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608.1 Description

This Item shall consist of topsoil furnished, transported and spread, or topsoil removed from designated areas, hauled and spread, in accordance with this Specification at the location shown on the Plans or as required by the Engineer.

608.2 Material Requirements

Topsoil furnished shall consist of fertile friable soil of loamy character without admixture of undesirable subsoil, refuse or foreign materials. It shall be obtained from well-drained arable land and shall be reasonably free from roots, hard clay, coarse gravel, stones larger than 50 mm in size, coarse sand, noxious seeds, sticks, brush, litter and other deleterious substances. Topsoil shall be capable of sustaining healthy plant life and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Topsoil shall contain not less than five (5) percent organic matter as determined by loss or ignition of samples oven-dried to constant weight.

608.3 Construction Requirements

608.3.1 Sources of Material

Topsoil shall be obtained as specified in Item 102, Excavation, or from other approved sources. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least five days before he intends to start topsoil stripping operations. After inspection and approval by the Engineer and prior to stripping any topsoil, the Contractor shall remove noxious weeds and tall grass, brush roots and stones larger than 50 mm in diameter.

608.3.2 Placing

The topsoil shall be evenly spread on the areas and to the line and level shown on the Plans and compacted with a light roller to a depth of not less than 100 mm. Spreading shall not be done when the ground topsoil is excessively wet, or otherwise in a condition detrimental to such work. The roadway surfaces shall be kept clean during hauling and spreading operations.

After spreading has been completed, large clods, stones, roots, stumps and other loose-lying materials shall be raked up and removed. Any erosion, irregularities of grade or other incidental damage to the surface of the topsoil shall be repaired and/or restored to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

608.4 Method of Measurement

The quantities to be paid for shall be the number of cubic meters of Topsoil removed, furnished and hauled complete in place and accepted.

608.5 Basis of Payment

The quantities, as determined in Subsection 608.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract unit price respectively, for each of the particular Pay Items listed below that is shown on the Bid Schedule, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number
Unit of Measurement
Furnishing and Placing Topsoil
Placing Topsoil
Cubic Meter
Cubic Meter

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