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707.1 Cast Iron Pipe

This pipe shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 64 or ASTM A 716 for the specified diameters and strength classes. Unless otherwise specified, either smooth, corrugated or ribbed pipe may be furnished. Pipe of diameter in excess of 1.2 m shall conform to ANSI Standard for Cast Iron Pit Cast Pipe for specified diameter and strength class.

707.2 Corrugated Iron or Steel Pipe and Pipe Arches

707.2.1 Riveted Pipe and Pipe Arches

The conduit shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 36 and M 218 for the specified dimensions and thicknesses.

707.2.2 Welded Pipe and Pipe Arches

Corrugated steel pipe and pipe arches fabricated by resistance spot welding shall comply with the applicable requirements of AASHTO M 36 and M 218.

707.2.3 Helical Pipe

Unperforated helically corrugated pipes shall conform to sizes shown on the Plans and with the applicable requirements of AASHTO M 36 and M 218.

707.2.4           Special sections, such as elbows and fabricated flared and sections, shall conform to the applicable requirements of AASHTO M 36 and M 218.

Coupling bands shall conform to AASHTO M 36 and M 218, except that use of bands with projections (dimple bands) will be limited to end sections and to pipe laid on grades under 10 percent. 

Bands of special design that engage factory reformed ends of corrugated pipe may be used.

Steel sheets of the required compositions may be furnished with commercially produced corrugation dimensions other than those specified in AASHTO M 36 and M 246, if shown on the Plans or approved by the Engineer.

707.3 Bituminous Coated Corrugated Iron or Steel Pipe and Pipe Arches

These conduits, coupling bands and special sections, shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 190 coating Type A, B or C as specified. Coupling bands shall be fully coated with bituminous material.

Special sections, such as elbows and other sections shall conform to the applicable requirements of AASHTO M 190. Coating and invert paving shall be of the type specified. Flared end sections shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 243for the coating specified.

The Engineer may waive the imperviousness test for coated pipe if no separation of coating from metal is observed.

When asbestos bonded bituminous coating is specified, these requirements shall equally apply and in addition, the special process of embedding asbestos fiber in the molten metallic bonding medium shall be used to bond the bituminous coating. Asbestos-bonded corrugated metal pipe shall be fabricated in accordance with AASHTO M 36 using asbestos-bonded sheets shall be coated with a layer of asbestos fibers pressed into the molten zinc bonding medium. Immediately after the metallic bond has solidified, the asbestos fibers shall be thoroughly impregnated with a bituminous saturant. The finished sheets shall be uniformly coated and free from blisters. After fabrication, the culvert sections shall be treated as specified for either Type A, B or C, as called for in the Bid Schedule, in accordance with AASHTO M 190. Coupling bonds shall be fully coated with bituminous material conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 36 and M 190, Type A. The use of bands with projections (dimple bands) will be limited to end sections and to pipe laid on grades under 10 percent.

707.4 Corrugated Iron or Steel Pipe for Underdrains

This pipe shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 36 and M 218 for the specified diameters and types. Galvanized metal part-circle pipe may be used if permitted by the Special Provisions and shown in the Bid Schedule.

707.5 Bituminous Coated Iron Steel Pipe for Underdrains

This pipe shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 36 and M 218and shall be coated with bituminous material to meet the requirements of AASHTO M 190, Type A coating, except that the minimum coating thickness shall be 0.75 mm. Coupling bands shall be fully coated. The specified minimum diameter of perforations shall apply after coating. The Engineer may waive the imperviousness test if no separation of coating from the metal is observed.

707.6 Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Culvert Pipe

This shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 196 and M 197.

707.7 Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Pipe for Underdrains

This pipe shall conform to the requirements of Section 707.6.

707.8 Bituminous Coated Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Culvert Pipe

This pipe shall conform to the requirements of Section 707.6 and shall be coated with bituminous material conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M190. Coating and invert paving shall be of the type specified.

707.9 Bituminous Coated Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Pipe Underdrain

This pipe shall conform to the requirements of Section 707.6 and shall be coated with bituminous material conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M190, type of coating as specified.

707.10 Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe Arches and Arches

These conduits and bolts and nuts for connecting plates shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 167.

707.11 Full Bituminous Coated Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arches and Arches

These conduits shall conform to the requirements of Section 707.10 and shall be coated with bituminous material conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 243, type coating as specified.

707.12 Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate for Pipe, Pipe Arches and Arches

These conduits and the bolts and nuts for connecting plates shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 219.

707.13 Full Bituminous Coated Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arches and Arches

These conduits shall conform to the requirements of Section 707.12 and shall be coated with bituminous materials conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 190, type of coating as specified.

707.14 Precoated, Galvanized Steel Culverts and Underdrains

These conduits shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 245 and M 246.

707.15 Slotted Pipe

Slotted pipe shall be the angle slot pipe or the grate slot type. The type of slotted pipe to be installed shall be at the option of the Contractor.

Slot angles for the angle slot drain shall conform to the requirements ofA STM S 36.

Grate assemblies for the grate slot drain shall conform to ASTM A 36 or A576. Slot angles and grate slot assemblies shall be galvanized in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 712.07, Frames, Gratings, Covers and Ladder Rungs, of the Standard Specification Federal Highway Projects FP-79.

Flashing shall be commercial quality and shall be galvanized with G 165coating designation conforming to the provisions in ASTM A 525. Bolts and nuts shall conform to the provisions of ASTM A 307. Structural tubing spacers shall conform to the provisions in ASTM A 501. Said bolts, nuts and spacers shall be galvanized in accordance with the provisions of AASHTO M 111.

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