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610.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing and laying of live sod on the shoulders, slopes, ditches, or other locations as designated, construction of sod ditch checks or similar appurtenances, as shown on the Plans or as ordered and laid out in the field by the Engineer, all in accordance with this Specification.

610.2 Material Requirements

The sod shall consist of healthy, dense, well-rooted growth of permanent and desirable grasses indigenous to the general locality where it is to be used and shall be free from weeds or undesirable grasses. At the time the sod is cut, the grass on the sod shall have a length of approximately 50 mm (if longer, the grass shall be cut to approximately this length) and the sod shall have been raked free from debris.

The sod shall be cut into uniform squares approximately 300 mm x 300 mm, but not larger than is convenient for handling and transporting.

The thickness of the sod shall be uniform as possible approximately 40 mm or more depending on the nature of the sod, so that practically all of the dense root system of the grasses will be retained, but exposed, in the sod strip and that the sod can be handled without undue tearing or breaking.

In the event the sod to be cut is in a dry condition as to cause scrumbling or breaking during cutting operations, the Contractor, at his own expense, shall apply water in sufficient quantities at least 12 hours before cutting to provide a well-moistened condition of the sod to the depth to which it is to be cut. Sods shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

610.3 Construction Requirements

610.3.1 Preparation of the Earth Bed

The area to be sodded shall be constructed to the required cross-section and contour, and the tops and bottoms of the slopes shall be rounded as shown in the typical roadway sections.

The areas to be sodded shall be free from stones, roots or other undesirable foreign materials.

The soil on the area to be sodded shall be loosened and brought to a reasonably fine texture to a depth of not less than 30 mm by means of equipment on hand methods adapted for the purpose.

610.3.2 Placing the Sod

The earth bed upon which the sod is to be placed shall be moistened to the loosened depth, if not naturally sufficiently moist, and the sod shall be placed thereon within 24 hours after the same has been cut.

Unless otherwise required, the sod on slopes shall be laid on horizontal strips beginning at the bottom of the slope and working upwards. When placing sod in ditches, or in the construction of sod ditch checks or similar appurtenances, the length of the strips shall be laid at right angles to the direction of the flow of the water.

Sod shall be laid so that the joints caused by abutting ends of sod strip are not continuous. Each sod strip shall be so laid as to abut snugly against the strip previously laid.

As the sod is being laid it shall be lightly tamped with suitable wooden or metal tampers sufficiently to set or press the sod into the underlying soil.

At points where it is anticipated that water may flow over a sodded area, the upper edges of the sod strips shall be turned into the soil to be below the adjacent area and a layer of earth place over this juncture and thoroughly compacted. At the limits of sodded areas, the end strips shall be turned in and treated similarly.

610.3.3 Staking the Sod

On all slopes steeper than one vertical to four horizontal, sod shall be pegged with stakes 200-300 mm in length, spaced as required by the nature of the soil and steepness of slope. Stakes shall be driven into the sod at right angles to the slope until flush with the bottom of the grass blades.

610.3.4 Top Dressing

After staking has been completed, the surface shall be cleared of loose sod, excess soil or other foreign material, whereupon a thin layer of topsoil shall be scattered over the sod as a top dressing and the areas shall then be thoroughly moistened by sprinkling with water.

610.3.5 Watering

The Contractor shall regularly water and maintain sodded areas in a satisfactory condition for the duration of the Contract and until final acceptance of the work by the Engineer.

610.4 Method of Measurement
Sodding shall be measured by the square meter and the quantity to be measured for payment shall be the actual number of square meters of area on which sod has been placed in accordance with this Specification and within the limits of construction as designated on the Plans or as ordered by the Engineer.

610.5 Basis of Payment

The quantity as determined in Subsection 610.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at Contract unit price per square meter for Sodding which price and payment shall be full compensation for preparing the earth bed, for furnishing, placing, staking, top dressing and watering the sod, and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item No.
Unit of Measurement
Square Meter

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