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500.1 Description
This item shall consist of the construction or reconstruction of pipe culverts and storm drains, hereinafter referred to as “conduit” in accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the lines and grades shown on the Plans or as established by the Engineer.

500.2 Material Requirements

Material shall meet the requirements specified in the following specifications:

Zinc coated (galvanized) corrugated iron or steel culverts and underdrains      AASHTO M 36

Cast iron culvert pipe                                                                                          AASHTO M 64

Concrete sewer, storm drain and culvert pipe                                                     AASHTO M 86

Reinforced concrete culvert, storm drain and sewer pipe                                  AASHTO M 170

Bituminous coated corrugated metal culvert pipe and pipe arches                    AASHTO M 190

Reinforced concrete arch culvert, storm drain and sewer pipe                           AASHTO M 206

Reinforced concrete elliptical culvert, storm drain and sewer pipe                    AASHTO M 207

Asbestos cement pipe for culverts and storm drains                                           AASHTO M 217

Joint Mortar – Joint mortar for concrete pipes shall consist of 1 part, by volume of Portland Cement and two (2) parts of approved sand with water as necessary to obtain the required consistency.

Portland Cement and sand shall conform to the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes after its preparation.

Rubber gaskets AASHTO M 198

Oakum – Oakum for joints in bell and spigot pipes shall be made from hemp (Cannavis Sativa) line or Benares Sunn fiber or from a combination of these fibers. The oakum shall be thoroughly corded and finished and practically free from lumps, dirt and extraneous matter.

Hot poured joint sealing compound AASHTO M 173

Bedding material shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 500.3.2, Bedding.

Backfill material shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 500.3.6,Backfilling.

When the location of manufacturing plants allow, the plants will be inspected periodically for compliance with specified manufacturing methods, and material samples will be obtained for laboratory testing for compliance with materials quality requirements. This shall be the basis for acceptance of manufacturing lots as to quality.

Prior to and during incorporation of materials in the work, these materials will be subjected to the latest inspection and approval of the Engineer.

500.3 Construction Requirements

500.3.1 Trenches Excavation
Trenches shall be excavated in accordance with the requirement of Item 103, Structure Excavation, to a width sufficient to allow for proper jointing of the conduit and thorough compaction of the bedding and backfill materials under and around the conduit. Where feasible, trench wall shall be vertical.

The completed trench bottom shall be firm for its full length and width. Where required, in the case of crop drains, the trench shall have a longitudinal camber of the magnitude specified.

When so specified on the Plans, the excavation for conduits placed in embankment fill, shall be made after the embankment has been completed to the specified or directed height above the designed grade of the conduit.

500.3.2 Bedding
The bedding shall conform to one of the classes specified. When no bedding class is specified, the requirements for Class C bedding shall apply.

Class A bedding shall consist of a continuous concrete cradle conforming to the plan details.

Class B bedding shall consist of bedding the conduit to a depth of not less than 30 percent of the vertical outside diameter of the conduit. The minimum thickness of bedding material beneath the pipe shall be 100 mm. The bedding material shall be sand or selected sandy soil all of which passes a 9.5 mm sieve and not more than 10 percent of which passes a 0.075 mm sieve. The layer of the bedding material shall be shaped to fit the conduit for at least 15 percent of its total height. Recesses in the trench bottom shall be shaped to accommodate the bell when bell and spigot type conduit is used.

Class C bedding shall consist of bedding the conduit to a depth of not less than 10 percent of its total height. The foundation surface, completed in accordance with Item 103, Structure Excavation, shall be shaped to fit the conduit and shall have recesses shaped to receive the bells, if any.

For flexible pipe, the bed shall be roughly shaped and a bedding blanket of sand or fine granular material as specified above shall be provided as follows:

Pipe Corrugation Depth
Minimum Bedding Depth
10 mm
25 mm
50 mm
25 mm
50 mm
75 mm

For large diameter structural plate pipes the shaped bed need not exceed the width of bottom plate.

500.3.3 Laying Conduit
The conduit laying shall begin at the downstream end of the conduit line. The lower segment of the conduit shall be in contact with the shaped bedding throughout its full length. Bell or groove ends of rigid conduits and outside circumferential laps of flexible conduits shall be placed facing upstream. Flexible conduit shall be placed with longitudinal laps or seams at the sides.

Paved or partially-lined conduit shall be laid such that the longitudinal center line of the paved segment coincides with the flow line. Elliptical and elliptically reinforced conduits shall be placed with the major axis within 5 degrees of a vertical plane through the longitudinal axis of the conduit.

500.3.4 Jointing Conduit
Rigid conduits may either be of bell and spigot or tongue and groove design unless another type is specified. The method of joining conduit sections shall be such that the ends are fully entered and the inner surfaces are reasonably flush and even.

Joints shall be made with (a) Portland Cement mortar, (b) Portland Cement grout, (c) rubber gaskets, (d) oakum and mortar, (e) oakum and joint compound, (f) plastic sealing compound, or by a combination of these types, or any other type, as may be specified. Mortar joints shall be made with an excess of mortar to form a continuous bead around the outside of the conduit and finished smooth on the inside. For grouted joints, molds or runners shall be used to retain the poured grout. Rubber ring gaskets shall be installed so as to form a flexible water-tight seal. Where oakum is used, the joint shall be called with this material and then sealed with the specified material.

When Portland Cement mixtures are used, the completed joints shall be protected against rapid drying by any suitable covering material.

Flexible conduits shall be firmly joined by coupling bands.

Conduits shall be inspected before any backfill is placed. Any pipe found to be out of alignment, unduly settled, or damaged shall be taken up and relaid or replaced.

500.3.5 Field Strutting
When required by the Plans, vertical diameter of round flexible conduit shall be increased 5 percent by shop elongation or by means of jacks applied after the entire line of conduit has been installed on the bending but before backfilling. The vertical elongation shall be maintained by means of sills and struts or by horizontal ties shall be used on paved invert pipe.

Ties and struts shall be 300 mm in place until the embankment is completed and compacted, unless otherwise shown on the Plans.

These construction specifications shall also apply in the case of relaid conduits. In addition, all conduits salvaged for relaying shall be cleaned of all foreign materials prior to reinstallation.

500.3.6 Backfilling
Materials for backfilling on each side of the conduit for the full trench width and to an elevation of 300 mm above the top of the conduit shall be fine, readily compactible soil or granular material selected from excavation or from a source of the Contractor’s choice, and shall not contain stones that would be retained on a 50 mm sieve, chunks of highly plastic clay, or other objectionable material. Granular backfill material shall have not less than 95 percent passing a 12.5 mm sieve and not less than 95 percent retained on a 4.75 mm sieve. Oversized material, if present, shall be removed at the source of the material, except as directed by the Engineer.

When the top of the conduit is flushed with or below the top of the trench, backfill material shall be placed at or near optimum moisture content and compacted in layers not exceeding 150 mm (compacted) on both sides to an elevation 300 mm above the top of the conduit. Care shall be exercised to thoroughly compact the backfill under the haunches of the conduit. The backfill shall be brought up evenly on both sides of the conduit for the full required length. Except where negative projecting embankment-type installation is specified, the backfill material shall be placed and compacted for the full depth of the trench.

When the top of the conduit is above the top of the trench, backfill shall be placed at or near optimum moisture content and compacted in layers not exceeding 300 mm (compacted) and shall be brought up evenly on both sides of the conduit for its full length to an elevation 300 mm above the top of the conduit. The width of the backfill on each side of the conduit for the portion above the top of the trench shall be equal to twice the diameter of the conduit or 3.5 m, whichever is less. The backfill material used in the trench section and the portion above the top of the trench for a distance on each side of the conduit equal to the horizontal inside diameter and to 300 mm above the top of the conduit shall conform to the requirements for backfill materials in this Subsection. The remainder of the backfill shall consist of materials from excavation and borrow that is suitable for embankment construction.

Compaction to the density specified in Item 104, Embankment, shall be achieved by use of mechanical tampers or by rolling.

All conduits after being bedded and backfill as specified in this Subsection shall be protected by one meter cover of fill before heavy equipment is permitted to cross during construction of the roadway.

500.3.7 Imperfect Trench
Under this method, for rigid conduit, the embankment shall be completed as described in Subsection 500.3.6, Backfilling, to a height above the conduit equal to the vertical outside diameter of the conduit plus 300 mm. A trench equal in width to the outside horizontal diameter of the conduit and to the length shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer shall then be excavated to within 300 mm of the top of the conduit, trench walls being as nearly vertical as possible. The trench shall be loosely filled with highly compressible soil. Construction of embankment above shall then proceed in a normal manner.

500.4 Method of Measurement
Conduit of the different types and sizes, both new and relaid, will be measured by the linear meter in place. Conduit with sloped or skewed ends will be measured along the invert.

Each section will be measured by the number of units installed.

Branch connection and elbows will be included in the length measurement for conduit, or they may be measured by the number of units installed.

Class B bedding material placed and approved shall be measured by the cubic meter in place.
When the Bid Schedule contains an estimated quantity for “Furnishing and Placing Backfill Material, Pipe Culvert”, the quantity to be paid for will be the number of cubic meter complete in place and accepted, measured in final position between limits as follows:

1. Measurement shall include backfill material in the trench up to the top of the original ground line but will not include any material placed outside of vertical planes 450 mm up outside of and parallel to the inside wall of pipe at its widest horizontal dimension.
2. When the original ground line is less than 300 mm above the top of the pipe, the measurement will also include the placing of all backfill materials, above the original ground line adjacent to the pipe for a height of 300 mm above the top of pipe and for a distance on each side of the pipe not greater than the widest horizontal dimension of the pipe.
3. The measurement shall include the placing of backfill material in all trenches of the imperfect trench method. Materials re-excavated for imperfect trench construction will be measured for payment under Item 103, Structure Excavation.

500.5 Basis of Payment
The accepted quantities of conduit, determined as provided in Section 500.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear meter for the conduit of the types and sizes specified complete in place. End sections and, when so specified, branch connections and elbows, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per piece for the kind and size specified complete in place.

Excavation for culverts and storm drains, including excavation below flow line grade and for imperfect trench, shall be measured and paid for as provided in Item 103, Structure Excavation.
Concrete for Class A bedding will be paid for under Item 405, Structural Concrete.

When the Bid Schedule does not contain as estimated quantity for “Furnishing and Placing Backfill Material, Pipe Culvert” payment for placing backfill material around pipe culverts will be considered as included in the payment for excavation of the backfill material.

Payment will be made under:
Payment Item Number
Unit of Measurement
500 (1)
500 (2)
Pipe Culverts, - mm
Class –
Storm Drain, - mm
Class -
Linear Meter
Linear Meter

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