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407.1 Description
This Item shall consist of the general description of the materials, equipment, workmanship and construction requirements of concrete structures and the concrete portions of composite structures conforming to the alignment, grades, design, dimensions and details shown on the Plans and in accordance with the Specifications for piles, reinforcing steel, structural steel, structural concrete and other items which constitute the completed structure. The class of concrete to be used in the structure or part of the structure shall be as specified in Item 405, Structural Concrete.

407.2 Material Requirements

1. Concrete and Concrete Ingredients
Concrete and concrete materials shall conform to the requirements in Item 405, Structural Concrete. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or specified in Special Provisions, concrete shall be of Class A.

2. Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements in Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

3. Structural Steel
Structural steel shall conform to the requirements of corresponding materials in Item 403, Metal Structures.

4. Bridge Bearing (Elastomeric Bearing Pad)
Elastomeric bearing pads shall conform to Item 412, Elastomeric Bearing Pads.

5. Paints
Paints shall conform to the requirements in Item 411, Paint.

6. Waterproofing and Damp proofing Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or indicated in Special Provisions, materials for waterproofing and damp proofing shall conform to the requirements of the following specifications:

a. AASHTO M 115 Asphalt for damp proofing and waterproofing.
b. AASHTO M 116 Primer for the use with Asphalt in damp proofing and waterproofing.
c. AASHTO M 117 Woven cotton fabrics saturated with bituminous substances for use in waterproofing.
d. AASHTO M 118 Coal-Tar pitch for roofing, damp proofing and water-proofing.
e. AASHTO M 121 Creosote for priming coat with coal-tar pitch damp-proofing and waterproofing.
f. AASHTO M 159 Woven burlap fabric saturated with bituminous substances for use in waterproofing.
g. AASHTO M 166 Numbered cotton duck and array duck.
h. AASHTO M 239 Asphalt for use in waterproofing membrane construction.

7. Concrete Curing Compound
Curing compound shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 148 Liquid membrane-forming compounds for curing concrete.

8. Joint Filler
Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or in Special Provisions, materials for expansion joint filler shall conform to the requirements of the following specifications:

a. AASHTO M 33 Preformed expansion joint filler for concrete.
b. AASHTO M 153 Preformed sponge rubber and cork expansion joint fillers for concrete paving and structural construction.
c. AASHTO M 173 Concrete joint sealer hot poured elastic type.
d. AASHTO M 213 Preformed expansion joint filler for concrete paving and structural construction-non-extruding and resilient bituminous types.
e. AASHTO M 220 Preformed elastomeric compression joint seals for concrete.

407.2.1 Proportioning and Strength of Structural Concrete
This shall be in accordance with Item 405, Structural Concrete.

407.2.2 Sampling and Testing
This shall be in accordance with Item 405, Structural Concrete.

407.3 Construction and Requirements

407.3.1 Handling and Placing Concrete: General
Concrete shall not be placed until forms and reinforcing steel have been checked and approved by the Engineer.

If lean concrete is required in the Plan or as directed by the Engineer prior to placing of reinforcing steel bar, the lean concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of 13.8 MPa.

In preparation for the placing of concrete all sawdust, chips and other construction debris and extraneous matter shall be removed from inside the formwork, struts, stays and braces, serving temporarily to hold the forms in correct shape and alignment, pending the placing of concrete at their locations, shall be removed when the concrete placing has reached an elevation rendering their service unnecessary. These temporary members shall be entirely removed from the forms and not buried in the concrete.

No concrete shall be used which does not reach its final position in the forms within the time stipulated under “Time of Hauling and Placing Mixed Concrete”.

Concrete shall be placed so as to avoid segregation of the materials and the displacement of the reinforcement. The use of long troughs, chutes, and pipes for conveying concrete to the forms shall be permitted only on written authorization of the Engineer. The Engineer shall reject the use of the equipment for concrete transportation that will allow segregation, loss of fine materials, or in any other way will have a deteriorating effect on the concrete quality.

Open troughs and chutes shall be of metal lined; where steep slopes are required, the chutes shall be equipped with baffles or be in short lengths that reverse the direction of movement to avoid segregation.

All chutes, troughs and pipes shall be kept clean and free from coatings of hardened concrete by thoroughly flushing with water after each run. Water used for flushing shall be discharged clear of the structure.

When placing operations would involve dropping the concrete more than1.5 m, concrete shall be conveyed through sheet metal or approved pipes. As far as practicable, the pipes shall be kept full of concrete during placing and their lower end shall be kept buried in the newly placed concrete. After initial set of the concrete, the forms shall not be jarred and no strain shall be placed on the ends of projecting reinforcement bars.

The concrete shall be placed as nearly as possible to its final position and the use of vibrators for moving of the mass of fresh concrete shall not be permitted.

407.3.1.1 Placing Concrete by Pneumatic Means
Pneumatic placing of concrete will be permitted only if specified in the Special Provisions or authorized by the Engineer. The equipment shall be so arranged that vibration will not damage freshly placed concrete.

Where concrete is conveyed and placed by pneumatic means, the equipment shall be suitable in kind and adequate in capacity for the work. The machine shall be located as close as practicable to the work. The discharge lines shall be horizontal or inclined upwards from the machine. The discharge end of the line shall not be more than 3 m from the point of deposit.

At the conclusion of placing the concrete, the entire equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned.

407.3.1.2 Placing of Concrete by Pumping
The placing of concrete by pumping will be permitted only if specified or if authorized by the Engineer. The equipment shall be so arranged that vibration will not damage freshly placed concrete.
Where concrete is conveyed and placed by mechanically applied pressure the equipment shall be suitable in kind and adequate in capacity for the work. The operation of the pump shall be such that a continuous stream of concrete without air pockets is produced. When pumping is completed, the concrete remaining in the pipeline, if it is to be used, shall be ejected in such a manner that there will be no contamination of the concrete or separation of the ingredients. After this operation, the entire equipment’s shall be thoroughly cleaned.

407.3.1.3 Placing Concrete in Water
Concrete shall not be placed in water except with approval of the Engineer and under his immediate supervision. In this case the method of placing shall be hereinafter specified.

Concrete deposited in water shall be Class A concrete with a minimum cement content of 400 kg/m3 of concrete. The slump of the concrete shall be maintained between 10 and 20 cm. To prevent segregation, concrete shall be carefully placed in a compact mass, in its final position, by means of a tremie, a bottom-dump bucket, or other approved means, and shall not be disturbed after being placed.

A tremie shall consist of a tube having a diameter of not less than 250 mm constructed in sections having flanged couplings fitted with gaskets with a hopper at the top. The tremie shall be supported so as to permit free movement of the discharge and over the entire top surface of the work and so as to permit rapid lowering when necessary to retard or stop the flow of concrete. The discharge end shall be closed at the start of work so as to prevent water entering the tube and shall be completely submerged in concrete at all times; the tremie tube shall be kept full to the bottom of the hopper. When a batch is dumped into the hopper, the flow of concrete shall be induced by lightly raising the discharge end, but always keeping it in the placed concrete. The flow shall be continuous until the work is completed.

When the concrete is placed with a bottom-dump bucket, the top of the bucket shall be open. The bottom doors shall open freely downward and out ward when tripped. The buckets shall be completely filled and slowly lowered to avoid backwash. It shall not be dumped until it rests on the surface upon which the concrete is to be deposited and when discharged shall be withdrawn slowly until well above the concrete.

407.3.2 Compaction of Concrete
Concrete during and immediately after placing shall be thoroughly compacted. The concrete in walls, beams, columns and the like shall be placed in horizontal layers not more than 30 cm thick except as hereinafter provided. When less than a complete layer is placed in one operation, it shall be terminated in a vertical bulkhead. Each layer shall be placed and compacted before the preceding layer has taken initial set to prevent injury to the green concrete and avoid surfaces of separation between the layers. Each layer shall be compacted so as to avoid the formation of a construction joint with a preceding layer.

The compaction shall be done by mechanical vibration. The concrete shall be vibrated internally unless special authorization of other methods is given by the Engineer or is provided herein. Vibrators shall be of a type, design, and frequency approved by the Engineer. The intensity of vibration shall be such as to visibly affect a mass of concrete with a 3 cm slump over a radius of at least 50 cm. A sufficient number of vibrator shall be provided to properly compact each batch immediately after it is placed in the forms. Vibrators shall be manipulated so as to thoroughly work the concrete around the reinforcement and embedded fixture sand into the corners and angles of the forms and shall be applied at the point of placing and in the area of freably placed concrete. The vibrators shall be inserted into and withdrawn from the concrete slowly. The vibration shall be of sufficient duration and intensity to compact the concrete thoroughly but shall not be continued so as to cause segregation and at any one point to the extent that localized areas of grout are formed. Application of vibrators shall be at points uniformly spaced, and not farther apart than twice the radius over which the vibration is visibly effective. Vibration shall not be applied directly or thru the reinforcement to sections or layers of concrete that have hardened to the degree that the concrete ceases to be plastic under vibration. It shall not be used to make concrete flow in the forms over distances so great as to cause segregation, and vibrators shall not be used to transport concrete in the forms of troughs or chutes.

407.3.3 Casting Sections and Construction Joints
The concrete in each form shall be placed continuously. Placing of concrete in any such form shall not be allowed to commence unless sufficiently inspected and approved materials for the concrete is at hand, and labor and equipment are sufficient to complete the pour without interruption.

Joints in the concrete due to stopping work shall be avoided as much as possible. Such joints, when necessary, shall be constructed to meet the approval of the Engineer.

When the placing of concrete is temporarily discontinued, the concrete, after becoming firm enough to retain its shape, shall be cleaned of laitance and other objectionable material to a sufficient depth to expose sound concrete. Where a “faster edge” might be produced at a construction joint, as in the sloped top surface of a wingwall, an inset formwork shall be used to produce an edge thickness of not less than 15 cm in the succeeding layer. Work shall not be discontinued within 50 cm of the top of any face, unless provision has been made for a coping less than 50 cm thick, in which case if permitted by the Engineer, the construction joint may be made at the underside of coping.

Immediately following the discontinuance of placing concrete, all accumulations of mortar splashed upon the reinforcing steel and the surfaces of forms shall be removed. Dried mortar chips and dust shall not be puddled into the unset concrete. Care shall be exercised, during the cleaning of the reinforcing steel, not to injure or break the concrete-steel bond at and near the surface of the concrete.
407.3.4 Casting Box Culverts
In general, the base slab of box culverts shall be placed and allowed to set before the remainder of the culvert is constructed. In the construction of box culverts the side walls and top slab may be constructed as a monolith.

If the concrete in the walls and top slab is placed in two separate operations, special care shall be exercised in order to secure bonding in the construction joint and appropriate keys shall be left in the sidewalls for anchoring the top slab. Each wingwall shall be constructed, if possible, as a monolith. Construction joints where unavoidable, shall be horizontal and so located that no joints will be visible in the exposed face of the wingwall above the ground line.

Vertical construction joints shall be at right angles to the axis of the culverts.

407.3.5 Casting Columns, Slabs and Girders
Concrete in columns shall be placed in one continuous operation, unless otherwise directed. The concrete shall be allowed to set for at least 20 hours before the caps are placed.

Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, no concrete shall be placed in the superstructure until the column forms have been stripped sufficiently to determine the condition of the concrete in the column. The load of the super-structure shall not be allowed to come upon the bents until they have been in place at least 14 days, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer.

Concrete in slab spans shall be placed in one continuous operation for each span unless otherwise provided.

Concrete in T-Beam or deck girder spans shall be placed in one continuous operation unless otherwise directed. If it is permitted to place the concrete in two separate operations, each of the operations, shall be continuous: first, to the top of the girder stems, and second, to completion. In the latter case, the bond between stem and slab shall be secured by means of suitable shear keys which may be formed by the use of timber blocks approximately 50 mm x 100 mm in cross-section having a length of 100 mm less than the width of the girder stem. These key blocks shall be placed along the girder stems as required, but the spacing shall not be greater than 300 mm center to center. The blocks shall be beveled and oiled in such a manner as to insure their ready removal, and they shall be removed as soon as the concrete has set sufficiently to retain its shape. If the contractor wishes to place the concrete in two separate operations, he shall, with his request for permission to do so, submit plans and proposals of the required changes to the reinforcement, which plans and proposals shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

In box girders, the concrete in the bottom slab be poured first, as a separate operation.
The concrete in the webs and the top slab shall be placed in one continuous operation unless otherwise specified. If it is permitted to place the concrete in more than one operation, the requirements for T-beam shall apply.

407.3.6 Construction Joints
Construction joints shall be made only where shown on the Plans or called for in the pouring schedule, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Shear keys or reinforcement shall be used, unless otherwise specified, to transmit shear or to bond the two sections together.

Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete which has hardened, the forms shall be retightened. The surface of the hardened concrete shall be roughened as required by the Engineer, in a manner that will not leave loose particles of aggregate or damage concrete at the surface. It shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter and laitance. When directed by the Engineer, the surface of the hardened concrete which will be in contact with new concrete shall be washed with water to this satisfaction, and to insure an excess of mortar at the juncture of the hardened and the newly deposited concrete, the cleaned and saturated surfaces, including vertical and inclined surfaces shall first be thoroughly covered with a coating of mortar of the same proportion of sand and cement as the class of concrete used against which the new concrete shall be placed before the grout or mortar has attained its initial set.

The placing of concrete shall be carried continuously from joint to joint. The face edges of all joints which are exposed to view shall be carefully finished true to line and elevation.

407.3.7 Concrete Surface Finishing
Surface finishing shall be classified as follows:

Class 1, Ordinary Finish
Class 2, Rubbed Finish
Class 3, Floated Finish

All concrete shall be given Class 1, Ordinary Finish and additionally any further finish as specified.
Unless otherwise specified, the following surfaces shall be given a Class 2, Rubbed Finish.

1. The exposed faces of piers, abutments, wingwalls, and retaining walls.
2. The outside faces of girders, T-beams, slabs, columns, brackets, curbs, headwalls, railings, arch rings, spandrel walls and parapets.

Excluded, however, are the tops and bottoms of floor slabs and sidewalks, bottoms of beams and girders, sides of interior beams and girders, backwalls above bridge seats or the underside of copings. The surface finish on piers and abutments shall include all exposed surfaces below the bridge seats to 20 cm below low water elevation or 50 cm below finished ground level when such ground level is above the water surface. Wingwalls shall be finished from the top to 50cm below the finished slope lines on the outside face and shall be finished on top and for a depth of 20 cm below the top on the back sides.

Unless otherwise specified, the surface of the traveled way shall be Class3, Floated Finish.

Class 1, Concrete Ordinary Finish
Immediately following the removal of forms, all fins and irregular protection shall be removed from all surface except from those which are not to be exposed or are not to be waterproofed. On all surfaces the cavities produced by form ties and all other holes, honeycomb spots, broken corners or edges and other defects shall be thoroughly cleaned, and after having been kept saturated with water for a period of not less than three hours shall be carefully pointed and made true with a mortar of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions used in the grade of the concrete being finished. Mortar used in pointing shall not be more than one hour old. The mortar patches shall be cured as specified under Subsection 407.3.8. All construction and expansion joints in the completed work shall be left carefully tooled and free of all mortar and concrete. The joint filler shall be left exposed for its full length with a clean and true edges.

The resulting surface shall be true and uniform. All repaired surfaces, the appearance of which is not satisfactory to the Engineer, shall be “rubbed” as specified below.

Class 2, Concrete Rubbed Finish
After removal of forms, the rubbing of concrete shall be started as soon as its condition will permit. Immediately before starting this work, the concrete shall be kept thoroughly saturated with water for a minimum period of three hours. Sufficient time shall have elapsed before the wetting down to allow the mortar used in the pointing of road holes and defects to thoroughly set. Surfaces to be finished shall be rubbed with a minimum coarse carborundum stone using a small amount of mortar on each face. The mortar shall be composed of cement and fine sand mixed in the proportions used in the concrete being finished. Rubbing shall be continued until all form marks, protections and irregularities have been removed, all voids have been filled, and a uniform surface has been obtained. The face produced by this rubbing shall be left in place at this time.

After all concrete above the surface being created has been cast, the final finish shall be obtained by rubbing with a fine carborundum stone and water. This rubbing shall be continued until the entire surface is of smooth texture and uniform color.

After the final rubbing is completed and the surface has dried, it should be rubbed with burlap to remove loose powder and shall be left free from all unsound patches, paste, powder and objectionable marks.

Class 3, Concrete Floated Finish
After the concrete is compacted as specified in Subsection 407.3.2, Compaction of Concrete, the surface shall be carefully struck off with a strike board to conform to the cross-section and grade shown on the Plans. Proper allowance shall be made for camber if required. The strike board may be operated longitudinally or transversely and shall be moved forward with a combined longitudinal and transverse motion, the manipulation being such that neither is raised from the side forms during the process. A slight excess of concrete shall be kept in front of the cutting edge at all times.

After striking off and consolidating as specified above, the surface shall be made uniform by longitudinal or transverse floating or both. Longitudinal floating will be required except in places where this method is not feasible.

The longitudinal float, operated from foot bridges, shall be worked with a sawing motion while held in a floating position parallel to the road centerline and passing gradually from one side of the pavement to the other. The float shall then be moved forward one-half of each length and the above operation repeated. Machine floating which produces an equivalent result may be substituted for the above manual method.

The transverse float shall be operated across the pavement by starting at the edge and slowly moving to the center and back again to the edge. The float shall then be moved forward one-half of each length and the above operation repeated. Care shall be taken to preserve the crown and cross-section of the pavement.

After the longitudinal floating has been completed and the excess water removed, but while the concrete is still plastic, the slab surface shall be tested for trueness with a straight-edge. For the purpose, the Contractor shall furnish and use an accurate 3 m straight-edge swing handless 1 m longer than one half the width of the slab.

The straight-edge shall be held in successive positions parallel to the road centerline and in contact with the surface and the whole area gone over from one side of the slab to the other as necessary advancement along the deck shall be in successive stages of not more than one-half the length of the straight-edge. Any depression found shall be immediately filled with freshly mixed concrete, struck off, consolidated and refinished. The straight-edge testing and refloating shall continue until the entire surface is found to be free from observable departure from the straight-edge and the slabs has the required grade and contour, until there are no deviations of more than 3 mm under the 3 m straight-edge.

When the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the surface shall be given a broom finish. The broom shall be an approved type. The strokes shall be square across the slabs from edge to edge, with adjacent strokes slightly overlapped, and shall be made by drawing the broom without tearing the concrete, but so as to produce regular corrugations not over 3 mm in depth. The surface as thus finished shall be free from porous spots, irregularities, depressions and small pockets or rough spots such as may be caused by accidental disturbing, during the final brooming of particles of coarse aggregate embedded near the surface.

Concrete Surface Finish for Sidewalk.
After the concrete has been deposited in place, it shall be compacted and the surface shall be struck off by means of strike board and floated with a wooden or cork float. An edging tool shall be used on all edges and at all expansion joints. The surface shall not vary more than 3 mm under a 3 m straight-edge. The surface shall have a granular or matted texture which will not slick when wet.

407.3.8 Curing Concrete
All newly placed concrete shall be cured in accordance with this Specification, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The curing method shall be one or more of the following:

1. Water Method
The concrete shall be kept continuously wet by the application of water for a minimum period of 7 days after the concrete has been placed.
The entire surface of the concrete shall be kept dump by applying water with an atomizing nozzle. Cotton mats, rugs, carpets, or earth or sand blankets may be used to retain the moisture. At the expiration of the curing period the concrete surface shall be cleared of the curing medium.

2. Curing Compound
Surfaces exposed to the air may be cured by the application of an impervious membrane if approved by the Engineer.

The membrane forming compound used shall be practically colorless liquid. The use of any membrane-forming compound that will alter the natural color of the concrete or impart a slippery surface to any wearing surface shall be prohibited. The compound shall be applied with a pressure spray in such a manner as to cover the entire concrete surface with a uniform film and shall be of such character that it will harden within 30 minutes after application. The amount of compound applied shall be ample to seal the surface of the concrete thoroughly. Power-operated spraying equipment shall be equipped with an operational pressure gauge and means of controlling the pressure.

The curing compound shall be applied to the concrete following the surface finishing operation immediately after the moisture sheen begins to disappear from the surface, but before any drying shrinkage or craze cracks begin to appear. In the event of any delay, in the application of the curing compound, which results in any drying or cracking of the surface, application of water with an atomizing nozzle as specified under “Water Method”, shall be started immediately and shall be continued until the application of the compound is resumed or started, however, the compound shall not be applied over any resulting freestanding water. Should the film of compound be damaged from any cause before the expiration of 7 days after the concrete is placed in the case of structures, the damaged portion shall be repaired immediately with additional compound.

Curing compound shall not be diluted or altered in any manner after manufacture. At the time of use, the compound shall be in a thoroughly mixed condition. If the compound has not been used within 120 days after the date of manufacture, the Engineer may require additional testing before the use to determine compliance to requirements.

An anti-setting agent or a combination of anti-setting agents shall be incorporated in the curing compound to prevent caking.

The curing compound shall be packaged in clean barrels or steel containers or shall be supplied from a suitable storage tank located on the Site. Storage tank shall have a permanent system designed to completely redisperse any settled material without introducing air or any other foreign substance. Containers shall be well-sealed with ring seals and lug type crimp lids. The linings of the containers shall be of character that will resist the solvent of the curing compound. Each container shall be labeled with a manufacturer’s name, specification number, batch number, capacity and date of manufacture, and shall have label warning concerning flammability. The label shall also warn that the curing compound shall be well-stirred before use. When the curing compound is shipped in tanks or tank trunks, a shipping invoice shall accompany each load. The invoice shall contain the same information as that required herein for container labels.

Curing compound may be sampled by the Engineer at the source of supply and on the Site.

3. Waterproof Membrane Method
The exposed finished surfaces of concrete shall be sprayed with water, using a nozzle that so atomizes the flow that a mist and not as pray is formed until the concrete has set, after which a curing membrane of waterproof paper or plastic sheeting shall be placed. The curing membrane shall remain in place for a period of not less than 72 hours.

Waterproof paper and plastic sheeting shall conform to the specification of AASHTO M 171.
The waterproof paper or plastic sheeting shall be formed into sheets of such width as to cover completely the entire concrete surface.

All joints in the sheets shall be securely cemented together in such a manner as to provide a waterproof joint. The joint seams shall have a minimum lap of 100 mm.

The sheets shall be securely weighed down by placing a bank of earth on the edges of the sheets or by other means satisfactory to the Engineer.

Should any portion of the sheets be broken or damaged within 72hours after being placed, the broken or damaged portions shall be immediately repaired with new sheets properly cemented into place.
Sections of membrane which have lost their waterproof qualities or have been damaged to such an extent as to render them unfit for curing, the concrete shall not be used.

4. Forms-in-Place Method
Formed surfaces of concrete may be cured by retaining the form-in-place. The forms shall remain in place for a minimum period of 7 days after the concrete has been placed, except that for members over 50cm in least dimensions, the forms shall remain in place for a minimum period of 5 days. Wooden forms shall be kept wet by watering during the curing period.

5. Curing Cast-In-Situ Concrete
All newly placed concrete for cast-in-situ structures, other than highway bridge deck, shall be cured by the water method, the forms-in-place method, or as permitted herein, by the curing compound method, all in accordance with the requirements of Subsection, 407.3.8 Curing Concrete.

The curing compound method may be used on concrete surfaces which are to be buried under ground and surfaces where only Ordinary Surface Finish is to be applied and on which a uniform color is not required and which will not be visible from public view.

The top surface of highway bridge decks shall be cured by either the curing compound method or the water method. The curing compound shall be applied progressively during the deck finishing operations. The water cure shall be applied not later than 4 hours after completion of the deck finishing.

When deemed necessary by the Engineer during periods of hot weather, water shall be applied to concrete surface being cured by the curing compound method or by the forms-in-place method until the Engineer determine that a cooling effect is no longer required.

6. Curing Pre-Cast Concrete (except piles)
Pre-cast concrete members shall be cured for not less than 7 days by the water method or by steam curing. Steam curing for pre-cast members shall conform to the following provisions:

a. After placement of the concrete, members shall be held for a minimum 4-hour pre-steaming period.
b. To prevent moisture loss on exposed surfaces during the pre-steaming period, members shall be covered immediately after casting or the exposed surface shall be kept wet by fog spray or wet blankets.
c. Enclosures for steam curing shall allow free circulation of steam about the member and shall be constructed to contain the live steam with a minimum moisture loss. The use of tarpaulins or similar flexible covers will be permitted, provided they are kept in good condition and secured in such a manner to prevent the loss of steam and moisture.
d. Steam at jets shall be low pressure and in a saturated condition. Steam jets shall not impinge directly on the concrete, test cylinders, or forms. During application of the steam, the temperature rise within the enclosure shall not exceed 200C per hour. The curing temperature throughout the enclosure shall not exceed 650C and shall be maintained at a constant level for a sufficient time necessary to develop the required compressive strength. Control cylinders shall be covered to prevent moisture loss and shall be placed in a location where temperature of the enclosure will be the same as that of the concrete.
e. Temperature recording devices that will provide an accurate continuous permanent record of the curing temperature shall be provided. A minimum of one temperature recording device per 50 m of continuous bed length will be required for checking temperature.
f. Curing of pre-cast concrete will be considered completed after the termination of the steam curing cycle.

7. Curing Pre-cast Concrete Piles All newly placed concrete for pre-cast concrete piles, conventionally reinforced or prestressed shall be cured by the “Water Method” as described in Subsection 407.3.8, Curing Concrete, except that the concrete shall be kept under moisture for at least 14 days. At the option of the Contractor, stream curing may be used in which case the steam curing provisions of Subsection 407.3.8 (6), Curing Pre-Cast Concrete(except piles) shall apply except that the concrete shall be kept wet for at least 7 days including the holding and steaming period.

407.3.9 Falsework Design and Drawings
Detailed working drawings and supporting calculations of the falsework shall be furnished by the Contractor to the Engineer. No falsework construction shall start until the Engineer has reviewed and approved the design. The Contractor shall provide sufficient time for the Engineer to complete this review. Such time shall be proportionate to the complexity of the falsework design and in no case be less than two weeks.

The Contractor may review the falsework drawings at any time provided sufficient time is allowed for the Engineer’s review before construction is started on the revised portion.
Assumptions used in design of the falsework shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. The entire superstructure cross-section, except for the railing, shall be considered to be placed at one time, except when in the opinion of the Engineer, a portion of the load is carried by members previously cast and having attained a specified strength.

2. The loading used on timber piles shall not exceed the bearing value for the pile and shall in no case exceed 20 tonne per pile.

3. Soil bearing values and soil condition (wet and dry) shall be designated by the Contractor on the falsework drawings. Falsework footings shall be designed to carry the loads imposed upon them without exceeding estimated soil bearing values or allowable settlements.

4. The maximum loadings and deflections used on jacks, brackets, columns and other manufactured devices shall not exceed the manufacture’s recommendations. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish catalogue or other data verifying these recommendations.

5. If the concrete is to be prestressed, the falsework shall be designed to support any increased or readjusted loads caused by the prestressing forces.

6. Joints supporting slabs and overhangs shall be considered as falsework and designed as such.
For the construction of falsework over and adjacent to roadways where falsework openings are required for maintaining traffic, the Contractor shall provide any additional features for the work needed to insure that the falsework will be stable if subjected to impact by vehicles.

The falsework design at the locations where said openings are required shall include but not be limited to the following minimum provisions:

a. Each exterior stringer in a span shall be securely anchored to the following cap or framing.
b. Adequate bracing shall be used during all stages of falsework construction and removal over or adjacent to public traffic.
c. Falsework members shall be at least 300 mm clear of temporary protective railing members.
The falsework drawings shall include a superstructure placing diagram showing proposed concrete placing sequence and construction joint locations, except that where a schedule for placing concrete is shown on the Contract Plans, no deviation will be permitted there from unless approved in writing by the Engineer.

The falsework drawings shall show pedestrian openings which are required through the falsework.
Anticipated total settlements of falsework and forms shall be indicated by the Contractor on the falsework drawings. These should include falsework footing settlements over 20 mm will not be allowed unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Deck slab forms between girders shall be constructed with no allowance for settlement relative to the girders.

Detailed calculations by the Contractor showing the stresses deflections, and camber necessary to compensate for said deflections in all load supporting members shall be supplied.

After approving the Contractor’s falsework deflection camber, the Engineer will furnish to the Contractor the amounts of camber necessary to compensate for vertical alignment or anticipated structure deflection, if these are not shown on the drawings. The total camber used in constructing falsework shall be the sum of the aforementioned cambers.

407.3.10 Falsework Construction
The falsework shall be constructed to conform to the falsework drawings. The materials used in the falsework construction shall be of the quantity and quality necessary to withstand the stresses imposed. The workmanship used in falsework shall be of such quality that the falsework will support the loads imposed on it without excessive settlement or take-up beyond that shown on the falsework drawings.

When falsework is supported on piles, the piles shall be driven to a bearing value equal to the total calculated pile loading as shown on the falsework drawings.

Suitable jacks or wedges shall be used in connection with falsework to set the forms to their required grade and to take up any excessive settlement in the falsework either before or during the placing of concrete.

The Contractor shall provide tell-tales attached to the soffit forms easily readable and in enough systematically-placed locations to determine the total settlement of the entire portion of the structure where concrete is being placed.

Should unanticipated events occur, including settlements that deviate more than ±20 mm from those indicated on the falsework drawings, which in the opinion of the Engineer would prevent obtaining a structure conforming to the requirement of the Specification, the placing of concrete shall be discontinued until corrective measures satisfactory to the Engineer are provided. In the event satisfactory measures are not provided prior to initial set of the concrete in the affected area, the placing of concrete shall be discontinued at a location determined by the Engineer. All unacceptable concrete shall be removed.

407.3.11 Removing Falsework
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, or permitted by the Engineer, falsework supporting any span of a supported bridge shall not be released before14 days after the last concrete, excluding concrete above the bridge deck, has been placed. Falsework supporting any span of a continuous or rigid frame bridge shall not be released before 14 days after the last concrete excluding concrete above the bridge deck, has been placed in that span and in the adjacent portions of each adjoining span for a length equal to at least half the length of the span where falsework is to be released.
Falsework supporting deck overhangs and deck slabs between girders shall not be released until 7 days after the deck concrete has been placed.

In addition to the above requirements, no falsework for bridges shall be released until the supported concrete has attained a compressive strength of at least 80% of the required 28-day strength. Falsework for cast-in place prestressed portion of structure shall not be released until after the prestressing steel has been tensioned.

All falsework materials shall be completely removed. Falsework piling shall be removed at least 50 cm below the surface of the original ground or stream bed. When falsework piling is driven within the limits of ditch or channel excavation areas, the falsework piling within such areas shall be removed to at least 50 cm below the bottom and side slopes of said excavated areas.

All debris and refuse resulting from work shall be removed and the site left in a neat and presentable condition.

407.3.12 Formwork Design and Drawings
The Contractor shall prepare drawings and materials data for the formwork and shutters to be submitted to the Engineer for approval unless otherwise directed.

The requirements for design of formwork are the same as described under Section 407.3.9.

407.3.13 Formwork Construction
Concrete forms shall be mortar-tight, true to the dimensions, lines and grades of the structure and with the sufficient strength, rigidity, shape and surface smoothness as to leave the finished works true to the dimensions shown on the Plans or required by the Engineer and with the surface finish as specified.

Formwork and shutters are to be constructed in accordance with the approved Plans.
The inside surfaces of forms shall be cleaned of all dirt, mortar and foreign material. Forms which will later be removed shall be thoroughly coated with form oil prior to use. The form oil shall be of commercial quality form oil or other approved coating which will permit the ready release of the forms and will not discolor the concrete.

Concrete shall not be deposited in the forms until all work in connection with constructing the forms has been completed, all materials required for the unit to be poured, and the Engineer has inspected and approved said forms and materials. Such work shall include the removal of all dirt, chips, sawdust and other foreign material from the forms.

The rate of depositing concrete in forms shall be such to prevent bulging of the forms or form panels in excess of the deflections permitted by the Specification.

Forms for all concrete surfaces which will not be completely enclosed or hidden below the permanent ground surface shall conform to the requirements herein for forms for exposed surfaces. Interior surfaces of underground drainage structures shall be completely enclosed surfaces.

Formwork for concrete place under water shall be watertight. When lumber is used, this shall be planed, tongued and grooved.

Forms for exposed concrete surface shall be designed and constructed so that the formed surface of the concrete does not undulate excessively in any direction between studs, joists, form stiffeners, form fasteners, or wales. Undulations exceeding either 2 mm or 1/270 of the center to center distance between studs, joists, form stiffeners, form fasteners, or wales will be considered to be excessive. Should any form of forming system, even though previously approved for use, produce a concrete surface with excessive undulations, its use shall be discontinued until modifications satisfactory to the Engineer have been made. Portions of concrete structures with surface undulations in excess of the limits herein specified may be rejected by the Engineer.

All exposed surfaces of similar portions of a concrete structure shall be formed with the same forming material or with materials which produce similar concrete surface textures, color and appearance.

Forms for exposed surfaces shall be made of form materials of even thickness and width and with uniform texture. The materials shall have sharp edges and be mortar-tight.

Forms for exposed surfaces shall be constructed with triangular fillets at least 20 mm wide attached so as to prevent mortar runs and to produce smooth straight chamfers at all sharp edges of the concrete.

Form fasteners consisting of form bolts, clamps or other devices shall be used as necessary to prevent spreading of the forms during concrete placement. The use of ties consisting of twisted wire loops to hold forms in position will not be permitted.

Anchor devices may be cast into the concrete for later use in supporting forms or for lifting precast members. The use of driven types of anchorage for fastening forms of form supports to concrete will not be permitted.

407.3.14 Removal of Forms and Falsework
Forms and falsework shall not be removed without the consent of the Engineer. The Engineer’s consent shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the safety of the work. Blocks and bracing shall be removed at the time the forms are removed and in no case shall any portion of the wood forms be left in the concrete.

Falsework removal for continuous or cantilevered structures shall be as directed by the Engineer or shall be such that the structure is gradually subjectedto its working stress.

When concrete strength tests are used for removal of forms and supports, such removal should not begin until the concrete has attained the percentage of the specified design strength shown in the table below.

Part of Structure
Minimum Time
Minimum Percentage Design Strength
Centering under girders, beams frames or arches
Floor slabs
Sides of beams and all other vertical surfaces
14 days
14 days
1 day
2 days
1 day

In continuous structures, falsework shall not be released in any span until the first and second adjoining spans on each side have reached the strength specified herein, or in the Special Specifications. When cast-in-place posttensioned bridges are constructed, falsework shall remain in place until all posttensioning has been accomplished.

Falsework under all spans of continuous structures shall be completely released before concrete is placed in railings and parapets. In order to determine the condition of column concrete, forms shall be removed from columns before releasing supports from beneath beams and girders.

Forms and falsework shall not be released from under concrete without first determining if the concrete has gained adequate strength without regard to the time element. In the absence of strength determination, the forms and falsework are to remain in place until removal is permitted by the Engineer.

The forms for footings constructed within cofferdams or cribs may be left in place when, in the opinion of the Engineer, their removal would endanger the safety of the cofferdam or crib, and when the forms so left intact will not be exposed to view in the finished structure. All other forms shall be removed whether above or below the ground line or water level.

All forms shall be removed from the cells of concrete box girders in which utilities are present and all formwork except that necessary to support the deck slab shall be removed from the remaining cells of the box girder.

To facilitate finishing, forms used on ornamental work, railing, parapets and exposed vertical surfaces shall be removed in not less than 12 nor more than 48 hours, depending upon weather conditions. In order to determine the condition of concrete in columns, forms shall always be removed from them before the removal of shoring from beneath beams and girders.

Falsework and centering for spandrel-filled arches not be struck until filling at the back of abutments has been placed up to the spring line. Falsework supporting the deck of rigid frame structure shall not be removed until fills have been placed back to the vertical legs.

407.4 Method of Measurement
The quantity of structural steel, structural concrete, reinforcing steel or other Contract Pay Items shall constitute the completed and accepted structure which shall be measured for payment in the manner prescribed in the several items involved.

407.5 Basis of Payment
The quantities measured as provided in Section 407.4, Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract price for the several pay items which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing, preparing, fabricating, placing, curing and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item. Such payment shall constitute full payment for the completed structure ready for use.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
405 (1)
405 (2)
405 (3)
407 (1)
Concrete Class A, C & P
Concrete Post/Baluster Railings
Parapet Walls
Structure Excavation
Sidewalk Concrete
Reinforcing Steel Bars
Lean Concrete
Cubic Meter
Cubic Meter
Linear Meter
Cubic Meter
Square Meter or Cubic Meter
Cubic Meter

When more than one item is specified, means of identification shall be inserted in parenthesis immediately after the Pay Item and letter suffixes shall be included within the parenthesis of the Pay Item Number.

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