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703A.1 Description 

Mineral filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust, slag dust, hydrated lime, hydraulic cement, fly ash or other suitable mineral matter. It shall be free from organic impurities and at the time of use, shall be sufficiently dry to flow freely and shall be essentially free from agglomerations.

703A.2 General Requirements

703A.2.1        Filler material for bituminous bases or pavements shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 17, Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures.

703A.2.2 Physical Requirements

Mineral filler shall be graded within the following limits:
Maximum Perfect Passing
0.600 mm (No. 30)
0.300 mm (No. 50)
0.075 mm (No. 200)
95 – 100
70 – 100

The mineral filler shall have a plasticity index not greater than 4.
Plasticity index limits are not appropriate for hydraulic lime and cement.

703A.3 Methods of Sampling

703A.3.1 Materials in Bulk

Sampling from bins, piles or cars – A sampling tube that takes a core not less than 25 mm in diameter may be used to obtain sample portions from one or more location as required to obtain a field sample of at least 5 kg. Sample portions may be taken from holes dug into the material at 5 or more locations to provide a field sample of at least 5 kg.
Sampling from conveyors – Sample portions shall be taken at regular intervals during the time of movement of the materials in the unit being sampled to provide a field sample of at least 5 kg.

703A.3.2 Materials in Packages

From the unit to be sampled, select at least one percent of the packages at random for sampling, but in no case shall fewer than 5 packages be selected. Take a sample portion from a hole dug into the top of each package selected for sampling. A sampling tube may be used that takes a core not less than 25 mm diameter. Insert the tube into the package to substantially sample the entire length of the package. Combine the sample portions taken to obtain a field sample of at least 5 kg.

703A.4 Shipping Samples

Mineral filler shall be shipped in a clean, moisture-proof container and packaged securely to prevent the loss of material during handling. Reduce the field sample to a minimum size of 2.5 kg to submit for testing, using the method of quartering.

703A.5 Methods of Test

The properties enumerated in this Specification shall be determined in accordance with the following AASHTO Method of Test:
Gradation                  T 37
Plasticity Index         T 90

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