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517.1 Description
This item shall consist of installing drain pipes, fastened with steel straps that are either bolted to pier copings or welded to steel girders in various locations of the bridge, or as indicated in accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the lines, and grades and dimensions shown in the Plans or as established by the Engineer.

517.2 Material Requirements
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe shall meet the requirements specified in one of the following specifications: ASTM D 3034, D 2241, D 1785, D 2665, D 2680, F 789, F 679 or AASHTO M 304M (D 2729).

Galvanized iron pipe shall meet the requirements specified in one of the following specifications: ASTM A 53, AASHTO M 36 or M 218.

Steel strap shall meet the requirements of Item 712, Structural Metal; Item 409, Welded Structural Steel, and Item 411, Paint, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II, Highways, Bridges and Airports.

Anchor bolts and bolts fastener shall meet the requirement of Item 712, Structural Metal, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II Highways, Bridges and Airports.

Paint materials shall conform to the requirements of Item 709, Paints, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II, Highways, Bridges and Airports.

517.3 Construction Requirements
Pipes installed shall conform with the lines and grades shown in the Plans or as established by the Engineer. Drain pipe extension, if needed shall -be attached to the ends of existing drain pipes either using pipe sleeves or pipe with bell sockets. The length of the extension shall depend on the existing drain pipe condition and the location as shown in the Plans and shall not be lower than the required vertical clearance or as directed by the Engineer.

Pipes and fittings shall be homogenous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions or other injurious defects. Pipes installed shall be as uniform as commercially practical in color, opacity, density and other physical properties.

Fabrication of steel straps shall conform to the dimensions shown in the Plans and must be galvanized. Steel strap, unless otherwise specified, shall be coated with two shop coats of red lead paint and two field coats of paint as specified under Item 411, Paint, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume 11, Highways, Bridges and Airports.

Anchor bolts shall be placed as provided under Item 403, Metal Structures, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II, Highways, Bridges and Airports or as shown on the Plans.

Welded connections shall conform to the requirements of Item 409, Welded Structural Steel, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II, Highways, Bridges and Airports.

517.4 Method of Measurement
Drain pipe shall be measured by the linear meter for pipe of the type and size specified.

517.5 Basis of Payment
The accepted quantities, determined as provided in Section 517.4, Method of Measurement of the Pay Items in the Bill of Quantities will be paid for at the contract unit prices, which shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to comple1e the Item.

Payment will be made under:
Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
Drain Pipe
Linear Meter

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