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509.1 Description
This shall consist of furnishing, driving and cutting off of sheet piling covered by this Specification.

509.2 Material Requirements

509.2.1 Timber Sheet Piles
The timber, unless otherwise definitely noted on the Plans or in the Special Provisions, may consist of any species which will satisfactorily stand driving. It shall be sawn or hewn with square corners and shall be free from worm holes, loose knots, wing shakes, decay or unsound portions or other defects which might impair its strength or tightness.

509.2.2 Concrete Sheet Piles
Concrete, reinforcement, and manufacture of concrete sheet piles shall conform to the requirements of Item 400, Piling, Subsection 400.2.3, Concrete Piles.

509.2.3 Steel Sheet Piles
Steel sheet piles shall be of the type, weight and Section Modulus indicated on the Plans or Special Provisions, and shall conform to the requirement of Item 400, Piling, Subsection 400.2.7, Sheet Piles, Painting shall conform to the requirements for Item 411, Paint, Subsection 411.3.6.2, Painting Structural Steel.

509.3 Construction Requirements
Sheet piles shall be driven to elevation shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Where impractical to drive to plan elevation due to subsurface conditions, the driving of piles may be stopped at a higher elevation with the written permission of the Engineer. However, before granting such permission, the Engineer shall ascertain that the Contractor has adequate equipment for the required driving and that the piles can be driven to the plan elevation with the proper use of this equipment.

The top of the piling shall be driven or cut-off to a straight line at the elevation indicated on the Plans.
The requirements governing the installation of sheet piling shall conform in general to those governing bearing piles as set forth under Item 400, Piling.

509.4 Method of Measurement
Sheet piling will be measured by the linear meter of sheet piling as shown on the Plans or as directed in writing by the Engineer, complete in place and accepted. However, measurement of piling which has been delivered to plan length and cannot be driven according to plan or directed elevation because of subsurface condition shall be measured as if driven to that elevations.

509.5 Basis of Payment
Payment of steel piles as determined in Section 509.4, Method of Measurement, shall be made at the contract unit price per linear meter. Such payment shall be considered full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools, paint, bolts, wales and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
509 (a)
509 (b)
509 (c)
Sheet Piles (Timber)
Sheet Piles (Steel)
Sheet Piles (Concrete)
Linear Meter
Linear Meter
Linear Meter

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