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705.1 Joint Fillers

Poured filler for joints shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 173.

Preformed fillers for joints shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 33(ASTM D 994), AASHTO M 153, AASHTO M 213, AASHTO M 220, as specified, and shall be punched to admit the dowels where called for on the Plans. The filler for each joint shall be furnished in a single piece for the depth and width required for the joint unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. When the use of more than one piece is authorized for a joint, the abutting ends shall be fastened securely and held accurately to shape, by stapling or other positive fastening satisfactory to the Engineer.

705.2 Joint Mortar

Pipe joint mortar shall consist of one part Portland Cement and two parts approved sand with water as necessary to obtain the required consistency. Portland Cement and sand shall conform respectively to Section 700.1 and 703.1. If shown in the Special Provisions, air entrainment conforming to Section 708.2 shall be provided. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes after its preparation.

705.3 Rubber Gaskets

Ring gaskets for rigid pipe shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 198.Continuous flat gaskets for flexible metal pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 1056 with grade SCE 41 used for bands with projections or flat bands and grade SCE 43 for corrugated bands. Gaskets thickness for bands with projections or flat bands shall be 12.5 mm greater than the nominal depth of the corrugation and shall be 9.5 mm for corrugated bands.

705.4 Oakum

Oakum for joints in bell and spigot pipe shall be made from hemp (Cannabis Sativa) line, or Benares Sunn fiber, or from a combination of these fibers. The oakum shall be thoroughly corded and finished and practically free from lumps, dirt and extraneous matter.

705.5 Mortar for Masonry Beds and Joints

705.5.1 Composition

Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans, masonry mortar shall be composed of one part Portland Cement or air-entraining Portland Cement and two parts fine aggregate by volume to which hydrated lime has been added in an amount equal to ten (10) mass percent of the cement. In lieu of air-entraining cement, Portland Cement maybe used with an air-entraining admixture in accordance with the applicable provisions of Item 405.

For masonry walls not exceeding 1.8 m in height, a mortar composed of one part masonry cement and two parts fine aggregate by volume may be substituted for the above mixture of Portland Cement, lime and fine aggregate. For other construction, masonry cement may be used if and as shown on the Plans.

705.5.2 Materials

Either Type I or Type IA air-entraining Portland Cement, conforming to AASHTO M85 may be used, except that when the contract contains an item for concrete under Item 405, the Contractor may use the same type as is used for that work.

            Masonry cement shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 150 – 74 (ASTMC 91).

Fine aggregate shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 45 (ASTM C 144).
Hydrated lime shall meet the requirements for Residue, Popping and Pitting, and Water retention shown for Type N lime in Section 701.3 (ASTM C 207).

Water shall conform to the requirements of Item 714, Water.

Air-entraining agents shall conform to the requirements of Section 708.2 AASHTOM 154 (ASTM C 260).

705.6 Copper Water Stops or Flashings

Sheet copper for water stops of flashings shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M138 (ASTM B 152) for Type ETP, light cold-rolled, soft anneal, unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions.

705.7 Rubber Water Stops

Rubber water stops may be molded or extruded and have a uniform cross-section, free form porosity or other defects, conforming to the nominal dimensions shown on the Plans. An equivalent standard shape may be furnished, if approved by the Engineer.

The water stop may be compounded from natural rubber, synthetic rubber or a blend of the two, together with other compatible materials which will produce a finished water stop meeting the requirements of Table 705.1. No reclaimed material shall be used. The Contractor shall furnish a certificate from the producer to show the general compositions of the material and values for the designated properties. The Contractors shall also furnish samples, in length adequate for making designated tests, as ordered by the Engineer.

705.8 Plastic Water Stops

Plastic water stops shall be fabricated with a uniform cross-section, free from porosity or other defects, to the nominal dimensions shown on the Plans. An equivalent standard shape may be furnished, if approved by the Engineer.

The material from which the water stop is fabricated shall be a homogenous, elastomeric, plastic compound of basic polyvinyl chloride and other material which, after fabrication, will meet the requirements tabulated herein. No reclaimed material shall be used. The Contractor shall furnish a certificate from the producer, showing values for the designated properties in Table 705.2. The Contractor shall furnish samples, in lengths adequate for making designated tests, as ordered by the Engineer.

Table 705.1RequiredPropertiesandTest Methods-Finished Rubber Water Stop
Federal Test Method Standard No. 601

Hardness (by shore durometer)
Compression set
Tensile strength
Elongation at Breaking
Tensile stress at 300 percent elongation
Water absorption by mass
Tensile strength after aging
ASTM D 412
60 – 70
Maximum 30 percent
Minimum 17.23 MPa
Minimum 450 percent
Minimum 6.20 MPa
Minimum 5 percent
Minimum 80 percent original

Table705.2 – Required Properties and Test Methods – Finished Plastic Water Stop
Tensile strength
Elongation at breaking
Hardness (shore
Specific gravity

Resistance to alkali

Water absorption (48hrs)
Cold bending
Volatile loss

7 days using 10%NaOH
D 638
D 638
D 2240
(Federal test Method No. 406-5011)
D 543

D 570
D 1203

Minimum 9.646 MPa
Minimum 260 percent
60 – 75
Maximum – 0.02 from manufacturer’s value
Maximum weight change: - 0.10 percent to + 0.25 percent

No cracking
Not more than manufacturer’s value
Maximum hardness change ±5 (shore),
Maximum tensile strength decrease: 15%

1           The cold bend test will be made by subjecting a 25 x 150 x 3 mm strip of plastic water stop to a temperature of –28.80C for 2 hours. The strip will immediately thereafter be bent 180 degrees around a rod of 6.35 mm diameter by applying sufficient force to hold the sample in intimate contact with the rod. The sample will then be examined for evidence of cracking. At least three individual samples from each lot will be tested and the result reported.

705.9 Hot Poured Pipe-Joint Sealing Compound

It shall meet the requirements of Federal Specification SS-S-169 for the type and class specified.

705.10 Pipe-Joint Packing Compound

Packaging compounds for use with sealing compounds specified in Section 705.9 shall be of appropriate sizes and shall meet the requirements of Federal Specification HH-P-117.

705.11 Preformed Plastic Sealing Compound

For concrete pipe joints, it shall meet the requirements of Federal Specification SS-S-210.

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