the distance back to back of flange angles.
Splices in webs of girders without cover plates shall be sealed on top with
red lead paste prior to painting.
At web splices, the clearance between the ends of the plates shall not
exceed 9.5 mm. The clearance at the top and bottom ends of the web slice
plates shall not exceed 6.3 mm.
8. Bent Plates
Cold-bent load-carrying rolled-steel plates shall conform to the following:
a. They shall be so taken from the stock plates that the bendline will be
at right angles to the direction of rolling, except that cold-bent ribs for
orthotropic deck bridges may be bent in the direction of rolling if
permitted by the Engineer.
b. The radius of bends shall be such that no cracking of the plate occurs.
Minimum bend radii, measured to the concave face of the metal, are shown in
the following table:
Up to 6.3 | Over 6.3 to 12.7 | Over 12.7 to 25.4 | Over 25.4 to 38.1 | Over 38.1 to 50.08 | ||
A 36
A 242
A 440
A 441
A 529
A 572
A 588
A 514b
It is recommended that steel in this thickness range be bent hot. Hot
bending however, may result in a slight decrease in the as-rolled
mechanical properties.
The mechanical properties of ASTM A 514 steel results from a
quench-and-temper-operation. Hot bending may adversely affect these
mechanical properties. If necessary to hot bend, fabricator should discuss
procedure with steel supplier.
c. Before bending, the corners of the plate be rounded to a radius of1.6 mm
throughout that portion of the plate where the bending is to occur.
9. Fit of Stiffeners
End stiffeners of girders and stiffeners intended as supports for
concentrated loads shall have full bearing (either milled, ground or on
weldable steel in compression areas of flanges, welded as shown on the
Plans or specified) on the flanges to which they transmit load or from
which they receive load. Stiffeners not intended to support concentrated
loads shall, unless shown or specified otherwise, fit sufficiently tight to
exclude water after being painted, except that for welded flexural members,
the ends of stiffeners adjacent to the tension flanges shall be cut back as
shown on the Plans. Filler sunder stiffeners shall fit within 6.3 mm at
each end.
Welding will be permitted in lieu of milling or grinding if noted on the
Plans or in the Special Provisions. Brackets, clips, gussets, stiffeners,
and other detail material shall not be welded to members or parts subjected
to tensile stress unless approved by the Engineer.
10. Eyebars
Pin holes may be flame cut at least 50.8 mm smaller in diameter than the
finished pin diameter. All eyebars that are to be placed side by side in
the structure shall be securely fastened together in the order that they
will be placed on the pin and bored at both ends while so clamped. Eyebars
shall be packed and matchmarked for shipment and erection. All identifying
marks shall be stamped with steel stencils on the edge of one head of each
member after fabrication is completed so as to be visible when the bars are
nested in place on the structure. The eye bars shall be straight and free
from twists and the pin holes shall be accurately located on the centerline
of the bar. The inclination of any bar to the plane of the truss shall not
exceed 1.6 mm to 305 mm.
The edges of eye bars that lie between the transverse centerline of their
pin holes shall be cut simultaneously with two mechanically operated
torches abreast of each other, guided by a substantial template, in such a
manner as to prevent distortion of the plates.
11. Annealing and Stress Relieving
Structural members which are indicated in the Contract to be annealed or
normalized shall have finished machining, boring and straightening done
subsequent to heat treatment. Normalizing and annealing (full annealing)
shall be in accordance with ASTM E 44.The temperatures shall be maintained
uniformly throughout the furnace during heating and cooling so that the
temperature at no two points on the member will differ by more than 37.8 0C at any one time.
Members of A 514/A 517 steels shall not be annealed or normalized and shall
be stress relieved only with the approval of the Engineer.
A record of each furnace charge shall identify the pieces in the charge and
show the temperatures and schedule actually used. Proper instruments
including recording pyrometers, shall be provided for determining at any
time the temperatures of members in the furnace. The records of the
treatment operation shall be available to and meet the approval of the
Members, such as bridge shoes, pedestals, or others which are built up by
welding sections of plate together shall be stress relieved in accordance
with the provisions of Subsection 403.3.11 when required by the Plans,
Specifications or Special Provisions governing the Contract.
12. Tests
When full size tests of fabricated structural members or eyebars are
required by the Contract, the Plans or Specifications will state the number
and nature of the tests, the results to be attained and the measurements of
strength, deformation or other performances that are to be made. The
Contractor will provide suitable facilities, material, supervision and
labor necessary for making and recording the tests. The members tested in
accordance with the Contract will be paid for in accordance with Subsection
403.3.5.1. The cost of testing, including equipment handling, supervision
labor and incidentals for making the test shall be included in the contract
price for the fabrication or fabrication and erection of structural steel,
whichever is the applicable item in the Contract, unless otherwise
403.3.5 Pins and Rollers
Pins and rollers shall be accurately turned to the dimensions shown on the
Plans and shall be straight, smooth, and free from flaws. Pins and rollers
more 228.6 mm or less in diameter may either be forged and annealed. Pins
and rollers 228.6 mm or less in diameter may either be forged and annealed
or cold-finished carbon-steel shafting.
In pins larger than 228.6 mm in diameter, a hole not less than 50.8 mm in
diameter shall be bored full length along the axis after the forging has
been allowed to cool to a temperature below the critical range under
suitable conditions to prevent injury by too rapid cooling and before being
Pin holes shall be bored true to the specified diameter, smooth and
straight, at right angles with the axis of the member and parallel with
each other unless otherwise specified. The final surface shall be produced
by a finishing cut.
The distance outside to outside of holes in tension members and inside to
inside of holes in compression members shall not vary from that specified
more than 0.8 mm. Boring of holes in built-up members shall be done after
the riveting is completed.
The diameter of the pin hole shall not exceed that of the pin by more
than0.51 mm for pins 127 mm or less in diameter, or 0.8 mm for larger pins.
The pilot and two driving nuts for each size of pin shall be furnished,
unless otherwise specified.
403.3.6 Fastener Holes (Rivets and Bolts)
All holes for rivets or bolts shall be either punched or drilled. Material
forming parts or a member composed of not more than five thickness of metal
may be punched 1.6 mm larger than the nominal diameter of the rivets or
bolts whenever the thickness of the material is not greater than 19 mm for
structural steel, 15.9 mm for high-strength steel or 12.7 mm for quenched
and tempered alloy steel, unless sub punching and reaming is required for
field connections.
When there are more than five thicknesses or when any of the main material
is thicker than 19 mm for structural steel, 15.9 mm for high-strength
steel, or 12.7 mm for quenched and tempered alloy steel, all holes shall
either be subdrilled or drilled full size.
When required for field connections, all holes shall either be subpunched
or subdrilled (subdrilled if thickness limitation governs) 4.8 mm smaller
and, after assembling, reamed 1.6 mm larger or drilled full size 1.6 mm
larger than the nominal diameter of the rivets or bolts.
When permitted by design criteria, enlarged or slotted holes are allowed
with high-strength bolts. For punched holes, the diameter of the die shall
not exceed the diameter of the punch by more than 1.6 mm. If any holes must
be enlarged to admit the fasteners, they shall be reamed. Holes shall be
clean cut, without torn or ragged edges. Poor matching of holes will be
cause for rejection.
Reamed holes shall be cylindrical, perpendicular to the member, and not
more than 1.6 mm larger than the nominal diameter of the fasteners. Where
practicable, reamers shall be directed by mechanical means. Drilled holes
shall be 1.6 mm larger than the nominal diameter of the fasteners. Burrs on
the outside surfaces shall be removed. Poor matching of holes will be cause
for rejection. Reaming and drilling shall be done with twist drills. If
required by the Engineer, assembled parts shall be taken apart for removal
of burrs caused by drilling. Connecting parts requiring reamed or drilled
holes shall be assembled and securely held while being reamed or drilled
and shall be match marked before disassembling.
Unless otherwise specified, holes for all field connections and field
splices of main truss or arch members, continuous beams, towers (each
face), bents, plate girders and rigid frames shall be subpunched (or
subdrilled if subdrilling is required) and subsequently reamed while
assembled in the shop in accordance with Subsection 403.3.7.
All holes for floor-beam and stringer field end connections shall be
subpunched and reamed to a steel template reamed while being assembled.
Reaming or drilling full size of field connection through templates shall
be done after templates have been located with the utmost care as to
position and angle and firmly bolted in place. Templates used for the
reaming of matching members, or of the opposite faces of one member, shall
be exact duplicated. Templates for connections which duplicate shall be so
accurately located that like members are duplicates and require no
If additional subpunching and reaming is required, it will be specified in
the Special Provisions or on the Plans.
Alternately, for any field connection or splice designated above in lieu of
sub-sized holes and reaming while assembled, or drilling holes full-size
while assembled, the Contractor shall have the option to drill bolt holes
full-size in unassembled pieces and/or connections including templates for
use with matching sub-sized and reamed holes means of suitable
numerically-controlled (N/C) drilling equipment subject to the specific
provisions contained in this Subsection.
If N/C drilling equipment is used, the Engineer, unless otherwise stated in
the Special Provisions or on the Plans, may require the Contractor, by
means if check assemblies to demonstrate that this drilling procedure
consistently produces holes and connections meeting the requirements of
conventional procedures.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a detailed outline
of the procedures that he proposes to follow in accomplishing the work from
initial drilling through check assembly, if required, to include the
specific members of the structure that may be N/C drilled, the sizes of the
holes, the location of common index and other reference points, composition
of check assemblies and all other pertinent information.
Holes drilled by N/C drilling equipment shall be drilled to appropriate
size either through individual pieces, or any combination of pieces held
tightly together.
All holes punched full size, subpunched or subdrilled shall be so
accurately punched that after assembling (before any reaming is done), a
cylindrical pin 3.2 mm smaller in diameter than the nominal size of the
punched hole may be entered perpendicular to the face of the member,
without drifting, in at least 75 percent of the contiguous holes in the
same plane. If the requirement is not fulfilled, the badly punched pieces
will be rejected. If any hole will not pass a pin 4.8 mm smaller in
diameter than the nominal size of the punched holes, this will cause for
When holes are reamed or drilled, 85 percent of the holes in any continuous
group shall, after reaming or drilling, show no offset greater than 0.8mm
between adjacent thickness of metal.
All steel templates shall have hardened steel bushings in holes accurately
dimensioned from the center lines if the connections as inscribed on the
template. The center lines shall be used in locating accurately the
template from the milled or scribed ends of the members.
403.3.7 Shop Assembly
1. Fitting for Riveting and Bolting
Surfaces of metal in contact shall be cleaned before assembling. The parts
of a member shall be assembled, well pinned and firmly drawn together with
bolts before reaming or riveting is commenced. Assembled pieces shall be
taken apart, if necessary, for the removal of burrs and shavings produced
by the reaming operation. The member shall be free from twists, bends and
other deformation. Preparatory to the shop riveting of full-sized punched
material, the rivet holes, if necessary, shall be spear-reamed for the
admission of the rivets. The reamed holes shall not be more than 1.6 mm
larger than the nominal diameter of the rivets.
End connection angles, and similar parts shall be carefully adjusted to
correct positions and bolted, clamped, or otherwise firmly in place until
Parts not completely riveted in the shop shall be secured by bolts, in so
far as practicable, to prevent damage in shipment and handling.
2. Shop Assembling
The field connections of main members of trusses, arches, continuous beam
spans, bents, towers (each face), plate girders and rigid frames shall be
assembled in the shop with milled ends of compression members in full
bearing, and then shall have their sub-size holes reamed to specified size
while the connections are assembled. Assembly shall be “Full Truss or
Girders Assembly” unless “Progressive Chord Assembly” or “Special Complete
Structure Assembly” is specified in the Special Provisions or on the Plans.
Check assemblies with Numerically-Controlled Drilled Fields Connections
shall be in accordance with the provision of 2 (f) of this Subsection.
Each assembly, including camber, alignment, accuracy of holes and fit of
milled joints, shall be approved by the Engineer before reaming is
commenced or before an N/C drilled check assembly is dismantled.
The fabricator shall furnished the Engineer a camber diagram showing the
camber at each panel point in the cases of trusses or arch ribs and at the
location of field splices and fractions of span length (0.25 points
minimum, 0.10 points maximum) in case of continuous beam and girders or
rigid frames. When the shop assembly is Full Truss or Girder Assembly or
Special Complete Structure Assembly, the camber diagram shall show the
camber measured in assembly. When any of the other methods of shop assembly
is used, the camber diagram shall show calculated camber.
Methods of assembly shall be described below:
a. Full of Truss or Girders Assembly shall consist of assembling all
members of each truss, arch rib, bent, tower face, continuous beam line,
plate girder or rigid frame at one time.
b. Progressive Truss or Girder Assembly shall consist of assembling
initially for each truss, arch rib, bent, tower face, continuous beam line,
plate girder, or rigid frame all members in at least three continuous shop
sections or panels but not less than the number of panels associated with
three continuous chord lengths (i.e., length between field splices) and not
less than 45.72 m in case of structures longer than 45.72 m. At least one
shop section or panel or as many panels as are associated with a chord
length shall be added at the advancing end of the assembly before any
member is removed from the rearward end so that the assembled portion of
the structure is never less than that specified above.
c. Full Chord Assembly shall consist of assembling with geometric angles at
the joints, the full length of each chord or each truss or open spandrel
arch, or each leg of each bent or tower, than reaming their field
connection holes while the members are assembled; and reaming the web
member connections to steel templates set at geometric (not cambered)
angular relation to the chord lines. Field connection holes in web members
shall be reamed to steel templates. At least one end of each web member
shall be milled or shall be scribed normal to the longitudinal axis of the
member and the templates of both ends of the member shall be accurately
located from one of the milled ends or scribed line.
d. Progressive Chord Assembly shall consist of assembling contiguous chord
members in the manner specified for Full Chord Assembly, and in the number
and length specified for Progressive Truss or Girder Assembly.
e. Special Complete Structure Assembly shall consist of assembling the
entire structure, including the floor system. (This procedure is ordinarily
needed only for complicated structures such as those having curbed girders,
or extreme skew in combination with severe grade or camber). The assembly
including camber, alignment, accuracy of holes and fit of milled joints
shall be approved by the Engineer before reaming is commenced.
A Contractor shall furnished the Engineer a camber diagram showing the
camber at each panel point of each truss, arch rib, continuous beam line,
plate girder or rigid frame. When shop assembly is Full Truss or Girder
Assembly or Special Complete Structure Assembly, the camber diagram shall
show the camber measured in assembly. When any of the other methods of shop
assembly is used, the camber diagram shall show calculated camber.
f. Check Assemblies with Numerically-Controlled Drilled Field Connections.
A check assembly shall be required for each major structural type of each
project, unless otherwise designated on the Plans or in the Special
Provisions, and shall consist of at least three contiguous shop sections
or, in a truss, all members in at least three contiguous panels but not
less than the number of panels associated with three contiguous chord
lengths (i.e., length between field splices).Check assemblies should be
based on the proposed order erection, joints in bearings, special complex
points, and similar considerations. Such special points could be the
portals of skewed trusses, etc.
Use of either geometric angles (giving theoretically zero secondary
stresses under deadload conditions after erection) or cambered angles
(giving theoretically zero secondary stresses under no-load
conditions)should be designated on the Plans or in the Special Provisions.
The check assemblies shall be preferably be the first such sections of each
major structural type to be fabricated.
No matchmaking and no shop assemblies other than the check assemblies shall
be required.
If the check assembly fails in some specific manner to demonstrate that the
required accuracy is being obtained, further check assemblies may be
required by the Engineer for which there shall be no additional cost to the
contracting authority.
403.3.8 Rivets and Riveting
The size of rivets called for on the Plans shall be the size before
heating. Rivet heads shall be of standard shape, unless otherwise
specified, and of uniform size for the same diameter of rivet. They shall
be full, neatly made, concentric with the rivets holes, and in full contact
with the surface of the member. Sufficient rivets for field connections
shall be furnished to rivet the entire structure with an ample surplus to
replace all rivets burned, lost or cut out.
Rivets shall be heated uniformly to a “light cherry red color” and shall be
driven while hot. Any rivet whose point is heated more than the remainder
shall not be driven. When a rivet is ready for driving, it shall be free
from slag, scale and other adhering matter. Any rivet which is sealed
excessively, will be rejected.
All rivets that are loose, burned, badly formed, or otherwise defective
shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory rivets. Any rivet whose
head is defective in size or whose head is driven off center will be
considered defective and shall be removed. Stitch rivets that are loosened
by driving of adjacent rivets shall be removed and replaced with
satisfactory rivets. Caulking, recapping, or double gunning of rivets heads
will not be permitted.
Shop rivets shall be driven by direct-acting rivet machines when
practicable. Approved bevelled rivet sets shall be used for forming rivet
heads on sloping surfaces. When the use of a direct-acting rivet machine is
not practicable, pneumatic hammers of approved size shall be used.
Pneumatic bucking tools will be required when the size and length of the
rivets warrant their use.
Rivets may be driven cold provided their diameter is not over 9.5 mm.
403.3.9 Bolted Connections, Unfurnished, Turned and Ribbed Bolts
1. General
Bolts under this Subsection shall conform to “Specifications for Carbon
Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners”, ASTM A 307.
Specifications for high strength bolts are covered under Subsection
Bolts shall be unfinished, turned or an approved form of ribbed bolts with
hexagonal nuts and heads except that ribbed bolts shall have button heads.
Bolted connections shall be used only as indicated by the Plans or Special
Provisions. Bolts not tightened to the proof loads shall have single self
locking nuts or double nuts. Bevel washers shall be used where bearing
faces have a slope or more than 1:20 with respect to a plane normal to the
bolt axis. Bolts shall be of such length that will extend entirely through
their nuts but not more than 6.3 mm beyond them.
Bolts shall be driven accurately into the holes without damage to the
threads. A snap shall be used to prevent damage to the heads. The heads and
nuts shall be drawn tight against the work with the full effort of a man
using a suitable wrench, not less than 381 mm long for bolts of nominal
diameter 19 mm and over. Heads of bolts shall be tapped with a hammer while
the nuts are being tightened.
2. Unfinished Bolts
Unfinished bolts shall be furnished unless other types are specified. The
number of bolts furnished shall be 5 percent more than the actual number
shown on the Plans for each size and length.
3. Turned Bolts
The surface of the body of turned bolts shall meet the ANSI roughness
rating value of 125. Heads and nuts shall be hexagonal with standard
dimensions for bolts of the nominal size specified or the next larger
nominal size. Diameter of threads shall be equal to the body of the bolt or
the nominal diameter of the bolt specified. Holes for turned bolts shall be
carefully reamed with bolts furnished to provide for a light driving fit.
Threads shall be entirely outside of the holes. A washer shall be provided
under the nut.
4. Ribbed Bolts
The body of ribbed shall be of an approved form with continuous
longitudinal ribs. The diameter of the body measured on a circle through
the points of the ribs shall be 1.98 mm greater than the nominal diameter
specified for the bolts.
Ribbed bolts shall be furnished with round heads conforming to ANSI B 18.5
unless otherwise specified. Nuts shall be hexagonal, either recessed or
with a washer of suitable thickness. Ribbed bolts shall make a driving fit
with the holes. The hardness of the ribs shall be such that the ribs do not
mash down enough to permit the bolts to turn in the holes during
tightening. If for any reason the bolt twists before drawing tight, the
holes shall be carefully reamed and an oversized bolt used as a
replacement. The Contractor shall provide and supply himself with oversize
bolts and nuts for this replacement in an amount not less than ten percent
(10%) of the number of ribbed bolts specified.
403.3.10 Bolted Connections (High Tensile-Strength Bolts)
1. Bolts
Bolts shall be AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325 or AASHTO M253) tensioned to a high
tension. Other fasteners which meet the chemical requirements of AASHTO M
164 or M 253 and which meet the mechanical requirements of the same
specification in full size tests and which have body diameter and bearing
areas under the head and nut, or their equivalents, not less than those
provided by a bolt and nut of the same nominal dimensions prescribed above,
may be used subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Bolts lengths shall be determined by adding the grip-length values given in
Table 403.1 to the total thickness of connected material. The values of
Table 403.1 compensate for manufacturer’s tolerance, the use of heavy
semi-finished hexagon nut and a positive “stick-through” at the end of the
bolt. For each hardened flat washer that is used and 4 mm to the tabular
value and for each bevelled washer add 7.9 mm. The length determined shall
be adjusted to the next longer 6.3 mm.
Table 403.1 – Grip-Length Values
Bolts Size (mm)
To determine required bolt length, add grip (mm) *
* Does not include allowance for washer thickness
2. Bolted Parts
The slope of surface of bolted parts in contact with the bolt head and nut
shall not exceed 1:20 with respect to a plane normal to the bolt axis.
Bolted parts shall fit solidly together when assembled and shall not be
separated by gaskets or any other interposed compressible material. When
assembled, all joint surfaces, including those adjacent to the bolt head,
nuts or washers, shall be free of scale, except tight mill scale, and shall
also be free of burrs, dirt and other foreign material that would prevent
solid seating of the parts. Paint is permitted unconditionally in
bearing-type connections.
In friction-type connections, the Class, as defined below, indicating the
condition of the contact surfaces shall be specified on the Plans. Where no
Class is specified, all joint surfaces shall be free of scale, except tight
mill scale and shall not have a vinyl wash.
a. Classes A, B and C (uncoated). Contact surfaces shall be free of oil,
paint, lacquer or other coatings.
b. Class D (hot-dip galvanized and roughened). Contact surfaces shall be
tightly scored by wire brushing or blasting after galvanizing and prior to
assembly. The wire brushing treatment shall be a light application of
manual or power brushing that marks or scores the surface but remove
relatively little of the zinc coating. The blasting treatment shall be a
light “brush-off” treatment which will produce a dull gray appearance.
However, neither treatment should be severed enough to produce any break or
discontinuity in the zinc surface.
c. Classes E and F (blast-cleaned, zinc rich paint). Contact surfaces shall
be coated with organic or inorganic zinc rich paint as defined in the Steel
Structures Painting Council Specification SSPC 12.00.
d. Classes G and H (blast-cleaned, metallized zinc or aluminum).Contact
surfaces shall be coated in accordance with AWS C2.2, Recommended Practice
for Metallizing with Aluminum and Zinc for Protection of Iron and Steel,
except that subsequent sealing treatments, described in Section IV therein
shall not be used.
e. Class I (vinyl wash). Contact surfaces shall be coated in accordance
with the provisions of the Steel Structure Painting Council Pretreatment
Specifications SSPC PT3.
AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) Type 2 and AASHTO M 253 bolts shall not be
galvanized nor shall they be used to connect galvanized material.
3. Installation
a. Bolt Tension. Each fastener shall be tightened to provide, when all
fasteners in the joints are tight at least the minimum bolt tension shown
in Table 403.2 for the size of fastener used.
Threaded bolts shall be tightened with properly calibrated wrenches or by
the turn-of-nut method. If required, because of bolt entering and wrench
operation clearances, tightening by either procedure may be done by turning
the bolt while the nut is prevented from rotating. Impact wrenches, if
used, shall be of adequate capacity and sufficiently supplied with air to
perform the required tightening of each bolt in approximately ten seconds.
AASHTO M 253 and galvanized AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A325) bolts shall not be
reused. Other AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A325) bolts may be reused, but not more
than once, if approved by the Engineer. Retightening previously tightened
bolts which may have been loosened by the tightening of adjacent bolts
shall not be considered as a reuse.
b. Washers. All fasteners shall have a hardened washer under the element
(nut or bolt head) turned in tightening except that AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A
325) bolts installed by the turn of the nut method in holes which are not
oversized or slotted may have the washer omitted. Hardened washers shall be
used under both the head and nut regardless of the element turned in the
case of AASHTO M 253 bolts if the material against which it bears has a
specified yield strength less than 275.76 MPa.
Table 403.2 – Bolt Tension
Bolt Size, mm
Minimum Bolt Tension 1, kg.
AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) Bolts
AASHTO M 253 (ASTM A 420) Bolts
5 466
8 709
12 882
13 268
23 360
25 605
32 522
38 760
47 174
6 758
10 569
15 821
21 999
24 312
36 786
45 858
55 111
66 905
Equals to 70 percent of specified minimum tensile strength bolts. Where
an outer face of the bolted parts has a slope of more than 1:20with
respect to a Plane normal to the bolt axis, a smooth beveled washer
shall be used to compensate for the lack of parallel line.
c. Calibrated Wrench Tightening. When Calibrated wrenches are used to
provide the bolt tension as specified above, their setting shall be such as
to induce a bolt tension 5 to 10 percent in excess of this value. These
wrenches shall be calibrated at least once each working day by tightening,
in a device capable of indicating actual bolt tension, not less than three
typical bolts of each diameter from the bolts to be installed. Power
wrenches shall be adjusted to installed or cut-out at the selected tension.
If manual torque wrenches are used, the torque indication corresponding to
the calibrating tension shall be noted and used in the installation of all
the tested lot. Nuts shall be turned in the tightening direction when
torque is measured. When using calibrated wrenches to install several bolts
in a single joint, the wrench shall be returned to “touch-up” bolts
previously tightened which may have been loosened by the tightening of
adjacent bolts, until all are tightened to the prescribed amount.
d. Turn-of-Nut Tightening. When the turn-of-nut method is used to provide
the bolt tension specified in (a) above, there shall first be enough bolts
brought to a “snug tight” condition to insure that the parts of the joint
are brought into full contact with each other.
Snug tight is defined as the tightness attained by a few impacts of an
impact wrench or the full effort of a man using an ordinary spud wrench.
Following this initial operation, bolts shall be placed in any remaining
holes in the connection and brought to snug tightness.
All bolts in the joints shall then be tightened additionally, by the
applicable amount of nut rotation specified in Table 403.3with tightening
progressing systematically from the most rigid part of the joint to its
free edges. During this operation, there shall be no rotation of the part
not turned by the wrench.
e. Lock Pin and Collar Fasteners. The installation of lock pin and collar
fasteners shall be by methods approved by the Engineer.
Table 403.3 – Nut Rotation From Snug Tight Condition1
Bolt Length measured from underside of head to extreme end
of point
Disposition of Outer Faces of Bolted Parts | ||
Both faces normal to faces normal to bolt axis |
One face normal to bolt axis and other face sloped not more
1:20 (bevel washer not used)
Both faces sloped not more than 1:20 from normal to bolt
axis (bevel washers not used)
Up to and including 4 diameters
Over 4diameters but not exceeding 8 diameters Over 8 diameters but not exceeding 12 diameters2 |
0.33 turn
0.5 turn 0.66 turn |
0.5 turn
0.66 turn 0.83 turn |
0.66 turn
0.625 turn 1 turn |
Nut rotation is relative to bolt, regardless of the element (nut or
bolt) being turned. For bolts installed by ½ turn and less the
tolerance should be plus or minus 300, for bolts installed
by 2/3 turn and more, the tolerance should be plus or minus 45 0.
No research work has been performed by the Research Council on Riveted
and Bolted Structural joints to establish the turn-of-nut procedure
when bolt lengths exceed 12 diameters. Therefore, the required rotation
must be determined by actual tests in a suitable tension device
simulating the actual conditions.
4. Inspection
The Engineer will determine that the requirements of these Specifications
are not in the work. When the calibrated wrench method of tightening is
used, the Engineer shall have full opportunity to witness the calibration
The Engineer will observe the installation and tightening of the bolts to
determine that the selected tightening procedure is properly used and will
determine that all bolts are tightened.
The following inspection shall be used unless a more extensive or different
procedure is specified:
a. The Contractor shall use an inspecting wrench which may either be a
torque wrench or a power wrench that can be accurately adjusted in
accordance with the requirements of Subsection403.3.10(3) (c) above, in the
presence of the Engineer.
b. Three bolts of the same grade, size and condition as those under
inspection shall be placed individually in a calibration device capable of
indicating bolt tension. Length may be any length representative of bolts
used in the structure. There shall be a washer under the part turned in
tightening each bolt.
c. When the inspecting wrench is a torque wrench, each of the three bolts
specified above shall be tightened in the calibration device by any
convenient means to the minimum tension specified for its size in Table
403.2. The inspecting wrench shall then be applied to the tightened bolt
and the torque necessary to run the nut or head 5 degrees (approximately
25.4 mm at 304.8mm radius) in the tightening direction shall be determined.
The average torque measured in the tests of three bolts shall be taken as
the job inspection torque to be used in the manner specified below.
d. When the inspecting wrench is a power wrench, it shall be adjusted so
that it will tighten each of the three bolts specified to a tension at
least 5 but not more than 10 percent greater than the minimum tension
specified for its size in Table 403.2. This setting of wrench shall be
taken as the job inspecting torque to be used in the manner specified
e. Bolts, represented by the three samples bolts prescribed above, which
have been tightening in the structure shall be inspected by applying, in
the tightening direction, the inspecting wrench and its job inspecting
torque to 10 percent of the bolts, but not less than two bolts selected at
random in each connection. If no nut or bolt head is turned by this
application of the job inspecting torque, the connection shall be accepted
as properly tightened. If any nut or bolt head is turned by the application
of the job inspecting torque, this torque shall be applied to all bolts in
the connection, and all bolts whose nut or head is turned by the job
inspecting torque shall be tightened and re-inspected, or alternatively,
the fabricator or erector, at his option may re-tighten all the bolts in
the connection and then resubmit the connection for the specified
403.3.11 Welding
Welding shall be done in accordance with the best modern practice and the
applicable requirements at AWS D1.1 except as modified by AASHTO “Standard
Specifications for Welding of Structural Steel Highway Bridges”.
403.3.12 Erection
1. General
The Contractor shall provide the false work and all tools, machinery and
appliances, including drift pins and fitting-up bolts, necessary for the
expeditious handling of the work and shall erect the metal work, remove the
temporary construction, and do all work necessary to complete the structure
as required by the Contract and in accordance with the Plans and these
If shown on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, the Contractor shall
dismantle the old structure on the bridge site in accordance with Item 101,
Removal of Structures and Obstructions.
403.3.13 Handling and Storing Materials
Materials to be stored shall be placed on skids above the ground. It shall
be kept clean and properly drained. Girders and beams shall be placed
upright and shored. Long members, such as columns and chords, shall be
supported on skids placed near enough together to prevent injury from
deflection. If the Contract is for erection only, the Contractor shall
check the material turned over to him against the shipping lists and report
promptly in writing any shortage or damage discovered. He shall be
responsible for the loss of any material while in his care, or for any
damage caused to it after being received by him.
403.3.14 Falsework
The false work shall be properly designed and substantially constructed and
maintained for the loads which will come upon it. The Contractor shall
prepare and submit to the Engineer working drawings for false work and
working drawings for changes in any existing structure for maintaining
traffic, in accordance with Clause 45 of Part G, Div. II, Vol. I.
403.3.15 Method and Equipment
Before starting the work of erection, the Contractor shall inform the
Engineer fully as to the method of erection he proposes to follow, and the
amount and character of equipment he proposes to use, which shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer. The approval of the Engineer shall
not be considered as relieving the Contractor of the responsibility for the
safety of his method or equipment or from carrying out the work in full
accordance with the Plans and Specifications. No work shall be done until
such approval by the Engineer has been obtained.
403.3.16 Straightening Bent Materials
The strengthening of plates, angles, other shapes and built-up members,
when permitted by the Engineer, shall be done by methods that will not
produce fracture or other injury. Distorted members shall be straightened
by mechanical means or, if approved by the Engineer, by the carefully
planned and supervised application of a limited amount of localized heat,
except that heat straightening of AASHTO M 244 (ASTM A 514) or ASTM A 517
steel members shall be done only under rigidly controlled procedures, each
application subject to the approval of the Engineer. In no case shall the
maximum temperature of the AASHTO M 244 (ASTM A 514) or ASTM A 517 steels
exceed 607.20C, nor shall the temperature exceed 5100
C at the weld metal or within 152.4 mm of weld metal. Heat shall not be
applied directly on weld metal. In all other steels, the temperature of the
heated area shall not exceed 648.90C (a dull red) as controlled
by temperature indicating crayons, liquids or bimetal thermometers.
Parts to be heat-straightened shall be substantially free of stress and
from external forces, except stresses resulting from mechanical means used
in conjunction with the application of heat.
Following the straightening of a bend or buckle, the surface of the metal
shall be carefully inspected for evidence of fracture.
403.3.17 Assembling Steel
The parts shall be accurately assembled as shown on the working drawings
and any match marks shall be followed. The material shall be carefully
handled so that no parts will be bent, broken or otherwise damaged.
Hammering which will injure or distort the members shall not be done.
Bearing surfaces and surfaces to be in permanent contact shall be cleaned
before the members are assembled. Unless erected by the cantilever methods,
truss spans shall be erected on blocking so placed as to give the trusses
proper camber. The blocking shall be left in place until the tension chord
splices are fully connected with permanent fasteners and all other truss
connections pinned and erection bolted. Splices of butt joints of
compression members, that are milled to bear and of railing shall not be
permanently fastened until the spans have been swung, except that such
permanent fastening may be accomplished for the truss members at any time
that joint holes are fair. Splices and field connections shall have
one-half of the holes filled with erection bolts and cylindrical erection
pins (half bolts and half pins) before placing permanent fasteners. Splices
and connections carrying traffic during erection shall have three-fourths
of the holes so filled, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer.
Fitting-up bolts shall be of the same nominal diameter as the
permanentfasteners and cylindrical erection pins will be 1.6 mm larger.
403.3.18 Riveting
Pneumatic hammers shall be used for field riveting except when the use
offhand tools is permitted by the Engineer. Rivets larger than 15.9 mm in
diameter shall not be driven by hand. Cup-faced dollies, fitting the head
closely to insure good bearing, shall be used. Connections shall be
accurately and securely fitted up before the rivets are driven.
Drifting shall be only such as to draw the parts into position and not
sufficient to enlarge the holes or distort the metal. Unfair holes shall be
reamed or drilled. Rivets shall be heated uniformly to a “light cherry red”
color and shall be driven while hot. They shall not be overheated or
burned. Rivet heads shall be full and symmetrical, concentric with the
shank, and shall have full bearing all around. They shall not be smaller
than the heads of the shop rivets. Rivets shall be tight and shall grip the
connected parts securely together. Caulking or recupping will not be
permitted. In removing rivets, the surrounding metal shall not be injured.
If necessary, they shall be drilled out.
403.3.19 Pin Connections
Pilot and driving nuts shall be used in driving pins. They shall be
furnished by the Contractor without charge. Pins shall be so driven that
the members will take full bearing on them. Pin nuts shall be screwed up
tight and the threads burred at the face of the nut with a pointed tool.
403.3.20 Setting Shoes and Bearings
Shoes and bearing shall not be placed on bridge seat bearing areas that are
improperly finished, deformed, or irregular. They shall be set level in
exact position and shall have full and even bearing. The shoes and bearing
plates maybe set by either of the following methods:
1. Method 1
The bridge seat bearing area shall be heavily coated with redlead paint and
then covered with three layers of 405 to 472 g/m2 duck, each
layer being coated thoroughly on its top surface with redlead paint. The
shoes and bearing plates shall be placed in position while the paint is
As alternatives to canvas and red lead, and when so noted on the Plans or
upon written permission by the Engineer, the following maybe used:
a. Sheet lead of the designated thickness
b. Preformed fabric pad composed of multiple layers of 270 g/m2
duck impregnated and bound with high quality natural rubber or of
equivalent and equally suitable materials compressed into resilient pads of
uniform thickness. The number of plies shall be such as to produce the
specified thickness, after compression and vulcanizing. The finished pads
shall withstand compression loads perpendicular to the plane of the
laminations of not less than 7 kg/mm2 without detrimental
reduction in thickness or extension.
c. Elastomeric bearing pads
2. Method 2
The shoes and bearing plates shall be properly supported and fixed with
grout. No load shall be placed on them until the grout has set for at least
96 hours, adequate provision being made to keep the grout well moistened
during this period. The grout shall consist of one part Portland Cement to
one part of fine-grained sand.
The location of the anchor bolts in relation to the slotted holes in
expansion shoes shall correspond with the temperature at the time of
erection. The nuts on anchor bolts at the expansion ends shall be adjusted
to permit the free movement of the span.
403.3.21 Preparing Metal Surfaces for Painting
All surfaces of new structural steel which are to be painted shall be blast
cleaned unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions or approved in
writing by the Engineer.
In repainting existing structures where partial cleaning is required, the
method of cleaning will be specified in the Special Provision.
The steel surfaces to be painted shall be prepared as outlined in the
“Steel Structures Painting Council Specifications” (SSPC) meeting one of
the following classes of surface preparation.
a. SSPC – SP – 5 White Metal Blast Cleaning
b. SSPC – SP – 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning
c. SSPC – SP – 8 Pickling
d. SSPC – SP – 10 Near White Blast Cleaning
Blast cleaning shall leave all surfaces with a dense and uniform anchor
pattern of not less than one and one-half mills as measured with an
approved surface profile comparator.
Blast cleaned surfaces shall be primed or treated the same day blast
cleaning is done. If cleaned surface rust or are contaminated with foreign
material before painting is accomplished, they shall be recleaned by the
Contractor at his expense.
When paint systems No. 1 or 3 are specified, the steel surfaces shall be
blast cleaned in accordance with SSPC – SP – 10. When paint systems No. 2,
4 or 5 are specified, the steel surface shall be blast cleaned in
accordance with SSPC – SP – 6.
403.3.22 System of Paint
The paint system to be applied shall consist of one as set forth in Table
403.4 and as modified in the Special Provisions.
403.3.23 Painting Metal Surfaces
1. Time of Application
The prime coat of paint or pretreatment when specified, shall be applied as
soon as possible after the surface has been cleaned and before
deterioration of the surface occurs. Any oil, grease, soil, dust or foreign
matter deposited on the surface after the surface preparation is completed
shall be removed prior to painting. In the event the rusting occurs after
completion of the surface preparation, the surfaces shall be again cleaned.
Particular care shall be taken to prevent the contamination of cleaned
surfaces with salts, acids, alkali, or other corrosive chemicals before the
prime coat is applied and between applications of the remaining coats of
paint. Such contaminants shall be removed from the surface. Under these
circumstances, the pretreatments or, in the absence of a pretreatment, the
prime coat of paint shall be applied immediately after the surface has been
2. Storage of Paint and Thinner
All paint and thinner should preferably be stored in a separate building or
room that is well ventilated and free from excessive heat, sparks, flame or
the direct ray of the sun.
All containers of paint should remain unopened until required for use.
Containers which have been opened shall be used first.
Paint which has livered, gelled, or otherwise deteriorated during storage
shall not be used.
Thixotropic materials which may be stirred to attain
normal consistency are satisfactory.
3. Mixing and Thinning
All ingredients in any container of paint shall be thoroughly mixed before
use and shall be agitated often enough during application to keep the
pigment in suspension.
Paint mixed in the original container shall not be transferred until all
settled pigment is incorporated into the vehicle. This does not imply that
part of the vehicle cannot be poured off temporarily to simplify the
Mixing shall be by mechanical methods, except that hard mixing will be
permitted for container up to 19 liters in size.
Mixing in open containers shall be done in a well ventilated areaway from
sparks or flames.
Paint shall not be mixed or kept in suspension by means of an airstream
bubbling under the paint surface.
When a skin has formed in the container, the skin shall be cut loose from
the sides of the container, removed, and discarded. If such skins are thick
enough to have a practical effect on the composition and quality of the
paint, the paint shall not be used.
The paint shall be mixed in manner which will insure breaking up of all
lumps, complete dispersion of settled pigment, and a uniform composition.
If mixing is done by hand, most of the vehicle shall be poured off into a
clean container. The pigment in the paint shall be lifted from the bottom
of the container with a broad, flat paddle, lumps shall be broken up, and
the pigment thoroughly mixed with the vehicle. The poured off vehicle shall
be returned to the paint with simultaneous stirring, or pouring repeatedly
from one container to another until the composition is uniform. The bottom
of the container shall be inspected for unmixed pigment. Tinting pastes or
colors shall be wetted with a small amount of thinner, vehicle, or paint
and thoroughly mixed. The thinned mixture shall be added to the large
container of paint and mixed until the color is uniform.
Paint which does not have a limited pot life, or does not deteriorate on
standing, may be mixed at any time before using, but if settling has
occurred, it must be remixed immediately before using. Paint shall not
remain in spray pots, painter’s buckets, etc., overnight, but shall be
gathered into a container and remixed before use.
No thinner shall be added to the paint unless necessary for proper
application. In no case shall more than 0.5 liters of thinner be added per
3.8 liters unless the paint is intentionally formulated for greater
The type of thinner shall comply with the paint specification.
When the use of thinner is permissible, thinner shall be added to paint
during the mixing process. Painters shall not add thinner to paint after it
has been thinned to the correct consistency.
All thinning shall be done under supervision of one acquainted with the
correct amount and type of thinner to be added to the paint.
Table 403.4 – Paint System
Paint System
High Pollution or Coastal
Mild Climate
1. Paint system shown for severe areas are satisfactorily in less severe
2. Coastal - within 304.8 m of ocean or tidal water. High pollution-air
pollution environment such as industrial areas. Mild-other than coastal
areas not in air pollution environment.
All structural steel shall be painted by one of the following systems. The
required system or choice of systems will be shown in the Contract.
System 4 is intended for use in mild climates or to repaint existing
structures where the other systems are not compatible.
Coating Thickness
Min. Dry Film
System 1 – Vinyl Paint System
Wash Prime
Intermediate Coat 3rd Coat 4th Coat Finish Coat |
708.03 (b)
708.03 (b)
708.03 (b)
708.03 (b)
708.03 (b)
Total thickness
38.10 – 50.80
38.10 – 50.80
38.10 – 50.80
38.10 – 50.80
165.10 – 203.20
System 2 – Epoxy-Polymide System
Prime Coat
Intermediate Coat 3rd Coat Finish Coat |
708.03 (c)
708.03 (c)
708.03 (c)
708.03 (c)
Total thickness
50.80 – 76.20
50.80 – 76.20
50.80 – 76.20
38.10 – 50.80
190.50 – 279.40
* The third coat may be eliminated in mild climates
Coating Thickness
Min. Dry Film
System 3 – Inorganic Zinc-Rich Coating System
Prime Coat
Epoxy Intermediate Coat Finish Coat |
708.03 (d)
708.03 (d)
Total thickness
88.90 – 127
40.80 – 76.20
38.10 – 50.80
177.80 – 254
Alternate System
Prime Coat
Wash Primer Tie Coat Finish Coat |
708.03 (d)
708.03 (d)
708.03 (d)
Total thickness
88.90 – 127
38.10 – 50.80
139.70 – 190.50
System 4 – Alkyd-Oil-Basic Lead-Chromate System
Prime Coat
Intermediate Coat Finish Coat |
708.03 (e)
708.03 (e)
708.03 (e)
Total thickness
38.10 – 50.80
38.10 – 50.80
38.10 – 50.80
114.30 – 152.40
* The paint system may be specified as four coats for new
structure steel in mild climate, with a minimum thickness
of 152.40 mm.
System 5 – Organic Zinc-Rich Paint System
Prime Coat
Intermediate Coat Wash Primer Tie Coat Finish Coat |
708.03 (f)
708.03 (f)
708.03 (f)
708.03 (f)
Total thickness
38.10 – 50.80
50.80 – 63.50
38.10 – 50.80
139.70 – 177.80
4. Application of Paint
a. General
The oldest of each kind of paint shall be used first. Paint shall be
applied by brushing or spraying or a combination of these methods. Daubers
or sheepskins may be used when no other method is practicable for proper
application in places of difficult access. Dipping, roller coating, or flow
coating shall be used only when specifically authorized. All paints shall
be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Open seams at contact surfaces of built up members which would retain
moisture shall be caulked with red lead paste, or other approved material,
before the second undercoat of paint is applied.
Paint shall not be applied when the surrounding air temperature is below
4.40C. Paint shall not be applied when the temperature is
expected to drop to 00C before the paint has dried. Paint shall
not be applied to steel at a temperature over 51.70C unless the
paint is specifically formulated for application at the proposed
temperature, nor shall paint be applied to steel which is at a temperature
that will cause blistering or porosity or otherwise will be detrimental to
the life of the paint.
Paint shall not be applied in fog or mist, or when it is raining or when
the relative humidity exceeds 85 percent. Paint shall not be applied to wet
or damp surfaces.
When paint must be applied in damp or cold weather, the steel shall be
painted under cover, or protected, or sheltered or the surrounding air and
the steel heated to a satisfactory temperature. In such cases, the above
temperature and humidity conditions shall be met. Such steel shall remain
under cover or be protected until dry or until weather conditions permit
its exposure.
Any applied paint exposed to excess humidity, rain or condensation shall
first be permitted to dry. Then damaged areas of paint shall be removed,
the surface again prepared and then repainted with the same number of coats
of paint of the same kind as the undamaged areas.
If stripe painting is stipulated in the Special Provisions or if the
Contractor chooses to do so at his option, all edges, corners, crevices,
rivets, bolts, weld and sharp edges shall be painted with the priming paint
by brush before the steel receives first full prime coat of paint. Such
striping shall extend for at least 25.4 mm from the edge. When practicable,
this stripe coat shall be permitted to dry before the prime coat is
applied, otherwise the stripe coat shall set to touch before the full prime
coat is applied. However, the stripe coat shall not be permitted to dry for
a period of long enough to allow rusting of the unprimed steel. When
desired, the stripe coat may be applied after a complete prime coat.
To the maximum extent practicable, each coat of paint shall be applied as
continuous film of uniform thickness free of pores. Any thin spots or areas
missed in the application shall be repainted and permitted to dry before
the next coat of paint is applied. Film thickness is included in the
description of paint systems. Each coat of paint shall be in a proper state
of cure or dryness before application of the succeeding coat.
b. Brush Application
Paint shall be worked into all crevices and corners where possible and
surfaces not accessible to brushes shall be painted by spray, doubers, or
sheepskins. All runs or rags shall be brushed out. There shall be a minimum
of brush marks left in the paint.
c. Spray Application of Paint
The equipment used for spray application of paint shall be suitable for the
intended purpose, shall be capable of properly atomizing the paint to be
applied and shall be equipped with suitable pressure regulators and gages.
The air caps, nozzles, and needles shall be those recommended by the
manufacturer of the equipment for the material being sprayed. The equipment
shall be kept in satisfactory condition to permit proper paint application.
In closed or recirculating paint spray system, where gas under pressure is
used over the liquid, the gas shall be an inert, one such as nitrogen.
Traps or separators shall be provided to remove oil and water from the
compressed air. These traps or separators shall be adequate size and shall
be drained periodically during operations. The air from the spray gun
impinging against the surface shall show no water or oil.
Paint ingredients shall be kept properly mixed in the spray pots or
containers during paint applications either by continuous mechanical
agitation or by intermittent agitation as frequently as necessary.
The pressure on the material in the pot and of the air at the guns shall be
adjusted for optimum spraying effectiveness. The pressure on the material
in the pot shall be adjusted when necessary for changes in elevation of the
gun above the pot. The atomizing air pressure at the gun shall be high
enough to atomize the paint properly but not so high as to cause excessive
fogging of paint, excessive evaporation of solvent or loss by overspray.
Spray equipment shall be kept sufficiently clean so that dirt, dried paint
and other foreign material are not deposited in the paint film. Any
solvents left in the equipment shall be completely removed before applying
paint to the surface being painted.
Paint shall be applied in uniform layer, with overlapping at the edge of
the spray pattern. The spray shall be adjusted so that the paint is
deposited uniformly. During application, the gun shall beheld perpendicular
to the surface and at a distance which will insure that a wet layer of
paint is deposited on the surface. The trigger of the gun should be
released at the end of each stroke.
All rums and sags shall be brushed out immediately or the paint shall be
removed and the surface repainted. Spray application of prime coats shall
in all cases be immediately followed by brushing
Areas inaccessible to the spray gun shall be painted by brush, if not
accessible by brush, daubers or sheepskins shall be used. Brushes shall be
used to work paint into cracks, crevices and blind spots where are not
adequately painted by spray.
d. Shop Painting
Shop painting shall be done after fabrication and before any damage to the
surface occurs from weather or other exposure. Shop contact surfaces shall
not be painted unless specified.
Surfaces not to be in contact but which will be inaccessible after assembly
shall receive the full paint system specified or three shop coats of the
specified before assembly.
The areas of steel surfaces to be in contact with concrete shall not be
painted, unless otherwise shown on the Plans, the areas of steel surfaces
to be in contact with wood shall receive either the full paint coats
specified or three shop coats of the specified primer.
If paint would be harmful to a welding operator or would be detrimental to
the welding operation or the finished welds, the steel shall not be painted
within a suitable distance from the edges to be welded. Welding through
inorganic zinc paint systems will not be permitted unless approved by the
Antiweld spatter coatings shall be removed before painting. Weld slag and
flux shall be removed by methods at least as effective as those specified
for the cleaning.
Machine-finished or similar surfaces that are not to be painted, but do not
require protections, shall be protected with a coating of rust inhibitive
petroleum, other coating which may be more suitable, for special
Erection marks and weight marks shall be copied on area that have been
previously painted with the shop coat.
e. Field Painting
Steel structures shall be painted as soon as practicable after erection.
Metal which has been shop coated shall be touched up with the same type of
paints as the shop coat. This touch-up shall include cleaning and painting
of field connections, welds, rivets and all damaged or defective paint and
rusted areas. The Contractor may, at his option, apply an overall coat of
primer in place of touch-up spot painting.
Surfaces (other than contact surfaces) which are accessible before erection
but which will not be accessible after erection shall receive all field
coats of paint before erection.
If possible the final coat of paint shall not be applied until all concrete
work is finished. If concreting or other operations damage any paint, the
surfaces shall be cleaned and repainted. All cement or concrete spatter and
dripping shall be removed before any paint is applied.
Wet paint shall be protected against damage from dust or other detrimental
foreign matter to the extent practicable.
f. Drying of Painted Metal
The maximum practicable time shall be allowed for paint to dry before
recoating or exposure. No drier shall be added to paint on the job unless
specifically called for in the Specifications for the paint. No painted
metal shall be subjected to immersion before the paint is dried through.
Paint shall be protected from rain, condensation, contamination, and
freezing until dry, to the fullest extent practicable.
g. Handling of Painted Steel
Painted steel shall not be handled until the paint has dried, except for
necessary handling in turning for painting or stacking for drying.
Paint which is damaged in handling shall be scraped off and touched-up with
the same number of the coats and kinds of paint as were previously applied
to the steel.
Painted steel shall not be loaded for shipment or shipped until it is dry.
Precautions shall be taken to minimize damage to paint films resulting from
stocking members.
5. Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Paints
a. Instrumentation
Dry paint film thickness shall be measured using Pull-Off (Type 1) or Fixed
Probe (Type 2) Magnetic Gages. Type 1 gages include Tinsley, Elcometer,
Microtest and Inspector models. Type 2 gage include Elcometric, Minitector,
General Electric, Verimeter and Accuderm models.
b. Calibration1. Type 1 (Pull-Off) Magnetic Gages
Measure the coating thickness on a series of reliable standards covering
the expected range of paint thickness. Record the calibration correction
either plus (+) or minus (-) required at each standard thickness. To guard
against gage drift during use, re-check occasionally with one or more of
the standards.
When the gage adjustment has drifted so far that large corrections are
needed, it is advisable to re-adjust closer to the standard values and
For Type 1 gages, the preferred basic standards are small, chromeplated
steel panels that may be available from the National Bureau of Standards in
coating thickness from 12.70mm to 203.20 mm.
Plastic shims of certified thickness in the appropriate ranges may also be
used to calibrate the gages. The gage is held firmly enough to press the
shim tightly against the steel surface. Record the calibration correction
as above.
2. Type 2 (Fixed Probe) Magnetic Gages
Shims of plastic or non-magnetic metals laid on the appropriate steel base
(at least 76.2 x 76.2 x 3.2 mm) are suitable working standards. These gages
are held firmly enough to press the shim tightly against the steel surface.
One should avoid excessive pressure that might indent the plastic or, on a
blast cleaned surface, might impress the steel peaks into the undersurface
of the plastic.
The National Bureau of Standards – standards panels shall not be used to
calibrate Type 2 gages.
c. Measurement Procedures
To determine the effect of the substrate surface condition on the gage
readings, access is required to some unpainted areas.
Repeated gage readings, even at points close together, may differ
considerably due to small surface irregularities. Three gage readings
should therefore be made for each spot measurement of either the substrate
or the paint. Move the probe a short distance for each new gage reading.
Discard any unusually high of flow gage reading that cannot be repeated
consistently. Take the average of the three gage readings as the spot
1. Measurement with Type 1 (Pull-Off) Gage
Measure (A), the bare substrate, at a number of spots to obtain a
representative average value. Measure (B), the dry paint film, at the
specified number of spots.
Correct the (A) and (B) gage readings or averages as determined by
calibration of the gage. Subtract the corrected readings (A) from (B) to
obtain the thickness of the paint above the peaks of the surface.
2. Measurement with Type 2 (Fixed Probe) Gage
Place a standard shim of the expected paint thickness on the bare substrate
that is to be painted. Adjust the gage in place on the shim so that it
indicates the known thickness of the shim.
Conform the gage setting by measuring the shim at several other area of the
bare substrate. Re-adjust the gage as needed to obtain an average setting
representative of the substrate.
With the gage adjustment as above, measure the dry paint film at three
points. The gage readings indicate the paint film thickness at the three
points. The gage readings indicate the paint thickness above the peaks of
the surface profile.
Re-check the gage setting at frequent intervals during a long series of
measurements. Make five separate spot measurements spaced evenly over each
section of the structure 9.29 square meters in area, or of other area as
maybe specified. The average of five spot measurements for each such
section shall not be less than the specified thickness. No single spot
measurement (average of three readings) in any section shall be less than
80% of the specified thickness.
Since paint thickness is usually specified (or implied) as a minimum,
greater thickness that does not cause defects of appearance or functions
such as mud cracking, wrinkling, etc., is permitted unless otherwise
d. Special Notes
All of the above magnetic, if properly adjusted and in good condition, are
inherently accurate to within +15% of the true thickness of the coating.
Much larger, external errors may be caused by variations in method of use
of the gages or by unevenness of the surface of the substrate or of the
coating. Also, any other film present on the steel (rust or mill scale or
even a blast cleaned profile zone) will add to the apparent thickness of
the applied paint film.
The surface of the paint and the probe of the gage must be free from dust,
grease and other foreign matter in order to obtain close contact of the
probe with the paint and also to avoid adhesion of the magnet. The accuracy
of the measurement will be affected if the coating is tacky or excessively
The magnetic gages are sensitive to geometrical discontinuities of the
steel, as at holes, corners or edges. The sensitivity to edge effects and
discontinuities varies from gage to gage. Measurements closer than 25.4 mm
from the discontinuity may not be valid unless the gage is calibrated
specifically for that location.
Magnetic gage readings also may be affected by proximity to another mass of
steel close to the body of the gage, by surface curvature and presence of
other magnetic fields.
All of the magnets or probe must be held perpendicular to the painted
surface to produce valid measurements.
403.3.24 Clean-up
Upon completion and before final acceptance, the Contractor shall remove
all falsework, falsework piling down to at least 609.6 mm below the
finished ground line, excavated or unused materials, rubbish and temporary
buildings. He shall replace or renew any fences damaged and restored in an
acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which may have
been damaged during the prosecution of the work and shall leave the work
site and adjacent highway in a neat and presentable condition, satisfactory
to the Engineer. All excavated material or false work placed in the stream
channel during construction shall be removed by the Contractor before final
403.4 Method of Measurement
403.4.1 Unit Basis
The quantity of structural steel to be paid for shall be the number of
kilos complete in place and accepted. For the purpose of measurement for
payment components fabricated from metals listed in (1) below, such as
casting, alloy steels, steel plates, anchor bolts and nuts, shoes, rockers,
rollers, pins and nuts, expansion dams, roadway drains and so uppers, welds
metal, bolts embedded in concrete, cradles and brackets, posts, conduits
and ducts, and structural shapes for expansion joints and pier protection
will be considered as structural steel.
Unless otherwise provided, the mass of metal paid for shall be computed and
based upon the following mass:
1. Unit Density kg/m3
Aluminum, cast or rolled
Bronze or copper alloy Copper sheet Iron, cast Iron, malleable Lead, sheet Steel, cast or rolled, including alloy copper bearing and stainless Zinc |
8585.9 8938.3 7128.2 7528.7 11229.0 7849 7208.3 |
2. Shapes, Plates Railing and Flooring
The mass of steel shapes and plates shall be computed on the basis of their
nominal mass and dimensions as shown on the approved shop drawings,
deducting for copes, cuts and open holes, exclusive of rivets holes. The
mass of all plates shall be computed on the basis of nominal dimensions
with no additional for overrun.
The mass of railing shall be included as structural steel unless the Bill
of Quantities contains as pay item for bridge railing under Item 401,
The mass of steel grid flooring shall be computed separately.
3. Casting
The mass of casting shall be computed from the dimensions shown on the
approved drawings, deducting for open holes. To this mass will beaded 5
percent allowable for fillets and overruns. Scale mass may be substituted
for computed mass in the case of castings of small complex parts for which
accurate computations of mass would be difficult.
4. Miscellaneous
The mass of erection bolts, shop and field paint, galvanizing the boxes,
crates and other containers used for shipping, together with sills, struts,
and rods used for supporting members during the transportation, bridge
hardware as defined in Subsection 402.2.2 excluding steel plates and
bearings, connectors used for joining timber members, nails, spikes and
bolts, except anchor bolts will be excluded.
5. Rivets Heads
The mass of all rivet heads, both files and shop, will be assumed as
Diameter of rivet(mm)
kg per 100 heads
6. High-Strength Bolts
High-strength steel bolts shall be considered for purpose of payment, the
same as rivets of the same diameter, with the mass of the bolt heads and
nuts the same as the corresponding rivet heads.
7. Welds
The mass of shop and field fillet welds shall be assumed as follows:
Size of Weld(mm)
kg per linear meter
The mass of other welds will be computed on the basis of the theoretical
volume from dimensions of the welds, with an addition of 50 mass percent as
an allowance for overrun.
8. Other Items
The quantities of other Contract Items which enter into the completed and
accepted structure shall be measured for payment in the manner prescribed
for the Items involved.
403.4.2 Lump Sum Basis
Lump sum will be the basis of payment unless noted otherwise in the bidding
documents. No measurements of quantities will be made except as provided in
Subsection 403.5.1 (4).
403.5 Basis of Payment
403.5.1 Structural Steel
1. Furnished, Fabricated and Erected
The quantity, determined as provided above, shall be paid for at the
contract unit price per kilogram for “Structural Steel, furnished,
fabricated and erected”, which price and payment shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing, galvanizing, fabricating, radiographing,
magnetic particle inspection, delivering, erecting ready for use, and
painting all steel and other metal including all labor, equipment, tools
and incidentals necessary to complete the work, except as provided in
Subsections 403.5.2, 403.5.3 and 403.5.4.
2. Furnished and Fabricated
When a quantity and unit price for “Structural Steel, furnished and
fabricated” are shown in the Bill of Quantities, the quantity, determined
as provided above, will be paid for at the contract unit price per kilogram
which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing,
galvanizing, fabricating, radiographing, magnet particle inspection, shop
painting and delivering the structural steel and other metal free of
charges at the place designated in the Special Provisions and for all
labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work,
save erection and except as provided in Subsection 403.5.2, 403.5.3and
3. Erected
When a quantity and unit price for “Structural Steel Erected” are shown in
the Bill of Quantities, the quantity, determined as provided above, will be
paid for at the said contract unit price per kilogram which price and
payment shall be full compensation for unloading all the structural steel
and other metal, payment of any demurrage charges, transporting to the
bridge site, erecting, magnetic particle inspection and radiographing,
complete ready for use including furnishing and applying the field paint
including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete
the work, save furnishing and fabrication, and except as provided in
Subsections 403.5.2, 403.5.3 and 403.5.4.
4. Lump Sum
When the Bill of Quantities calls for lump sum price for “Structural Steel,
furnished, fabricated and erected”, the Item will be paid for at the
contract lump sum price and payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing, fabricating and erecting material and for all work hereinbefore
prescribed in connection therewith, including all labor, equipment, tools
and incidentals necessary to complete the work, except as provided in
Subsections 403.5.2, 403.5.3 and 403.5.4.The estimate of the mass of
structural steel shown on the Plans is approximate only and no guarantee is
made that it is the correct mass to be furnished. No adjustment in the
contract price will be made if the mass furnished is more or less than
estimated mass.
If changes in the work are ordered by the Engineer, which vary the mass of
steel to be furnished, the lump sum payment shall be adjusted as follows:
a. The value per kilogram of the increase or decrease in mass of structural
steel involved in the change shall be determined by dividing the contract
lump sum amount by the estimate of mass shown on the Plans. The adjusted
contract lump sum payment shall be the contract lump sum plus or minus the
value of the steel involved in the change, and no additional compensation
shall be made on account of said change.
b. Full-size members which are tested in accordance with the Specifications
when such tests are required by the Contract, shall be paid for at the same
rate as for comparable members in the structure. Members which fail to meet
the Contract requirements, and members rejected as a result of test shall
not be paid for.
403.5.2 Material Considered as Structural Steel
For the purpose of Subsection 403.5.1 and unless otherwise shown on the
Plans, castings, forgings, special alloy steels and steel plates, wrought
iron, and structural shapes of expansion joints and pier protection shall
be considered as structural steel except that when quantities and unit
price for certain alloy steels, forgings, castings or other specific
categories of metal are called for in the Bill of Quantities, the mass of
such selected material, determined as provided above, shall be paid for at
the respective contract unit price per kilogram for “Structural Steel
(Alloy steel, forgings, castings, and/or other category), furnished and
fabricated, and erected” or “Structural Steel (Subsection 403.4.1),
furnished and fabricated” as named in the Bill of Quantities.
403.5.3 Other Items
The quantities of all other Contract Items which enter into the completed
and accepted structure shall be paid for at the contract unit prices for
the several Pay Items as prescribed for the Items involved.
403.5.4 Payment as Reinforcing Steel
When the Bill of Quantities does not contain a pay item for structural
steel, the quantities of metal drains, scuppers, conduits, ducts and
structural shapes for expansion joints and pier protection, measured as
provided above will be paid for as Reinforcing Steel under Item 404.
Payment will be made under:
Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
403 (1)
403 (2)
403 (3)
403 (4)
403 (5)
403 (6)
403 (7)
Structural Steel, furnished, fabricated and erected
Structural Steel, furnished, fabricated and erected
Structural Steel, furnished, fabricated Structural Steel, furnished, fabricated Structural Steel erected Structural Steel erected Structural Steel, furnished, fabricated and erected |
Where separate payment is to be made for certain metals or for certain
particular components, other than under the general provision for
structural steel, designation of those particular cases shall be inserted
in the spaces provided in the pay names for Item 403 (2), 403 (4) or 403
(6), as the case may be.
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