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602.1 Description

This Item shall consist of right-of-way monuments, maintenance marker posts, kilometer posts and/or guide posts, furnished and installed in accordance with this Specification at the locations, and in conformity with the sizes, dimensions and design, shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer.

602.2 Material Requirements

Concrete shall be the class designated on the Plans and shall be composed of materials conforming to the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete.

Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements of Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

Timber shall be of the species and grade shown on the Plans. Treated timber, if required, shall conform to the requirements of Item 410, Treated and Untreated Timber.

The metal material shall conform to the requirements shown on the Plans, or as stipulated in the Special Provisions.

Paints, if required, shall conform to the requirements shown on the Plans, or as stipulated in the Special Provisions.

Warning reflectors, if required, shall conform to the requirements shown on the Plans, or as stipulated in the Special Provisions.

602.3 Construction Requirements

Construction or fabrication and installation of monuments and posts shall be as shown on the Plans or in the Special Provisions and shall include the attaching of warning reflectors and the painting of posts, if required. Each monument and post shall be set accurately at the required location and elevation and in such manner as to insure its being held firmly in place. In constructing precast monuments, the forms shall not be removed until after the concrete has hardened. Monuments that are warped shall be rejected. The exposed surface of the finished monuments shall be uniform, of even texture, and shall be free from holes, cracks and chipped edges. The precast monuments shall not be transported to the work until the concrete has been cured.

602.4 Method of Measurement

The quantities to be paid for shall be the actual number of right-of-way monuments, maintenance marker posts, kilometer posts and/or guide posts furnished, placed and accepted.

602.5 Basis of Payment

The quantities determined as provided in Subsection 602.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract price per unit of measurement respectively, for each of the particular Pay Item listed below and as shown in the Bid Schedule, which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:
Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
602 (1)
602 (2)
600 (3)
600 (4)
Right-of-Way monuments Maintenance marker posts
Kilometer posts
Guide posts

(When more than one design is specified for any of the pay items, their respective dimensions, material types or other means of identification shall be inserted in parenthesis immediately after the name of the pay item, and letter suffixes shall be included within the parenthesis of the pay item numbers)

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