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504.1 Description
This item shall consist of cleaning and reconditioning existing pipes and appurtenant structures in reasonably close conformity with this Specification and as shown on the Plans.

504.2 Material Requirements
Materials used for repair or replacement under the various Pay Items shall conform the requirements of the applicable Items of this Specification.

504.3 Construction Requirements
Pipe Removed and Cleaned – The pipe shall be carefully removed and cleaned of foreign material both within the barrel and at the jointed ends.

Pipe Cleaned in Place – All foreign materials within the barrel shall be removed and disposed off by methods which will prevent damage to the pipe.

If approved by the Engineer, all or part of the pipe designated to be cleaned in place may be removed, cleaned, and relaid in accordance with the applicable Items. In such cases, the Contractor shall furnish all materials required to replace damaged pipes and joints, perform all excavation and backfill, and re-lay the pipe, all at the contract bid price for this Item.

Re-laying or Stockpiling Salvaged Pipe - Relaying of pipe selected by the Engineer to be removed and cleaned shall be done as shown on the Plans, in accordance with the appropriate Item for the kind of pipe involved. The Contractor shall furnish all jointing materials and shall replace the pipe broken by him, in sufficient lengths to complete the designated length to be relaid without added compensation. Salvaged pipe to be stockpiled shall be placed as shown on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. No pipe which has sustained structural damage shall be placed in stockpiles. The Contractor shall dispose off such damaged pipes at an approved locations.

Reconditioning Drainage Structures – Structures such as manholes, inlets, and the likes, designated on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer to be reconditioned shall have all debris removed, leaks repaired, missing or broken metalwork replaced, and each structure left in operating condition.

504.4 Method of Measurement
Measurement will be made by the linear meter of pipe acceptably cleaned, removed, re-laid or stockpile as designated in the Bill of Quantities, irrespective of the kind or size involved.

Pipe removed, cleaned, and re-laid will be measured in their final position.

Pipe removed, cleaned, and stockpiled will be measured by totaling the nominal laying lengths of all pipe units acceptably removed, cleaned, and placed in the stockpile.

Pipe cleaned in place will be measured along the flow line of the pipe line acceptably cleaned a directed.

Measurement of drainage structures reconditioned will be made by actual count of the total number of units of each type acceptably completed.

504.5 Basis of Payment
The quantities as provided in Section 504.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract price bid per unit of measurement for each of the Pay Items listed below that appear in the Bid Schedule, which price and payment shall be full compensation for the work of this item except excavation and backfill which is paid for under Item 103, Structure Excavation.

Excavation and backfill necessary for pipe removal operations shall be done as part of the work of this Item.

The Contractor shall remove and replace without added compensation any pipe damaged by this operations and which cannot be acceptably repaired in place.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
504 (1)
504 (2)
504 (3)
504 (4)
Removing, cleaning, stockpiling salvaged culvert pipe
Removing, cleaning, and re-laying salvaged culvert pipe
Cleaning culvert pipe in place
Reconditioning drainage structures
Linear Meter
Linear Meter
Linear Meter

If more than one type of drainage structure is described for an Item in the Bid Schedule, letter suffixes shall be added to the item Number differentiate between such structures.

If no Pay Item from the list above appears in Bid Schedule, the pipe removed will be considered as included in the work of Item 101, Removal of Structures and Obstructions.

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