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709.1 Description

This Item covers all paint materials including Vehicles, Pigment, Pastes, Driers, Thinners and Mixed Paints for steel and wooden structures

709.2 Material Requirements

709.2.1 General

Paint, except, aluminum paint, shall consist of pigments of the required fineness and composition ground to the desired consistency in linseed oil in a suitable grinding machine, to which shall be added additional oil, thinner and drier as required.

Aluminum paint shall consist of aluminum bronze powder or paste of the required fineness and composition to which shall be added the specified amount of vehicle.

The paint shall be furnished for use in ready mixed, paste or powder form. All paint shall meet the following general requirements:

a. The paint shall show no excessive settling and shall easily be redispersed with a paddle to a smooth, homogenous state. The paint shall show no curdling, livering, caking or color separation and shall be free from lumps and skins.

b. The paint as received shall brush easily, possess good levelling properties and shall show no running or sagging when applied to a smooth vertical surfaces.

c. The paint shall dry to a smooth uniform finish free from roughness grit, uneveness and other imperfections.

d. The paint shall not skin within 48 hours in three quarters filled closed container.

e. The paint shall show no thickening, curdling, gelling or hard caking after six (6) months storage in full, tightly covered container at a temperature of 210C.


The paint shall conform to the requirements of the indicated specifications as follows:
Red Lead                                                       AASHTO M 72Type I, II, III and IV
Ready-Mixed Paint
Aluminum Paint                                           AASHTO M 69 Type I and II
White & Tinted Ready-Mixed Paint          AASHTO M 70
Foliage Green Bridge Paint                       AASHTO M 67

Black Paint for Bridges                               AASHTO M 68
and Timber Structures
Basic Lead Silicon Chromate,                   AASHTO M 229
Ready-Mixed Primer

The constituent parts of the paint shall meet the following specifications:
Red Lead (97% Pb3O4)                               ASTM D 83
Iron Oxide (85% Fe2O3)                              ASTM D 84
Aluminum Powder and Paste                   ASTM D 962
Magnesium Silicate                                                 ASTM D 605
Mica Pigment                                                ASTM D 607
Titanium Dioxide                                          ASTM D 476
Chrome Yellow                                            ASTM D 211
Calcium Carbonate                                                 ASTM D 1199
Basic Lead-Silicon Chromate                    ASTM D 1638
Basic Carbonate White Lead                     ASTM D 81
Zinc Oxide                                                     ASTM D 79
Chrome Oxide Green                                  ASTM D 263
Carbon Black                                                ASTM D 561
Lampblack                                                     ASTM D 209
Prussian Blue                                              ASTM D 261
Boiled Linseed Oil                                       ASTM D 260
Raw Linseed Oil                                          ASTM D 234
            Pale Heat Bodied Linseed Oil                   Fed Spec. TT-0-367
Alkyd Resin                                                  Fed. Spec. TT-R-266
Mineral Spirit                                                ASTM D 235
Driers                                                             ASTM D 600
Turpentine                                                    ASTM D 13

709.2.4 Drier

These specifications cover both straight oil drier (material free from resins and “gums”), and Japan drier (material containing varnish “gums”). The drier shall be composed of lead manganese, or cobalt, or a mixture of any of these elements, combined with a suitable fatty oil, with or without resins of “gums” and mineral spirits of turpentine, or a mixture of these solvents. The drier shall conform to the following requirements:

a. Appearance - Free from sediment and suspended matter.
b. Flash Point – (Tag close cup) not less than 300C
c. Elasticity – The drier when flowed on metal and baked for 2 hours at 1000C shall have an elastic film.
d. Drying – It shall mix with pure raw linseed oil in the proportion of 1volume of drier to 19 volumes of oil without curdling, and the resulting mixture when flowed on glass shall dry in not more than 18 hours.
d. Color – When mixed with pure, raw linseed oil in the proportion of 1volume of drier to 8 volumes of oil, the resulting mixture shall be darker than a solution of 6 g of potassium dichromate in 13 cc of pure sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84).

709.3 Proportion for Mixing

It is the intent of these Specifications to provide a paint of proper brushing consistency, which will not run, streak or sag and which will have satisfactory drying qualities.

709.3.1 Aluminum Paint, Field Coats on Structural Steel

The paint shall be mixed in the proportion of 0.242 kg of aluminum powder of paste per liter of vehicle of long oil spar varnish producing a paint containing 21mass percent pigment and 79 percent vehicle. The weighed amount of powder or paste shall be placed in a suitable mixing container and the measured volume of vehicle then poured over it. The paste or powder shall be incorporated in the paint by vigorous stirring with a paddle. The powder or paste will readily disperse in the vehicle. Before removing any paint from the container, the paint shall be thoroughly stirred to insure a uniform mixture and the paint shall be suitably stirred during the use. The amount of paint enough for one day’s use only shall be mixed at one time.

When two field coats of aluminum paint are specified, the first coat shall be tinted with lampblack paste or Prussian blue paste in the quantity of 0.024 kg/L or more of paints. The exact quantity used shall be sufficient to give a contrast in color which can be readily distinguished. When three field coats of aluminum paint are specified the second coat shall be tinted.

709.3.2 Aluminum Paint, Field Coats on Creosoted Timber

This paint shall be mixed as specified for Aluminum Paint for Structural Steel except that the proportions shall be 0.272 kg of aluminum powder or paste per liter of vehicle. 

Other paint composition may be used when and as stipulated in the Special Provisions.

709.4 Containers and Markings

All paints shall be shipped in strong, substantial containers plainly marked with mass, color and volume in liters of the paint content, a true statement of the percentage composition of the pigment, the proportions of the pigment to vehicle, the name and address of the manufacturers and the stencil of the authorized inspecting agency. Any package or container not so marked will not be accepted for use under this Specification.

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