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614.1 Description

This Item shall consists of furnishing and installing waterstops to prevent water seepage at the expansion and construction joints of concrete structures, in conformity to the details shown on the Plans and in accordance with this Specification.

Waterstops are precision engineered concrete devices for vertical and horizontal expansion joints between cast-in-place concrete units where conditions may subject the concrete to hydro-static pressure or moisture seepage.

614.2 Material Requirements

614.2.1 Waterstops shall be in conformity to the type, shape and dimension and other details shown on the approved Plans and in accordance with this Specification. They shall be dense, homogeneous and without holes or other defects.

614.2.1.1 Copper Waterstops

Sheet copper shall conform to AASHTO M 138M. The resistivity test shall not be required.

614.2.1.2 Rubber Waterstops

Rubber waterstops shall be furnished molded or extruded rubber with a uniform cross-section that is free from porosity or other defects. If approved, an equivalent standard shape shall be furnished.
It shall be fabricated from a compound of natural rubber, synthetic rubber, or a blend of the two, together with other compatible materials. Reclaimed material shall not be used. A certification from the manufacturer showing the composition of the material shall be furnished.

Samples taken from the finished rubber waterstops when tested shall conform to the following requirements:

Method of Test
Hardness (shore durometer)
Tensile Strength
Elongation at breaking
Water Absorption by (% by weight)
ASTM D 2240
ASTM D 412
ASTM D 412
ASTM D 570
17Mpa, min.
450%, min.
5%, max.
80% of original, min.

614.2.1.3 Plastic Waterstops

Plastic waterstop shall be fabricated from a homogeneous, elastomeric plastic compound of basic polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The compound shall contain any additional resins, plasticizers, stabilizers, or other materials needed to ensure that when the material is compounded it will meet the performance requirements of this Specification. Reclaimed polyvinyl chloride shall not be used. It shall be formed to a uniform cross-section that is free from porosity or other defects. If approved, an equivalent standard shape shall be furnished.

Samples taken from the finished plastic waterstops when tested shall conform to the following requirements:

Tensile strength
Elongation at breaking
Hardness (shore durometer)
Specific gravity
Resistance to alkali(2)
     Mass change
     Hardness change (shore durometer)
     Tensile strength change
Water absorption (48 hours)
Volatile loss
Low temperature brittleness
ASTM D 2240
ASTM D 792
ASTM D 543

ASTM D 570
ASTM D1203
9.6 MPa, min.
250%, min.
60 to 75

-0.10 to +0.25%
±5, max.
15%, max.
0.50%, max.
Note (3)
Passed at -350F
Notes: (1) Manufacturer's value ±0.02.
(2) Use a 10% solution of NaOH for a 7-day test period.
(3) Not more than manufacturer's value.
Furnish the manufacturer's test results for the above properties with the certification. If directed, furnish samples in lengths adequate for performing the specified tests.

614.2.2 Delivery and Storage

Waterstops delivered and placed in storage shall be stored off the ground and protected from moisture, dirt, and other contaminants.

614.2.3 Acceptance of Material

Material for waterstops shall be evaluated by visual inspection for compliance with the approved contract. Material or packaging shall be clearly marked with unique product identification or specification standard to which it is produced. Material accepted by certification may be sampled and tested at any time and if found not in conformance to the requirement of the contract, the material shall be rejected even if they are already installed in placed.

614.3 Construction Requirements

614.3.1 General

Waterstops shall be installed in the locations as shown on the approved Plans, where movement at the joint is provided for. The waterstops shall be of a type permitting such movement without injury. They shall be spliced, welded, or soldered to form continuous watertight joints.

Waterstops shall be furnished in full length for each straight portion of the joint, without field splices. Splices shall be installed at changes in direction, as may be necessary to avoid buckling or distortion of the web or flange. Field splices for the waterstop shall be performed so as to provide watertight connection by such means as specified by the manufacturer.

Carefully place and support waterstops. Waterstops shall be securely held in position by the use of spacers, supporting wires or other approved devices that will not injure or puncture the waterstops. It shall be positioned allowing clearance between waterstops and reinforcing steel at a minimum of two times the largest size to prevent rock pockets and air voids. Waterstops shall be centered on joint, with approximately one-half of waterstop width to be embedded in concrete on each side of the joint. During pouring, concrete shall be thoroughly and systematically vibrated in the vicinity of the joint to maximize intimate contact between concrete and waterstop. Prevent waterstops from being displaced or damaged by construction operations or other activities. Suitable guards shall be provided to protect exposed projecting edges and ends of partially embedded waterstops from damaged when concrete placement has been discontinued for the first pour. Keep all surfaces of waterstops free from oil, grease, dried mortar, laitance, or any other deleterious material until embedded in concrete. Special care shall be taken in concreting operations around waterstops to preserve their shape and position in the joint. Ensure that embedded portions of the waterstops are completely enclosed in dense concrete. If, after placing concrete, waterstops show indication of having been substantially out of position or shape, the surrounding concrete shall be removed, the waterstop shall be reset or replaced if damaged, and the concrete replaced at the Contractor's expense.


Copper sheet of the required thickness, mass, width, and shape shall be used. Joints shall be soldered for a continuous watertight unit.

614.3.1.2 Rubber Waterstops

Before installation, the following shall be submitted for approval:

  1. Performance test data

  2. One-meter sample of each type of waterstop required

  3. At least one preliminary field splice if splices are used

Waterstops shall have a cross-section that is uniform in width and web thickness. Straight strips shall not be spliced.

Full-mold all junctions in the special connection pieces. Provide well-cured, dense, homogeneous special connection pieces that are nonporous and are free from other defects.

Fabricate splices that are dense and homogeneous throughout the cross-section. Fabricate splices watertight by vulcanizing or by mechanical means. Fabricate splices so that they have a tensile strength of at least 50% of the reported tensile strength of the unspliced rubber water stop.

614.3.1.3 Plastic Waterstops

Before installation, submit for approval at least one preliminary field splice sample. Heat splices shall be in conformance to the manufacturer's instructions to make them watertight. A thermostatically controlled electric source of heat shall be used to make all splices. The heat shall be sufficient to melt but not to char the plastic. Fabricate splices so they have a tensile strength of at least 80% of the reported tensile strength of the unspliced plastic waterstop.

614.3.2 Visual Inspection

Installed waterstops shall be evaluated by visual inspection of completed works for compliance with the details shown on the approved Plans or as directed by the Engineer.

614.4 Method of Measurement

Waterstops shall be measured by the length in linear meter or by the lump sum furnished and installed as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer.

614.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as provided above, shall be paid at the contract price per unit of measurement for the pay items listed below that are shown in the bid schedule. Payment shall be full compensation for the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item
Pay Unit
614-1 waterstop, _____ mm. width
614-2 waterstop
Lump sum

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