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512. Description
This item shall consist of furnishing and placing erosion control mats, roving and cellular confinement systems installed at the locations designated for ditch and slow protection, and stabilization, in accordance with this specification and in conformity with the lines, grades, dimensions, and arrangements shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer .

512.2 Material Requirements

512.2.1 Erosion Control Mats
Erosion control mats shall conform to the specifications as shown below:

512.2.1.1 Type 1 - Straw mats, burlap fabric, jute mesh, and woven paper or sisal mesh netting
1. Straw mats - shall be clean agricultural straw made from oats, wheat, rye, or other grain crops that is free from weeds, mold, or other objectionable material and furnished in an air-dry condition suitable for placing with mulch blower equipment. Straw erosion control mat shall conform to Table 1 as shown below:

Table 1 - Straw Erosion Control Mat
Moisture Content, g/m2, min.
Photodegradable netting on one side 5 - 20 mm square mesh (2), kg/100 m2 min.

(1) Moisture content shall not exceed 20 percent
(2) Dimensions are approximate and may vary to meet manufacturer's standards.

2. Burlap fabric - ·shall have a standard weave and a mass of 145
±20 grams per square meter.

3. Jute mesh - shall have a uniform open plain weave fabricated from jute yarn that does not vary in thickness by more than half its normal diameter. Jute mesh shall conform to the following:
Mesh size 25 by 25 mm max.
Mesh mass, ASTM D 1776 0.5 kg/m2 ± 5%

4. Woven paper or sisal mesh petting - Mesh netting ' of woven paper or woven sisal twisted yarn conforming to the following:
Mesh openings 3 to 6 mm
Shrinkage after wetting 20% max.

512.2.1.2 Type 2 - Straw and coconut mats, excelsior blanket, or mulch blanket
1. Straw and coconut mats - a mat consisting of straw and undyed untreated biodegradable jute, coconut coir, and synthetic polypropylene fibers or other approved yarn woven into a plain weave mesh. Straw and coconut mats shall conform to Table 2 as shown below:

Table 2 - Straw and Coconut Mat
Straw(1) 70%
Coconut 30%
Moisture Content, g/m2, min.
Moisture Content, g/m2, min.
Photodegradable netting on both sides 16 - 25 mm square mesh(2), kg/100 m2 min.

(1) Moisture content shall not exceed 20 percent
(2) Dimensions are approximate and may vary to meet manufacturer's standards

2. Excelsior blanket - shall be of uniform thickness consisting of curled wood excelsior secured on the top side to a biodegradable, photodegradable extruded plastic mesh and shall be smolder resistant without the use of chemical additives. Excelsior blanket shall conform to the following:
Excelsior fibers > 200 mm length 80% min.
Mesh size 25mm by 50mm
Blanket mass/area 0.53±0.05 kg/m2

3. Mulch blanket - shall be 3 to 13 mm thick blanket consisting of organic, biodegradable mulch such as straw, curled wood cellulose, coconut coir, or other material evenly distributed on one side of a photodegradable, polypropylene mesh having a minimum mass of 0.27 kg/m2.

512.2.1.3 Type 3 - Coconut mat
Coconut mat - shall consist of undyed untreated biodegradable jute, coconut coir, and synthetic polypropylene fibers or other approved yarn woven into a plain weave mesh with approximately 16 to 25 mm2 openings. Coconut mat shall conform to Table 3 as shown below:

Table 3 - Coconut Mat
Material Property Specification
Coconut(1) 100%
Moisture Content, g/m2, min.
Photodegradable netting on one side 16 - 25 mm square mesh (2), kg/100 m2 min.

(1) Moisture content shall not exceed 20 percent
(2) Dimensions are approximate and may vary to meet manufacturer's standards.

512.2.1.4 Type 4 - Synthetic erosion control mats and meshes
1. Synthetic mat -· Flexible · mat produced by machine, consisting of polyolefin monofilament fibers positioned between 2 biaxially oriented nets. Mechanically bind the nets together by parallel stitching with polyolefin thread to form a 3-dirriensional web-like weave, highly resistant to environmental and chemical deterioration. Synthetic mat shall conform to Table 4 as shown below:

Table 4 - Synthetic Erosion Control Mat
Test Method
Thickness, mm, min. Strength (1), N/m min. Elongation (1), %, max. Porosity (2)
Resiliency (3), %, min. Ultraviolet stability (4), %
1590 x 525
ASTM D 1777
ASTM D 5035
ASTM D 5035
ASTM D 1777
ASTM D 4355

(1) Values for both, machine and· cross-machine directions under dry or saturated conditions. Machine direction specimen for 50 mm strip test includes one machine direction polyolefin stitch line centered within its width and extending the full width length of the specimen.
(2) Calculation based upon mass, thickness, and specific gravity.
(3) The percentage of original thickness retained after 3 cycles of a 690 kilopascal load for 60 seconds followed by 60 seconds without load. Thick measured 30 minutes after load removed.
(4) Tensile strength retained after 1000 hours in a Xenon ARC weatherometer.

2. Synthetic polypropylene mesh - A flexible woven geotextile mesh fabricated from polypropylene fibers that were spun in one direction. Synthetic polypropylene mesh shall conform to Table 5 as shown below:
Table 5 - Synthetic Polypropylene Mesh
Test Methods
Mass, g/m2, min.
Tensile Strength, N/m, min.
Elongation at break, %, max.
Mullen burst strength, kPa, min.
6700 X 3700
ASTM D 5261
ASTM D 5035
ASTM D 5035
ASTM D 3786

3. Synthetic mulch control netting - A uniformly extruded rectangular, plastic mesh netting with 50 by 50 mm nominal mesh openings and weighing at least 8 grams per square meter.

4. Organic mulch control netting - A leno weave mesh netting fabricated from 12. 7 kg biodegradable cellulose fiber yarn having 5 twists per 25 mm. Make the size of the mesh grid 13 to 25 mm2. Finish the selvedge to prevent raveling or fraying.

512.2.1.5 Type 5 - Turf reinforcement mats
Turf reinforcement mats - A web of mechanically or melt bonded polymer netting, monofilaments, or fibers that are entangled to form a strong and dimensionally stable mat. Bonding methods include polymer welding, thermal or polymer fusion, or the placement of fibers between 2 high-strength, biaxially oriented nets mechanically bound together by parallel stitching with polyolefin thread and is resistant to biological chemical, and ultraviolet degradation. Turf reinforcement mats shall conform to Table 6 as shown below:

Table 6 -Synthetic Polypropylene Erosion Control Mat
Property Specification Test Method
Thickness, mm, 1min.
Tensile Strength (1), N/m, max.
Elongation (1), %, max.
Porosity (2), %, max.
Resiliency (3), %, min.
Ultraviolet stability (4), %, min.
Functional Longevity
1370 X 790
5 years
ASTM D 1777
ASTM D 5035
ASTM D 5035
ASTM D 1777
ASTM D 4355

(1) Values for both machine and cross-machine directions under dry or saturated conditions using 50 mm strip method.
(2) Calculation based upon mass, thickness, and specific gravity.
(3) The percentage of original thickness retained after 3 cycles of a 690 kilopascal load for 60 seconds followed by 60 seconds without load. Thickness measured 30 minutes after load removed.
(4) Tensile strength retained after 1000 hours in a Xenon ARC weatherometer.

512.2.2 Emulsified Asphalt
Emulsified asphalt shall conform to the applicable requirements of Item 304, Bituminous Surface Treatment.

512.2.3 Cellular Confinement Systems
A flexible honeycomb 3-dimensional structure fabricated from polyethylene that has been properly stabilized with carbon black and/or hindered amine light stabilizers.

512.2.4 Roving

Types of Roving
1. Fiber glass roving -Fiber glass roving shall be formed from continuous fibers drawn from molten glass, coated with a chrome-complex sizing compound, collected into strands and lightly bound together into roving without the use-of clay, starch, or like deleterious substances. Roving shall be wind into a cylindrical package approximately 300 mm high so it can be continuously fed from the center of the package through an ejector driven by compressed air and expanded into a mat of glass fibers on the soil surface. Roving containing petroleum solvents or other agents known to be toxic to plant or animal life shall not be used. Fiber glass roving shall conform to the following:
Strands/rove, end count 56 to 64
Fibers/strand, end count 184 to 234
Fiber diameter (trade designation G), ASTM D 578         0.009 to 0.013 mm
m/kg of rove, ASTM D 578                                               340 to 600 m/kg
km/kg of strand, ASTM D 578                                           26.2 to 2.82
Organic content, ASTM D 578                                           1.65% max.
2. Polypropylene roving - Polypropylene roving shall be formed from continuous strands of fibrillated polypropylene yarn. Roving shall be winded into a cylindrical package so that it can be continuously fed from the outside of the package through an ejector driven by compressed air and expanded into a mat of polypropylene strands. The material shall not contain agents that are toxic to plant or animal life. Polypropylene roving shall conform to the following:
Tensile strength, ASTM D 2256                 15.6 N
Elongation at break, ASTM D 2256           15.5%
Mass of strand, ASTM D 1907                   360 denier
Strands per rove, measured                         24
UV stability, ASTM D 4355                       50% retained after 200 hours

512.2.5 Topsoil
Topsoil shall conform to the requirements of Item 608, Topsoil, of the DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II.

512.2.6 Turf Establishment

1. Agricultural limestone
Agricultural limestone shall conform to the requirements of Item 609, Subsection 609.2.3, Ground Limestone, of the DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II.
2. Fertilizers
Fertilizers shall conform to the requirements of Item 609. Subsection 609.2.2, Fertilizers, of the DPWH Standard Specifications Volume II.
3. Mulch
Straw -shall be made from oats, wheat, rye, or other grain crops that is free from weeds, mold, or other objectionable ·material and in an air-dry condition suitable for placing with mulch blower equipment.

Hay -shall be made from herbaceous mowing, free from weeds, mold, or other objectionable material. Furnish hay in an air-dry condition suitable for placing with mulch blower equipment.

Wood fiber -shall be processed from wood chips that is as follows:
a. Colored with a green dye non-injurious to plant growth
b. Readily dispersible in water
c. Nontoxic to seed or other plant material
d. Free of growth or germination inhibiting substances
e. Free of weed seed
f. Air dried to an equilibrium moisture content of 12±3 percent
g. Packaged in new labeled containers
h. Packaged in a cond1t1on appropriate for mixing in a homogeneous slurry suitable for application with power spray equipment

Grass straw cellulose fiber -shall be processed from grass straw fiber that is as follows:
a. Colored with a green dye non-injurious to plant growth
b. Readily dispersible in water
c. Nontoxic to seed or other plant material
d. Free of growth or germination inhibiting substances
e. Free of weed seed
f. Air dried to a moisture content of 10+0.2 percent.
g. Air dried to a uniform mass of 15 percent
h. Packaged in new containers labeled with the manufacturer's name and air-dry mass
i. Packaged in a condition appropriate for mixing in a homogeneous slurry suitable for application with power spray equipment.

Peat moss -shall be a granulated sphagnum peat moss conforming to the following:
Sticks, stones, and mineral matter 0%
Partially decomposed stems and leaves of sphagnum 75% min.
Color brown
Textured from porous fibrous to spongy fibrous
pH 3.5 to 7.5
Mature compost - shall be a partially decomposed organic material, such as leaves, grass, shrubs, and yard trimmings, cured for 4 to 8 weeks. Maturity is indicated by temperature stability and soil-like odor. Also shall be friable, dark brown, weed-free, and pathogen-free mature compost conforming to the following:
Carbon/nitrogen ratio 25/1 to 35/1
Carbon/phosphorus ratio 120/1 to 240/1
pH 6.0 to 7.8
Water content 40% max.
Particle size
Seeding and sodding 12 mm max.
Erosion control 25 mm max.
Organic material 50% min.
Man-made inserts (plastic, glass, metal) 2% max.
Straw for hydroseeding - shall be clean agricultural straw milled to 25 mm or less in length. Dry the fibers to 10% moisture for compaction. Bale in heat-sealed plastic bags.
Bonded fiber matrix hydromulch - shall be a mixture of long-wood fibers and bonding agent which when hydraulically applied and dried produce a matrix conforming to the following:
a. Does not dissolve or disperse when wetted.
b. Holds.at least 1000 grams of water per 100 grams of drymatrix.
c. Has no germination or growth inhibiting factors.
d. Forms no water insensitive crust.
e. Contains material that is 100 percent biodegradable.

512.3 Construction Requirements

512.3.1 Erosion Control Mats (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
Install erosion control mats according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Install erosion control mats to soil surfaces which are at final grade, stable, firm, and free of rocks or other obstructions. Spread erosion control mats evenly and smoothly, without stretching, to ensure direct contact with the soil at all points. Unroll erosion control mats parallel to the drainage flow direction. Lap edges as recommended by the manufacturer. Place the upslope end in a 150 mm vertical slot. Backfill the slot and compact.

For swale or ditch installations, place up the side slopes to extend above anticipated flow line and construct intermediate 150 mm vertical check slots at 8 m intervals. Construct check slots perpendicular to flow direction. Staple erosion control mats as recommended by manufacturer. Drive all staples flush with the soil surface.

Repair damaged areas immediately. Restore the soil in damaged areas to finished grade, refertilize, and reseed.

Synthetic erosion control mats and meshes (Type 4) shall be installed after turf establishment is in place.

Turf establishment mats (Type 5) shall be installed before turf establishment is in place. After seeding, lightly brush or rake 15±5 mm of topsoil into the mat voids to fill the mat thickness.

512.3.2 Roving
Furnish a pneumatic ejector capable of applying roving at a rate of 0.9 kilograms per minute. Furnish an air compressor capable of supplying 1.1 cubic meters per minute at 620±70 kilopascals, complete with air hoses necessary for supplying air to areas not accessible to the compressor. Furnish an asphalt distributor with necessary hoses and a hand spray bar for slopes and other areas not accessible to the distributor.

512.3.2.1 Fiber Glass Roving
Spread fiber glass roving uniformly at the rate of 0.16±0.03 kg/m 2 to form a random mat of continuous glass fibers.

512.3.2.2 Polypropylene Roving
Spread polypropylene roving uniformly at the rate of 0.08±0.03 kg/m 2 to form a random mat of continuous polypropylene fibers.

Anchor the roving to the ground with a slow setting emulsified asphalt applied uniformly at a rate of 1.5±0.2 liters per square meter over the roving. Bury upslope end of the roving 300 mm deep.

512.3.3 Cellular Confinement Systems
Excavate to the depth of the cellular confinement systems, and smooth and compact the slope. Install the top of the, system flush or lower than the adjacent slope. Expand the cellular confinement systems down the slope. Connect adjacent cellular confinement systems sections with hog rings or staples every other cell.

Anchor the system with stakes across the top at every other cell. Repeat the anchoring pattern in every tenth row and in the bottom row.

Backfill the system with topsoil. Hand-compact the topsoil within each cell. Apply permanent turf establishment.

512.4 Acceptance Requirements

512.4.1 Certification
The manufacturer shall file with the purchaser a certificate stating the name of the manufacturer, the chemical composition of the filaments or yarns, and other pertinent information so as to fully describe material (including mats, roving and other cellular confinement systems) for erosion control, ditch and slope protection, and stabilization. The manufacturer shall include in the certificate a guarantee stating that the material that is furnished meets the requirements of the specification. The certificate shall be attested to by a person having legal authority bind the company. Either mismarking or misinterpretation by the manufacturer shall be reason to discontinue acceptance under these specifications. Notice sent to the manufacturer by the purchaser regarding the discontinuance of acceptance will be considered to be notice to all wholesalers, jobbers, distributors, agents and other intermediaries handling the manufacturer's product.

512.4.2 The Engineer shall evaluate acceptance for the material for topsoil through visual inspection and comply with the requirements of Item 608, Topsoil.

512.4.3 The Engineer shall evaluate acceptance for turf establishment work through visual inspection and certification as prescribed in Subsection 512.4.1, Certification.

512.5 Quality Control
The manufacturer of the material is responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality control program so as to assure compliance with the requirements of this specification.

512.6 Shipment and Storage
512.6.1 During periods of shipment and storage, the material shall be protected from direct sunlight, ultraviolet rays, temperatures greater than 60°C, mud, dust, and debris. To the extent possible, the material shall be maintained wrapped in a heavy-duty protective covering. Each shipping document shall include a notation certifying that the material is in accordance with the manufacturer's certificate and guaranteed previously filed with the purchaser.

512.6.2 Product Marking
Label the material and its container with the manufacturer's name, material's type or trade name, lot number and quantity.

512. 7 Method of Measurement

512.7.1 Erosion control mats, roving, and cellular confinement systems shaII be measured by the number of square meters excluding overlaps.

512.7.2 Topsoil will be measured and paid for as provided in Item 608, Topsoil.

512.7.3 Turf establishment will be measured on the following applicable methods:

512.7.3.1 Seeding and mulching will be measured by the number of square meters.

512.7.3.2 Fertilizer, dry method will be measured by the metric tonne.

512.2 Basis of Payment
The quantities determined as provided above shall be paid for at the contract price per unit of measurement, respectively, for each pay Item listed below.

Payment shall be made under:
Pay Item Number
Unit of
512 (1)
512 (2)
512 (3)
Erosion Control Mat Type_
Cellular Confinement Systems
Square Meter
Square Meter
Square Meter

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