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701.1 General

Hydrated lime shall conform to the requirements of PHILSA I-1-68 or ASTM C207-76 and shall be of the following type:
Type N - Normal hydrated lime for masonry purposes.
Type S - Special hydrated lime for masonry purposes.
Type NA - Normal air-entraining hydrated lime for masonry purposes.
Type SA - Special air-entraining hydrated lime for masonry purposes.
Type N and S are suitable for use in mortar, in scratch and brown coats of cement plaster, for stucco and for addition to Portland Cement concrete.
Type NA and SA are air-entrained hydrated limes that are suitable for use in any of the above uses where air-entrainment are desired.
Type S and SA hydrated lime develop high, early plasticity and higher water retentivity and by a limitation on their unhydrated oxide content.

It is the intent of this Specification to use either the Type N or S for soil stabilization and as filler requirement to bituminous plant mixtures. It is expected to provide pavements with greater resistance to the detrimental effects of water, especially flooding during the rainy season.

701.2 Chemical Requirements

Hydrated lime for construction purposes shall conform to the followingstandard chemical requirements.
Calcium and Magnesium oxides
    (Non-volatile basis), min. %                  60
Carbon dioxide (as received basis), max. %
If sample is taken at the place of manufacture 5
If sample is taken at any other place           7
Unhydrated oxides (as received basis) for Type S and S
A, max. %                          8

701.3 Physical Requirements

Hydrated lime for construction purposes shall conform to the following standard physical requirements:

  1. Percentage Residue
    The residue retained on a 0.600 mm (No. 30) sieve shall not be more than 0.57% and not more than 15% on a 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve.

  2. Plasticity
    The putty made from Type S, special hydrate, or type SA, special air-entraining hydrate, shall have plasticity figure of not less than 200 when tested within 30 minutes after mixing with water.

  3. Water Retention
    Hydrated lime mortar made with Type N (normal hydrated lime) or Type NA (normal air-entraining lime), after suction for 60 seconds, shall have a water retention value of not less than 75 percent and not less than 85% for Type S and SA, when tested in a standard mortar made from the dry hydrate or from putty made from the hydrate which has been soaked for a period of 16 to 24 hours.

701.4 Grading Requirement

Hydrated lime for construction purposes shall conform to the following grading requirements:

Sieve Designation
Mass Percent Passing
Alternate US Standard
(No. 20)
(No. 200)
85 – 100

701.5 Sampling

Samples of construction lime shall be taken at the place of manufacture or at the destination as agreed upon by the parties concerned. If the samples are taken elsewhere than at the place of manufacture, such samples shall be taken within 24hours of the receipt of the material.

Sampling shall be conducted as expeditiously as possible to avoid undue exposure of the material to the air. Samples shall not be taken from broken packages.

At least one percent of the package shall be sampled but in no case shall less than five packages be sampled. Individual packages shall be taken from various parts of the unit being sampled. Each package so taken shall be opened and not less than 0.5 kg shall be taken by means of a sampling tube that takes a core of the material of not less than 2.5 cm in diameter and that is of sufficient length to permit the taking of the sample from the top to the bottom of the mass being sampled. The material removed shall be thoroughly mixed and quartered. Triplicate samples of not less than 2.5 kg each shall be taken and sealed in properly labelled, air-tight, moisture proof containers.

701.5.1 Sample for Chemical Analysis

The sample as received at the laboratory shall be thoroughly mixed, quartered, and a representative sample taken and crushed to pass a 0.150 mm (No.100) sieve for analysis. The remaining uncrushed portion shall be resealed for further possible tests.

701.6 Rejection

Materials failing to meet the specification requirements shall be reported to the manufacturer within one (1) week after tests have been completed and the cause for rejection shall be stated.

701.7 Packing

Lime and limestone products may be shipped in bulk or in containers agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser. The most common units for hydrated lime are paper bags holding 23 kg, 11.5 kg, 4.5 kg or 2.3 kg.

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