404.1 Description
This Item shall consist of furnishing, bending, fabricating and placing of
steel reinforcement of the type, size, shape and grade required in
accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the requirements
shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer.
404.2 Material Requirements
Reinforcing steel shall meet the requirements of item 710, Reinforcing
Steel and Wire Rope.
4.4.3 Construction Requirements
404.3.1 Order Lists
Before materials are ordered, all order lists and bending diagrams shall be
furnished by the Contractor, for approval of the Engineer. The approval of
order lists and bending diagrams by the Engineer shall in no way relieve
the Contractor of responsibility for the correctness of such lists and
diagrams. Any expense incident to the revisions of materials furnished in
accordance with such lists and diagrams to make them comply with the Plans
shall be borne by the Contractor.
404.3.2 Protection of Material
Steel reinforcement shall be stored above the surface of the ground upon
platforms, skids, or other supports and shall be protected as far as
practicable from mechanical injury and surface deterioration caused by
exposure to conditions producing rust. When placed in the work,
reinforcement shall be free from dirt, detrimental rust, loose scale,
paint, grease, oil, or other foreign materials. Reinforcement shall be free
from injurious defects such as cracks and laminations. Rust, surface seams,
surface irregularities or mill scale will not be cause for rejection,
provided the minimum dimensions, cross sectional area and tensile
properties of a hand wire brushed specimen meets the physical requirements
for the size and grade of steel specified.
404.3.3 Bending
All reinforcing bars requiring bending shall be cold-bent to the shapes
shown on the Plans or required by the Engineer. Bars shall be bent around a
circular pin having the following diameters (D) in relation to the diameter
of the bar (d):
Nominal diameter, d, mm
Pin diameter (D)
10 to 20
25 to 28
32 and greater
Bends and hooks in stirrups or ties may be bent to the diameter of the
principal bar enclosed therein.
404.3.4 Placing and Fastening
All steel reinforcement shall be accurately placed in the position shown on
the Plans or required by the Engineer and firmly held there during the
placing and setting of the concrete. Bars shall be tied at all
intersections except where spacing is less than 300mm in each directions,
in which case, alternate intersections shall be tied. Ties shall be
fastened on the inside.
Distance from the forms shall be maintained by means of stays, blocks,
ties, hangers, or other approved supports, so that it does not vary from
the position indicated on the Plans by more than 6 mm. Blocks for holding
reinforcement from contact with the forms shall be precast mortar blocks of
approved shapes and dimensions. Layers of bars shall be separated by
precast mortar blocks or by other equally suitable devices. The use of
pebbles, pieces of broken stone or brick, metal pipe and wooden blocks
shall not be permitted. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or required by
the Engineer, the minimum distance between bars shall be 40mm.
Reinforcement in any member shall be placed and then inspected and approved
by the Engineer before the placing of concrete begins.
Concrete placed in
violation of this provision may be rejected and removal may be required. If
fabric reinforcement is shipped in rolls, it shall be straightened before
being placed. Bundled bars shall be tied together at not more than 1.8 m
404.3.5 Splicing
All reinforcement shall be furnished in the full lengths indicated on the
Plans. Splicing of bars, except where shown on the Plans, will not be
permitted without the written approval of the Engineer. Splices shall be
staggered as far as possible and with a minimum separation of not less than
40 bar diameters. Not more than one-third of the bars may be spliced in the
same cross-section, except where shown on the Plans.
Unless otherwise shown on the Plans, bars shall be lapped a minimum
distance of:
Splice Type
Grade 280 (40)
Grade 420 (60)
But not less than
Compression |
24 bar dia
20 bar dia
36 bar dia
24 bar dia
300 mm
300 mm
In lapped splices, the bars shall be placed in contact and wired together.
Lapped splices will not be permitted at locations where the concrete
section is insufficient to provide minimum clear distance of one and
one-third the maximum size of coarse aggregate between the splice and the
nearest adjacent bar. Welding of reinforcing steel shall be done only if
detailed on the Plans or if authorized by the Engineer in writing. Spiral
reinforcement shall be spliced by lapping at least one and a half turns or
by butt welding unless otherwise shown on the Plans.
404.3.6 Lapping of Bar Mat
Sheets of mesh or bar mat reinforcement shall overlap each other
sufficiently to maintain a uniform strength and shall be securely fastened
at the ends and edges. The overlap shall not be less than one mesh in
404.4 Method of Measurement
The quantity of reinforcing steel to be paid for will be the final quantity
placed and accepted in the completed structure.
No allowance will be made for tie-wires, separators, wire chairs and other
material used in fastening the reinforcing steel in place. If bars are
substituted upon the Contractor’s request and approved by the Engineer and
as a result thereof more steel is used than specified, only the mass
specified shall be measured for payment.
No measurement or payment will be made for splices added by the Contractor
unless directed or approved by the Engineer.
When there is no item for reinforcing steel in the Bill of Quantities,
costs will be considered as incidental to the other items in the Bill of
404.5 Basis of Payment
The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Section 404.4, shall be
paid for at the contract unit price for Reinforcing Steel which price and
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the work prescribed in this Item.
Payment will be made under:
Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
Reinforcing Steel
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