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510.1 Description
This Item shall consist of the furnishing and placing of concrete slope protection including all necessary excavation, a bed course and reinforced concrete to the required thickness and extent to protect slopes against erosion. Construction details shall be as shown on the Plans.

510.2 Material Requirements

510.2.1 Bed Course
A bed course, where required, shall be granular material which satisfies the requirements for Item 200, Aggregate Sub-base, Grading A.

510.2.2 Formwork
Formwork, where necessary, shall be as specified in Item 407, Concrete Structures.

510.2.3 Steel Reinforcement
Steel reinforcement shall be as specified in Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

510.2.4 Concrete
Concrete shall be Class B as specified in Item 405, Structural Concrete, unless otherwise specified or required by the Engineer.

510.3 ConstructionRequirements510.3.1 Excavation
The ground shall be excavated where necessary in accordance with the dimensions, lines and grades shown on the Plans.

510.3.2 Bed Course
Where shown on the Plans or ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide and lay a bed course, to the depth required, and as specified in Item 200, Aggregate Subbase Course, compacted at least 100 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T 180, Method D.

510.3.3 Concrete
The Contractor shall provide and place concrete in accordance with the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete, to the required depths in the positions and to the grades and elevations shown on the Plans. Unless otherwise specified, the concrete slabs shall not be greater than 4m by 4m and shall have between slabs, plain vertical straight joints with no joint filler or sealer.

The toe of the concrete slope protection shall be constructed and protected a shown on the Plans.

510.3.4 Drainage
Drainage of the bed course or backfill shall be provided as shown on the Plans or as required by the Engineer.

510.4 Method of Measurement
The quantity of granular material in the bed course to be paid for shall be measured by the cubic meter in-place and accepted as shown on the Plans.

The quantity of concrete to be paid for shall be measured by the cubic meter in-place and accepted as shown on the Plans.

510.5 Basis of Payment
The accepted quantities as provided in Section 510.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract unit price according to the Pay Item in the Bid Schedule which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for the necessary excavation, for all labor, equipment, tools, all materials including formwork and reinforcing steel, and incidentals necessary to complete this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
510 (1)
510 (2)
Bed Course
Granular Material Concrete
Cubic meter in-place
Cubic meter in-place

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