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607.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing and installing reflective pavement studs on the surface of the pavement in accordance with this Specification and at the locations shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer.

607.2 Material Requirements

607.2.1 Reflective Studs

Reflective studs shall be either the “Flush Surface” or “Raised Profile” type having the following characteristics.

The “Flush Surface” reflector shall be the short base type having a maximum base area of 180 mm x 140 mm. The base shall be formed in cast-iron with adequate webbing to insure a firm key to the road when installed. The pad shall be highly resilient and durable rubber reinforced with canvass and shall have a design life of at least 5 years. The pad shall be so designed as to produce a self-wiping action of the reflectors when depressed. The reflectors shall be made of impact and abrasion-resisting glass and shall be hermetically sealed into a copper socket.

The “Raised Profile” reflectors shall consist of an acrylic plastic shell filled with an adherent epoxy compound molded from methyl methacyclate into the shape of a shallow frustrum of a pyramid with base dimensions approximately 100 mm x100 mm and thickness of not more than 20 mm. The shell shall contain two prismatic reflectors each inclined at an angle of 300 to the horizontal and having an area not less than 20 cm 2. The reflectors shall attain the following standards for their photometric and physical properties:

a) The reflectors shall have the minimum specific intensity values expressed as candle power per foot-candle of illumination at the reflector on a plane perpendicular to the incident light shown in Table 607.1.

Table 607.1 – Raised Profile Pavement Studs: Photometric Properties
Specific Intensity Values
Divergence Angle
Incidence Angle

Each reflector for testing shall be located with the center of the reflecting face at a diameter of 1.5 m from a uniformly bright light source having an effective diameter of 5 mm. The width of the photocell shall be 1.2 mm and shall be shielded from stray light. The distance from the centers of the light source and photocell shall be 5 mm. Failure of more than 4% of the reflective faces shall be a cause for rejection of the complete batch.

The reflectors shall support a vertical load or kgf (10kN) when tested in the following manner. A reflector shall be centered horizontally over the open end of a vertically positioned hollow metal cylinders, 75 mm internal diameter, 25 mm high and wall thickness of 6 mm. The load shall be applied to the top of the reflector through a 6 mm diameter by a 6 mm high metal plug centered on top of the reflector. Failure shall constitute either breakage or significant deformation of the marker at any load less than 1000 kgf.

607.2.2 Adhesive

When “Raised Profile” type reflectors are specified, an approved two-part epoxy adhesive shall be used.

607.2.3 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar shall consist of 1 part of Portland Cement to 2 parts of fine aggregate with water added as necessary to obtain the required consistency.

607.3 Construction Requirements607.3.1 Flush Surface Type

The stud shall be installed into the pavement in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions but shall also comply with the following requirements.

Cavities in the pavement shall be clearly cut to the dimensions of the pavement stud and shall allow a clearance of 10 mm around the stud base. The longitudinal centerline axis of the cavity shall be the same as that required for the pavement stud when laid to the correct line and direction.

The walls of the cavity shall be splayed back at the angle of approximately 30o to the vertical to facilitate a “dove-tail” joint after the mortar has set.

The bottom of the cavity shall be levelled with asphalt concrete prior to placing the stud base which shall be pounded into position with a pounder foot attached to the pneumatic drill.

The depth of the activity shall be such that when the stud base and reflectors have been installed the elevation of the floor of the lens socket shall not be greater than 2.0 mm or less than 1.0 mm above the pavement surface.

When the studs are installed into a cement concrete pavement, the stud shall be grouted into position with asphalt concrete containing fine aggregate only or with a cement mortar as described in Subsection 607.2.3 above.

607.3.2 Raised Profile Type

The pavement studs shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

607.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of reflectorized pavement studs to be paid for shall be the number of reflectorized pavement studs of either the flush surface type or the raised profile type, whichever is called for in the Contract, installed complete and accepted.

607.5 Basis of Payment

The quantities measured as described in Subsection 607.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract unit price of the Pay Items shown in the Bid Schedule, which payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, excavating cavities, preparation of surfaces, applying adhesive and mortar and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:
Pay Item No.
Unit of Measurement
607 (1)
607 (2)
Reflectorized Pavement Stud (Flush Type)
Reflectorized Pavement Studs (Raised Profile Type)

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