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601.1 Description

This Item shall consist of the construction of asphalt or Portland Cement concrete sidewalk in accordance with this Specification and to the lines, grades, levels and dimensions shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer.

601.2 Material Requirements

601.2.1 Portland Cement Concrete

The cement concrete shall be Class A as specified in Item 405, Structural Concrete.
601.2.2 Asphalt
Asphaltic material shall be as specified in Item 308, Bituminous Plant-Mix Surface Course, Cold-Laid, or Item 310, Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Hot-Laid.

601.2.3 Expansion Joint Filler

Unless otherwise ordered, the preformed joint filler shall have a thickness of 5mm and shall conform to the requirements of Item 311, Portland Cement Concrete Pavement.

601.2.4 Forms

Forms shall be of wood or metal as approved by the Engineer and shall extend to the full depth of the concrete. All forms shall be straight, free from warps and of adequate strength to resist distortion.

601.2.5 Bed Course Material

Bed course material consists of cinders, sand, slag, gravel, crushed stone or other approved permeable granular material of such grading that all particles shall pass a 12.5 mm sieve.

601.2.6 Asphaltic Prime Coat

Prime coat shall be cut-back asphalt conforming to the requirements of Item 301, Bituminous Prime Coat.

601.3 Construction Requirements

601.3.1 Asphalt Sidewalk

Excavation shall be made to the depth and width required that will permit the installation and bracing of the forms. The foundation shall be shaped and compacted to a firm and even surface conforming to the section shown on the Plans. All materials from soft areas shall be removed and replaced with suitable materials.
The bed course shall be compacted in layers not exceeding 100 mm to the depths, lines and levels shown on the Plans.
The prepared bed course material shall receive an application of prime coat in accordance with the requirements of Item 301, Bituminous Prime Coat.
The asphalt mixture shall be placed on the previously primed and prepared bed only when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the bed is sufficiently dry and weather conditions are suitable. The mixture shall be placed in one or more layers of uniform thickness to the total depth shown on the Plans. Each layer shall be smoothed by raking or screeding and shall be thoroughly compacted by rolling with a hand operated roller of a type satisfactory to the Engineer. After compaction, the surfacing shall be of the thickness and section shown on the Plans and shall be smooth, even and of a dense uniform texture. Forms, if used, shall be removed and the shoulders shaped and compacted to the required section.

601.3.2 Cement Concrete Sidewalk

Excavation shall be as specified above. The bed course material shall be placed in accordance with the Item 200, Aggregate Subbase Course.
All forms shall be staked securely in position at the correct line and level. Preformed joint filler shall be set in position shown on the Plans before placing of the concrete is started. The top of the joint filler shall be placed 5 mm below the top surface of the finished sidewalk.
The mixing, placing, finishing and curing of concrete shall be as specified in Item 405, Structural Concrete. The Portland Cement concrete shall be placed to the total depth shown on the plans.
The surface shall be cut through to a depth of 10 mm with a trowel at intervals of 1 m or, were required, in straight lines perpendicular to the edge of sidewalk. The surface shall then be brushed. The edges of the sidewalk and the transverse cuts shall be shaped with a suitable tool so formed as to round the edges to a radius of 15 mm.

601.4 Method of Measurement

The area to be paid for shall be the number of square meters of sidewalk measured, completed in-place and accepted.

601.5 Basis of Payment

The quantity as determined in Subsection 601.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for all the contract unit price per square meter for Sidewalk which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials for asphalt sidewalk, concrete sidewalk, expansion joint material, for excavating and compacting the foundation bed, for furnishing and placing cinders, gravel or other permeable bed course material, for prime coat material, for forms, and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item No.
Unit of Measurement
Square Meter

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