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603.1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing and constructing posts and guardrails of the types called for in the contract and in accordance with this Specification, at the locations, and in conformity with the lines and grades shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer.

603.2 Material Requirements

Materials for the desired type of guardrail shall meet the requirements specified in the following specifications:

  1. Wire rope or wire cable AASHTO M 30
  2. Chain link fabric AASHTO M 181
  3. Metal beam rail AASHTO M 180
  4. Timber rail, unless otherwise indicated in the Plans or Special Provisions, any of the following first group Philippine Timber shall be used: Ipil, Molave, Tindalo or Yacal. Only one specie of timber shall be used in the construction of any one continuous length of guardrail.

Timber guardrail shall be well-seasoned, straight and free of injurious defects. They shall be dressed and of sufficient length so that joints shall be on the rail posts.

Guardrail Hardware. Offset brackets of the resilient and non-resilient types shall be of the type specified, or as shown on the Plans, and shall meet the strength requirements specified.

Splices and end connections shall be of the type and design specified or as shown on the Plans, and shall be of such strength as to develop the full design strength of the rail elements.

Unless otherwise specified, all fittings, bolts, washers and other accessories shall be galvanized in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO M 111 or ASTM A 153, whichever may apply. All galvanizing shall be done after fabrication.

Guardrail Post. Posts shall be of either wood, steel, or concrete, as may be specified. Only one kind of post shall be used for any one continuous guardrail.
Wood post shall be fabricated from an approved or specified timber specie and shall be of the quality, diameter or section and length as specified, or as shown on the Plans.

Steel post shall be of the section and length as specified, or as shown on the Plans. They shall be of a copper bearing steel when so specified. Steel shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 183 for the grade specified. The posts shall be galvanized or shop painted as may be specified.
Pre-cast reinforced concrete posts shall be of a section and length as specified or as shown on the Plans. Concrete shall conform with the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete, for class specified. Reinforcement shall conform with the requirements of AASHTO M 31 Grade 60. All bars shall be of the deformed type.
Concrete deadmen for end anchorages shall be as specified, or as shown on the Plans. Concrete and reinforcement shall conform to the requirements as stated above the precast reinforced concrete posts.

Paints for steel and wood shall be specified and conform to the requirements specified in Item 411, Paint.

603.3 Construction Requirements

603.3.1 Posts

Posts shall be set vertically in the position shown on the Plans and, where embedded in a concrete foundation block, shall remain undisturbed for a minimum of 48 hours. The space around the post shall be backfilled to the ground line with approved material in layers not exceeding 100 mm and each layer shall be moistened and thoroughly compacted.

603.3.2 Rail Elements

Rail elements shall be erected in a manner resulting in a smooth continuous installation. All bolts, except adjustment bolts, shall be drawn tight. Bolts shall be of sufficient length to extend beyond the nuts at least 5 mm but not more than 10 mm.

Where painting of railing components is specified, any damage to the shop coat of paint shall be corrected by an application of an approved rust-inhibitive primer prior to further painting. Any surface inaccessible to painting after erection shall be given the specified number of coats of paint uniformly applied by thorough brushing using an approved pressure spray.

Galvanized surfaces which have been abraded so that the base material is exposed, threaded portions of all fittings and fasteners and cut ends of bolts shall be protected in a manner as may be specified or directed.

The surfaces and sawed edges of untreated or salt-treated guardrail shall be painted with three coats of white paint to within 200 mm of the ground line. The first 200 mm of posts above the ground shall be painted with two coats of black paint. Painting shall be done only when the timber is dry and clean. Each coat of paint shall be thoroughly dry before the next coat is applied. Paint shall be applied in heavy coats, completely covering every part of the surface and shall be worked well into the joints and open spaces. It shall be thoroughly and evenly spread that no excess paint collects at any point.
Guardrail and posts, after erection has been completed, shall be stained with two applications of approved creosote stain, covering the rails and the exposed portions of the posts. The wood shall be dry before being stained. The first coat shall be thoroughly dry before the second is applied. Stain shall not be applied in damp weather.

For beam type guardrails, metal works not galvanized shall be given one shop coat of red lead, zinc chromate paint or an approved fast-drying rust-inhibitive primer and two field coats of white or aluminum paint. Untreated wood posts shall be given three coats of paints of the color indicated on the Plans, or as specified. Painting shall conform to the requirements of Item 411, Paint.

603.4 Method of Measurement

Guardrail shall be measured by linear meter from center to center of end posts, except where end connections are made on masonry or steel structures, in which case measurement will be to the face of such structures.

End anchorages and terminal sections will be measured as units of each kind shown in Bid Schedule. If no pay item for anchorages or terminal sections appear in the Bid Schedule, measurement therefore shall be included in the linear meter measurement for completed guardrail.

603.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities of guardrail, determined in Subsection 603.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract unit price per linear meter for the type specified, complete in place, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item. When so specified, end anchorages and terminal sections will be paid for at the contract unit price for each of the kind specified and completed in place.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item No.


Unit of Measurement

603 (1)

603 (2)

603 (3a)

603 (3b)

604 (4)

Guardrail (Wire rope or Wire cable)

Cable Guardrail 9Chain Link Fabric)

Metal Guardrail (Metal Beam) Including Post

Metal Beam End Piece

Guardrail (Timber)

Linear Meter

Linear Meter

Linear Meter


Linear Meter

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