600.1 Description
This Item shall consist of the construction of curb and gutter either Precast or Cast in place, made of concrete in accordance with this Specification at the location, and in conformity with the lines, grades, dimensions and design, shown on the Plans or as required by the Engineer.600.2 Material Requirements
600.2.1 Material for Bed Course
Bed course materials as shown on the Plans shall consist of cinders, sand, slag, gravel, crushed stone, or other approved porous material of such grading that all the particles will pass through 12.5 mm sieve.600.2.2 Concrete
Concrete shall be of the class indicated on the Plans and shall conform to the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete.600.2.3 Expansion Joint Filler
Expansion joint filler shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 153/ Item 705.600.2.4 Cement Mortar
Cement mortar shall consist of one part of Portland cement and two parts of fine aggregates with water added as necessary to obtain the required consistency. The mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of preparation.600.2.5 Bonding Compound
Where bonding compound is used, it shall conform to AASHTO M 200.600.3 Construction Requirements600.3.1 Bedding
Excavation shall be made to the required depth and the base upon which the curb and/or gutter is to be set shall be compacted to a firm and even surface. All soft and unsuitable material shall be removed and replaced with suitable material.Bed course material shall be placed and compacted to form a bed of the required thickness as shown on the Plans.
600.3.2 Cast in Place Curb and Gutter
600.3.2.1 Placing
Forms shall conform to the requirements of Item 407, Concrete Structures. Metal forms shall be of an approved section.Forms to hold the concrete shall be built and set-in-place as described in Item 407, Concrete Structures. Forms for at least 50 m of curb and gutter shall be in-place and checked for alignment and grade before concrete is placed. Curbs and gutters constructed on curves shall have forms of either wood or metal and they shall be accurately shaped to the curvature shown on the Plans.
Mixing, placing, finishing and curing of concrete shall conform to the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete, as modified by the requirements below.
The concrete shall be placed in the forms in layers of 100 or 125 mm each, and to the depth required. It shall be tamped and spaded until mortar entirely covers the top and surfaces of the forms. The top of the concrete shall be finished to a smooth and even surface and the edges rounded to the radii shown on the Plans. Before the concrete is given the final finishing, the surface of the gutter shall be tested with a 3-m straight-edge and any irregularities of more than 10 mm in 3 m shall be corrected.
The curb and gutter shall be constructed in uniform sections of not more than50 m in length except where shorter sections are required to coincide with the location of weakened planes or contraction joints of the concrete pavement, or for closures, but no section shall be less than 2 m long. The sections shall be separated by sheet templates set perpendicular to the face and top of the curb and gutter. The templates shall be approximately 5 mm in thickness and of the same width as that of the curb and/or gutter and not less than 50 mm deeper than the depth of the curb and/or gutter. Templates shall be set carefully and held firmly during the placing of the concrete and shall remain in place until the concrete has set sufficiently to hold its shape but shall be removed while the forms are still in place. A preformed joint filler approved by the Engineer may be used in lieu of the sheet template mentioned above. In this event the fiber board shall be pre-cut to the shape of the curb so that its outer edge will be flushed with the abutting curb and/or gutter.
Expansion joints shall be formed at intervals shown on the Plans. Where a curb is placed next to a concrete pavement, expansion joints in the curb shall be located opposite expansion joints in the pavement.
The form shall be removed within 24 hours after the concrete has been placed. Minor defects shall be repaired with mortar containing one part of Portland Cement and two parts of fine aggregate. Plastering shall not be permitted and all rejected portions shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense. The exposed surface shall be finished while the concrete is still fresh by rubbing the surfaces with a wetted soft brick or wood until they are smooth. The surfaces shall be wetted thoroughly, either by dipping the brick or wood in water, or by throwing water on the surfaces with a brush. After the concrete has been rubbed smooth using water, it shall then be rubbed with a thin grout containing one part of Portland Cement and one part of fine aggregates. Rubbing with grout shall continue until uniform color is produced. When completed, the concrete shall be covered with suitable material and kept moist for a period of 3 days, or a membrane-forming material may be applied as provided in Item 405, Structural Concrete. The concrete shall be suitably protected from the weather until thoroughly hardened.
After the concrete has set sufficiently, the spaces on the back of the curb which were excavated for placing the curb shall be refilled to the required elevation with suitable material which shall be tamped in layers of not more than 150 mm until consolidated.
600.3.3 Precast Curb and Gutter
600.3.3.1 Placing
The precast concrete curb and gutter shall be set in 20mm of cement mortar as specified in Subsection 600.2.4 to the line level and grade as shown on the approved Plans.The precast curb shall not be more than 20cm in width at the top portion and not be more than 25cm at the base. The precast curb and gutter shall be 1.0 m in length and shall be put side by side consecutively with joint in between.
Joints between consecutive curb and gutter shall be filled with cement mortar to the full section of the curb and gutter. Expansion joints shall be formed at intervals shown on the Plans. Where a curb and gutter is placed next to a concrete pavement, expansion joints in the curb and gutter shall be located opposite expansion joints in the pavement.
Minor defects shall be repaired with mortar containing one part of Portland Cement and two parts of fine aggregates. Plastering shall not be permitted and all rejected portions shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense. The exposed surface shall be finished by rubbing the surfaces with a wetted soft brick or wood until they are smooth. The surfaces shall be wetted thoroughly, either by dipping the brick or wood in water, or by throwing water on the surfaces with a brush. After the concrete has been rubbed smooth using water, it shall then be rubbed with a thin grout containing one part of Portland Cement and one part of fine aggregate. Rubbing with grout shall continue until uniform color is produced.
600.3.3.2 Handling Precast Curb and Gutter
- In preparation for the handling of precast curb and gutter, all fabricated curb and gutter of one (1) meter in length shall be provided or inserted with 2 (25mm) Ø PVC pipes for fitting at their required locations. The PVC pipes shall be placed 25 mm from both edge during the fresh concrete is in plastic state.P
- recast curb and gutter shall be lifted on upright position and not at the points of support and shall be the same during transporting and storage.
- Extreme care shall be exercised in handling and moving precast curb and gutter to avoid cracking.
- No precast curb and gutter shall be used that does not reach its final position in the forms with the required time stipulated prior to installation.
- Precast curb and gutter shall be transferred to the construction site. Fresh curb and gutter shall not be placed against in-situ concrete which has been in a position for more than 30 minutes.
- Precast curb and gutter may only be transported to the delivery point in truck agitators or truck mixer operating at the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment, provided that the consistency and workability of the mix concrete upon discharge at the delivery point is suitable for adequate placement.
600.4 Method of Measurement
The length of curb and gutter to be paid for shall be the number of linear meters of curb and gutter (cast in place) or the number of pieces of precast curb and gutter of the required dimensions shown on the Plans measured along its front face in-place, completed and accepted. No deductions shall be made for flattening of curbs at entrances and no additional allowances shall be made for curbs and gutters constructed on curves.600.5 Basis of Payment
The length of curb and gutter determined in Subsection 600.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear meter for Curb and Gutter which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials for concrete, reinforcing steel if required on the Plans, expansion joint materials, forms for drainage openings, excavation for curb and gutter, backfilling, dumping and disposal of surplus materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.Payment will be made under:
Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
600 (1)
600 (2)
600 (3)
600 (4)
600 (5)
600 (6)
Concrete Curb (Cast in place)
Concrete Gutter (Cast in place)
Curb and Gutter (Cast in place)
Concrete Curb (Precast)
Concrete Gutter (Precast)
Curb & Gutter (Precast)
Linear Meter
Linear Meter
Linear Meter
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