409.1 Description
This work shall consist of the joining of structural steel members with
welds of the type, dimensions, and design shown on the Plans and in
accordance with the Specifications.
It is the intent of this Specification to provide for work of a quality
comparable to that required under the Standard Specifications for Welded
Highway and Railway Bridges of the American Welding Society. In case of
dispute or for situations not adequately provided for in this
Specification, those designated Standard Specifications shall be considered
as the final authority and shall govern except as amended by the Special
Welding of Structural Steel shall be done only when shown on the Plans or
authorized in writing by the Engineer.
409.2 Materials Requirements
Steel base metal to be welded shall be open-hearth or electric furnace
steel conforming to AASHTO M 183.
All arc-welding electrodes shall conform to the requirements of American
Welding Society Specifications. Electrodes shall be of classification
numbersE7016, E7018 or E7028 as required for the positions, type of current
and polarity, and other conditions of intended use, and to conform to any
special requirements indicated on the Plans.
Filler material to be used in the repair or strengthening of old structures
or for joining new parts to existing steel members, shall be adopted to the
material to be welded and may depart from the foregoing requirements only
if agreed by the Engineer.
409.3 Construction Requirements
409.3.1 Equipment
409.3.1.1 General
All items of equipment for welding and gas cutting shall be so designed and
manufactured and in such condition as to enable qualified welders to follow
the procedures and attain the results prescribed in this Specification.
409.3.1.2 Arc-Welding Equipment
Welding generators and transformers shall be designed expressly for
welding. They shall be capable of delivering steady currents adjustable
through a range ample for the work requirements. They shall respond
automatically and quickly to changes in power requirements due to
variations in arc length and shall deliver full current promptly on
striking an arc.
Welding cable shall have sufficient conductivity to avoid overheating
andinadequate current at the arc and shall be effectively insulated against
welding circuit voltage. Earth or ground connections and circuits shall be
secured and adequate to carry the welding currents.
Electrode holders shall grip the electrode firmly and with good electrical
Approved automatic welding heads may be used, with suitable auxiliary
handling equipment to provide automatic instead of manual control of
electrode and welding arc.
409.3.1.3 Gas-Cutting Equipment
Torches and tips shall be of proper size and type of the work at hand.
Suitable regulators shall afford the welder complete control over the
pressure and rate of flow of each gas.
409.3.1.4 Protective Equipment
All personnel protective equipment shall conform to the American Standard
Association Code for such equipment.
The Contractor shall enforce the use of approved accessories necessary for
the protection and convenience of the welders and for the proper and
efficient execution of the work.
Suitable protection against the light of the arc shall be maintained by the
Contractor when arc-welding operation might be viewed within harmful range
by persons other than the actual welders and inspectors.
409.3.2 Welding
409.3.2.1 General
Welding shall be performed by the metal-arc process, using the electrodes
specified with either direct or alternating current.
Surfaces to be welded shall be smooth, uniform and free from fins, tears,
and other defects which would adversely affect the quality of the weld.
Edges of material shall be trimmed by machining, chipping, grinding, or
machine gas-cutting to produce a satisfactory welding edge wherever such
edge is thicker than: 13 mm for sheared edge of material; 16 mm for toes of
angles or rolled shapes (other than wide flange sections); 25 mm for
universal mill plate or edges of flange sections.
The width of root face used, shall be not more than 1.5 mm for parts less
than 10 mm in thickness nor more than 3 mm for parts 10 mm or more in
Butt welds shall be proportioned so that their surface contours will lie in
gradual transition curves. For butt welded joints between base metal parts
of unequal thickness, a transition shall be provided on a slope or level
not greater than 1 in 2.5 to join the offset surfaces. This transition may
be provided by sloping the surface of the weld metal or by bevelling the
thicker part or by combination of these two methods.
Surfaces to be welded shall be free from loose scale, slag, rust, grease or
other material that will prevent proper welding. Mill scale that withstands
vigorous wire brushing or a light film of drying oil or rust inhibitive
coating may remain. Surfaces within 50 mm of any weld location shall be
free of any paint or other material that would prevent proper welding or
produce objectionable fumes while welding.
No operation or actual welding or gas-cutting shall be performed on a
member while it is carrying live load stress or while subject to shock and
vibration and from moving loads. Welding and gas-cutting shall cease in
advance of the application of such loads.
409.3.2.2 Welders
All welding shall be done by approved competent and experienced and fully
qualified welders.
409.3.2.3 Preparation of Materials for Welding
Dimensional tolerance, straightness and flatness of the structural shapes
and plates shall be within the limits prescribed in this Specification.
Structural steel which is to be welded shall preferably not be painted
until all welding is completed.
Preparation of edges by gas-cutting shall, wherever practicable, be done by
machine gas-cutting. Machine gas-cutting edges shall be substantially as
smooth and regular as those produced by edge planning and shall be left
free of slag. Manual gas cutting shall be permitted only where machine
gas-cutting is not practicable and with the approval of the Engineer. The
edge resulting from manual gas-cutting shall be inspected and smoothed with
special care. All re-entrant corners shall be filleted to a radius at least
19 mm. The cut lines shall not extend beyond the fillet and all cutting
shall follow closely the line prescribed.
409.3.2.4 Assembly
The parts to be joined by fillet welds shall be brought into a close
contacts practicable, and no event shall be separated more than 5 mm. If
the separation is 1.5 mm or greater, the leg of the fillet weld shall be
increased by the amount of separation. The separation between faying
surfaces of lap joints and of butt joints landing on a backing structure
shall not exceed 1.5 mm. The fit of joints which are not sealed by welds
throughout their length shall be sufficiently close to exclude water after
painting. Where irregularities in rolled shape or plates, after
straightening, do not permit contact within the above limits, the procedure
necessary to bring the material within these limits shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer.
Cutting parts to be joined by butt welds shall be carefully aligned. Where
the parts are effectively restrained against bending due to eccentricity or
alignment, a maximum offset of 10 percent of the thickness or the thinner
part joined, but in no case more than 3 mm, may be permitted as a departure
from the theoretical alignment. In connecting alignment in such cases, the
parts shall not be drawn into a greater slope than two degrees (1 in 30).
Measurement of offset shall be between centerline of parts unless otherwise
shown on the Plans.
When parts abutting edge to edge differ in thickness, the joint shall be of
such form that the slope of either surface through the transition zone does
not exceed 1 in 2.5, the thicker part being bevelled, if necessary.
Members to be welded shall be brought into correct alignment and held in
position by bolts, clamps, wedges, guy lines, struts, other suitable
devices or tack welds until welding has been completed. The use of jigs and
fixtures is recommended where practicable. Such fastening devices as may be
used shall be adequate to insure safety.
Plug and slot welds may be used to transmit shear in a lap joint or to
prevent the buckling or separation of lapped parts.
The diameter of the hole for a plug weld shall not be less than the
thickness of the part containing it plus 8 mm nor shall it be greater than
2.25 times the thickness of the weld.
The minimum center spacing of plug welds shall be four times the diameter
of the hole.
The length of the slot for a slot weld not exceed ten times the thickness
of the weld. The width of the slot shall not be less than the thickness of
the part containing it plus 8 mm nor shall it be greater than 2.25 times
the thickness of the weld.
The ends of the slot shall be semicircular or shall have the corners
rounded to a radius not less than the thickness of the part containing it,
except those ends which extend to the edge of the part.
The minimum spacing of lines of slot welds in a direction transverse to
their length shall be 4 times the width of the slot. The minimum center to
center spacing in a longitudinal direction on any line shall be 2 times the
length of the slot.
The thickness of plug or slot welds in material 16 mm or less in thickness
shall be equal to the thickness of the material. In material over 16 mm in
thickness, it shall be at least one-half the thickness of the material but
not less than 16 mm.
Tack welds, located where the final welds will later be made, shall be
subject to the same quality requirements as the final weld. Tack welds
shall be as small as practicable and where encountered in the final
welding, shall be cleaned and fused thoroughly with the final weld.
Defective, cracked or broken tack welds shall be removed before final
Members or component parts of structures shall be assembled and matchmarked
prior to erection to insure accurate assembly and adjustment of position on
final erection. Painted assembly marks shall be removed from any surface to
be welded.
409.3.2.5 Control of Distortion and Shrinkage Stresses
In assembling and joining parts of a structure or a built-up member and in
welding reinforcing parts to existing members, the procedure and sequence
of welding shall be such as will avoid distortion and minimize shrinkage
.As far as practicable, long parallel lines of welding on a part or member
shall be executed concurrently, and all welds shall be deposited in a
sequence that will balance the applied heat of welding on various sides as
much as possible while the welding progresses.
Before the commencement of welding on a structural member in which severe
shrinkage stresses or distortion are likely to occur, a complete program
for welding sequence and distortion control shall be submitted to the
Engineer and shall be subject to his approval.
The direction of the general progression in welding on a member shall be
from points where parts are relatively fixed in position, with respect to
each other, toward points which have a greater relative freedom of
Where part or member is to be welded on both ends into a rigid structure or
assembly, the connection at which the greatest shrinkage will occur in the
direction of the length of the part or member, shall be made while the part
or member is free to move in the direction of the shrinkage; and the
connection involving the least shrinkage shall be made last.
A weld designed to sustain tensile stress shall be made in such a way that
their welding is being performed at any point, all parts that would offer
restraint against shrinkage can shrink, deform or move enough to preclude
serious shrinkage stresses.
In welding of built-up members of heavy sections, particularly those T or
H-shapes where the flanges are considerably heavier than the stems or webs,
and in any case where the component parts are 38 mm or greater in
thickness, special care shall be exercised during welding to avoid weld
cracking. In the welding of members of such heavy section, the temperature
of contiguous areas about a welding operation shall be equal, and not less
than 550C. If necessary, the lighter parts shall be heated while
the weld is cooling, to keep the temperature of contiguous parts
substantially equal.
In the fabrication of cover-plated beams and built-up members, all shop
splices in each component part shall be made before such component part is
welded to other parts of the member.
In making all butt-welded splices in rolled shapes and in making
butt-welded field splices in built-up sections (such as in H or I-sections)
the sequence and procedure of welding shall be such as to take into account
unequal amounts of expansion or contraction in the parts being welded. The
procedure and sequence shall be such that while the weld and the heated
base metal are contracting at any point, any part of the member that would
furnish restraint against such contraction can move or shrink enough to
prevent the shrinkage of the heated metal from producing harmful internal
stresses. The procedure and sequence that is used for making such splices
shall be planned in advance in full detail and submitted to the Engineer
and shall be subject to his approval.
The ends of all butt welds in flanges of beams and girders shall be made
with extension bars regardless of the thickness of such flanges.
Welding shall not be done when surfaces are wet from condensation or rain
which is falling on the surfaces to be welded; nor during periods of high
winds unless the welding operator and the work are properly protected.
409.3.2.6 Technique of Arch-Welding
The welding current shall conform with respect to voltage and current (and
polarity, of direct current is used) to the recommendations of the
manufacturer of the electrode being used, as indicated in the instructions
that are included with each container of electrodes.
Arc lengths and electrical potential and current shall be suited to the
thickness of material, type of groove and other circumstances attendant to
the work.
The maximum size of electrode permitted shall be 5 mm with the following
1. The maximum size for flat position welding of all passes except the root
pass shall be 8 mm.
2. The maximum size for horizontal fillet welds shall be 6 mm.
The electrode for the single pass fillet weld and for the root passes of
all multiple layer welds in all cases shall be of the proper size to insure
thorough fusion and penetration with freedom from slag inclusions.
A single layer of the weld metal, whether deposited-in one pass or made up
of several parallel beads, shall not exceed 3 mm in thickness except that
the bead at the root may be 6 mm in thickness if the position of welding
and the viscosity of the weld metal permit control of the latter so that it
does not over flow upon unfused base metal.
The maximum size of fillet weld which may be made in one pass shall be 8mm
except that for vertical welds made upward the maximum size made in one
pass shall be 13 mm.
In vertical welding the first root pass shall be formed from the bottom
upward. Succeeding passes may be formed by any technique that will fulfill
the requirements of the Specification and Plans.
The electrode manipulation during welding shall insure that:
1. Complete fusion between the base metal and the deposited weld metal is
2. The melted base metal is replaced by weld metal so that no undercut
remains along the edges of the finished weld.
3. The molten weld metal floats all slag, oxide and gases to the surface
behind the advancing arc.
Each time the arc is started, either to begin a weld or to continue partly
completed weld, the arch shall be manipulated to obtain complete fusion of
the deposited weld metal with the base metal and with any previously
deposited weld metal, before any progression of the arc along the joint.
At the completion of a pass or weld, the arc shall be manipulated so as to
fill the crater with sound metal.
Before welding over previously deposited metal, the slag shall be removed
and the weld and adjacent base metal shall be brushed clean. This
requirement shall apply not only to cratered areas but also when welding is
resumed after any interruption. It shall not, however, restrict the making
of plug and slot welds, in accordance with the following paragraphs.
In making plug welds the following techniques shall be used:
1. For flat welds, the arc shall be carried around the root of the joint
and then weaved along a spiral path to the center of the hole, fusing and
depositing a layer of weld metal in the root and bottom of the joint. The
arc shall then be carried to the periphery of the hole, and the procedure
repeated, fusing and depositing successive layers to fill the hole to the
depth required. The slag covering the weld metal shall be kept molten, or
nearly so, until the weld is finished. If the arc is broken, except briefly
for changing electrodes, the slag must be allowed to cool and shall be
completely removed before restarting the weld.
2. For vertical welds, the arc shall be started at the root of the joint,
at the lower side of the hole and carried upward on the zigzag path,
depositing a layer about 5 mm thick on the exposed face at the thinner
plate and fused to it and to the side of the hole. After cleaning the slag
from the weld, other layers shall be similarly deposited to fill the hole
to the required depth.
3. For overhead welds, the procedure shall be the same as for flat welds
except that the slag shall be allowed to cool and shall be completely
removed after depositing each successive layer until the hole is filled to
the required depth.
Slot welds shall be made with a technique similar to that specified above
for plug welds, except that if the length of the slot exceeds three times
the width, or if the slot extends to the edges of the part of the technique
specified above for making plug welds shall be followed for the type of
flat position welds.
409.3.2.7 Details of Welds
The following tabulation shows that the relation between weld size and the
maximum thickness of material on which various sizes of fillet welds may be
Size of Fillet Weld
Maximum Thickness of Part
5 mm
6 mm
8 mm
10 mm
13 mm
16 mm over
13 mm
19 mm
32 mm
51 mm
152 mm
152 mm
The maximum size of fillet weld that may be used along the edge of material
6 mm or more in thickness shall be 1.5 mm less than the thickness of the
The minimum effective length of fillet weld shall be four times its size
and in no case less than 38 mm.
Fillet welds terminating at the corners of parts or members shall, wherever
practicable, be turned continuously full size around the corners for a
distance not less than twice the nominal size of the weld.
Intermittent fillet welds, preferably, shall not be used. They shall be
permitted only where the required weld area is less than that of a
continuous fillet weld of the minimum size. If used on main members, they
shall be chain intermittent welds. In all other cases, chain intermittent
welding is preferable to staggered intermittent welding.
Spacing of intermittent fillet welds shall be measured between the center
of the weld segments. The spacing shall conform to the following
requirements unless calculated stresses between the parts require closer
1. At the end of members, there shall preferably be continuous longitudinal
fillet welds at least as long as the width of the element or member being
2. The clear spacing in the direction of stress of stitch welds that
connect plates to other plates or to shapes shall not exceed:
a. For compression members ….10 times the thickness of the thinner part but
not more than 300 mm.
b. For tension members ….. 14 times the thickness of the thinner part but
not more than 300 mm. The spacing transverse to the direction of stress
shall not exceed 24 times the thickness of the thinner part connected.
3. For members composed of two or more rolled shapes in contact with one
another, the longitudinal spacing of stitch welds shall not exceed 600 mm.
Fillet welds in holes or slots may be used to transmit shear in lap joints
or to prevent the buckling or separation of lapped parts. The fillet welds
in a hole or slot may overlap.
Seal welding shall preferably be accomplished by a continuous weld
combining the function of sealing and strength, changing sections only as
the required strength may necessitate.
Exposed faces of welds shall be made reasonably smooth and regular, shall
conform as closely as practicable to the design requirements and shall not
at any place be inside the intended cross-section. Weld dimension in excess
of the design requirements shall not be a cause for rejection, but in case
excess weld metal involves serious malformation, such work shall be
All fillet welds shall be of acceptable types. All fillet welds that carry
reversed stresses running in a direction perpendicular to their
longitudinal axis shall be of the concave type or the 0-gee type when the
fillet weld is flushed with the edge of a member. When one of these types
is specifically indicated on the Plans for a weld, it shall be of that
Butt welds shall preferably be made with a slight reinforcement, except as
may be otherwise provided, and shall have no defects. The height of
reinforcement shall be not more than 3 mm.
All butt welds, except produced with aid of backing material, shall have
the root of the initial layer chipped out or otherwise cleaned to sound
metal and welded in accordance with the requirements of the Specification.
Butt welds made with the use of a backing of the same materials as the base
metal shall have the weld metal thoroughly fused with the backing
Ends of butt welds shall be extended past the edges of the parts joined by
means of extension bars providing a similar joint preparation and having a
width not less than the thickness of the thicker part jointed; or for
material 19 mm or less in thickness, the ends of the welds shall be chipped
or cut down to solid metal and side welds applied to fill out the ends to
the same reinforcement as the face of the welds. Extension bars shall be
removed upon completion and cooling of the weld and the ends of the weld
made smooth and flush with the edges of the abutting parts.
409.3.2.8 Quality of Welds
Weld metal shall be solid throughout except that very small gas pockets and
small inclusions of oxide or slag may be accepted if well dispersed and if
none exceeds 1.5 mm in greatest dimension, and if the sum of the greatest
dimensions of all such defects of weld metal area does not exceed 15 mm in
an area of 10 cm2.
There shall be complete fusion between the weld metal and the base metal
and between successive passes throughout the joint.
Welds shall be free from overlap and the base metal free from undercutting.
All craters shall be filled to the full cross-section of the welds.
409.3.2.9 Correction
In lieu of rejection of an entire piece of member containing welding which
is unsatisfactory or indicates inferior workmanship, the following
corrective measures may be permitted by the Engineer whose specific
approval shall be obtained for making each correction:
1. Removal of part or all of the welds shall be affected by chipping,
grinding or gas-gouging.
2. Defective or unsound welds shall be corrected either by removing and
replacing the welds, or as follows:
a. Excessive convexity – Reduce to size by removal of excess weld metal.
b. Shrinkage crack in base metal, craters and excessive porosity – Remove
defective portion of base and weld metal down to sound metal and deposit
additional weld metal.
c. Undercutting, undersize and excessive concavity – Clean and deposit
additional weld metal.
d. Overlapping and lack of fusion – Remove and replace the defective length
of weld.
e. Slag inclusion – Remove those parts of the weld containing slag and fill
with weld metal.
f. Removal of adjacent base metal during welding – Clean and form full size
by depositing additional weld metal.
3. Where corrections require the depositing of additional weld metal, the
electrode used shall be smaller than the electrode used in making the
original weld.
4. A cracked weld shall be removed throughout its length, unless by the use
of acid etching, magnetic inspection or other equally positive means, the
extent of the crack can be ascertained to be limited, in which case sound
metal 50 mm or more beyond each end of the crack need not be removed.
5. In removing defective parts of a weld, the gas-gouging, chipping or
grinding shall not extend into the base metal any substantial amount beyond
the depth of the web penetration unless cracks or other defects exist in
the base metal.
6. Where the work performed subsequent to the making of a deficient weld
has rendered the weld inaccessible or has caused new conditions which would
make the correction of the deficiency dangerous or ineffectual, the
original condition shall be restored by renewal of welds or members, or
both before making the necessary corrections, or else the deficiency shall
be compensated by additional work according to a revised design approved by
the Engineer.
7. Caulking of welds shall not be done.
8. Before adding weld metal or rewelding, the surfaces shall be cleaned
thoroughly. Where incomplete fusion is disclosed by chipping, grinding or
gas gouging, to correct defects, that part of the weld shall be removed and
409.3.2.10 Stress Relieving
Peening to reduce residual stress of multi-layer welds may be used only if
authorized and ordered by the Engineer. Care shall be exercised to prevent
overpeening which may cause overlapping, scaling, flecking or excessive
cold working of weld and base metal.
409.3.2.11 Cleaning and Protective Coatings
Painting shall not be done until the work has been accepted and shall be in
accordance with the Specification. The surface to be painted shall be
cleaned of spatter, rust, loose scale, oil and dirt. Slag shall be cleaned
from all welds.
Welds that are to be galvanized shall be treated to remove every particle
of slag.
409.3.2.12 Identification
The operator shall place his identification mark with crayon, or paint,
near the welds made by him.
409.3.2.13 Inspection
On completion of the welding work, inspection shall be carried out by an
Inspector appointed by the Engineer.
The size and contour of welds shall be measured with suitable gauges. The
inspector shall identify with a distinguishing mark all welds that he has
inspected and accepted.
The Contractor shall remove and replace, or correct as instructed, all
welds found defective or deficient. He shall also replace all methods found
to produce inferior results, with methods which will produce satisfactory
In the event that fault welding or the removal for rewelding of faulty
welding shall damage the base metal, the Contractor shall remove and
replace the damaged material.
409.4 Measurement and Payment
Unless otherwise provided in the Special Provisions, welded structural
steel structures shall not be measured and paid for separately, but the
cost thereof shall be considered as included in the contract price for
other items.
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