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606.1 Description

This item shall consist of placing markings on the finished pavement. The work shall include the furnishing of premixed reflectorized traffic paint or reflectorized pavement marking paint conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 248, whichever is called for in the Contract, sampling and packing, preparing the surface, and applying the paint to the pavement surface, all in accordance with this Specification.

The paint shall be applied to the size, shape and location of the markings shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer.

606.2 Premixed Reflectorized Traffic Paints

Premixed reflectorized traffic paint is a paint in which the glass beads are mixed in the paint during the process of manufacture, so that upon application and drying, the paint line is capable of retro reflection of the light beams.

Premixed reflectorized traffic paints which are available in both white and yellow are paints that provide reflective marking for concrete, bituminous, bricks or stone surface of highways, bridges, tunnels, streets, parking lots and airports.

606.2.1 Classification

Premixed reflectorized traffic paint shall be classified according to thefollowing types based on the vehicles used:

Type I – Alkyd

Type II – Chlorinated Rubber Alkyd

606.2.2 Material Requirements

The paint shall consist of pigments, vehicles and glass beads so combined as to produce a paint that will conform to the following requirements.

  1. Condition in container – The packaged material shall be free from lumps and mixed readily to a smooth homogenous state.

  2. Skinning – The packaged material shall not skin within 48 hours in a ¾ filled, tightly closed container.

  3. Appearance of Dried Film – The paint film shall dry to a smooth uniform finish.

  4. Flexibility – The dried paint film shall not show cracking or flaking after being bent about 180 degrees over a 12.7 mm mandrel.

  5. Resistance to Water – The dried paint film shall not show blistering, peeling, wrinkling and discoloration when immersed in water for 18 hours.

  6. The paint shall also conform to the physical properties specified in Table 1. 
  7. Table 1 – Physical Properties
    Type I and Type II
    Specific Gravity
    Drying Time, No Pick Up, Minutes
    Consistency (Kreb Units) at 20 C

  8. Premixed reflectorized traffic paint composition shall conform to the requirements given in Table 2. 
    Table 2 – Composition Requirements
    Paint Composition
    Type I
    Type II
    Total Dry Solids, percent by weight
    Titanium Dioxide, Rutile Percent by weight
    Medium Chrome Yellow, Percent by weight
    Extenders, percent by wt.,
    Non-volatile Content (based on the vehicle) percent by weight
    Glass Beads, percent by Weight









  9. Glass Spheres or Beads Requirements: 
    Quantity: The amount of glass beads to be mixed with the paint shall be 500 grams per liter of paint. 
    Beads Diameter: The percentage of beads that will pass through the US Standard Sieves shall be as follows: 
    Sieve No. (um)
    Mass Percent Passing
    70 (212 – um) – 0.850
    80 (186 – um) – 0.600
    140 (106 – um) – 0.300
    230 ( 63 – um) – 0.150
    Index of Refraction: The index of refraction of the beads shall be within the range of 1.50 to 1.60 when tested by the liquid immersion method at 29 0C. 
    Appearance: The glass beads shall be transparent, colorless and the sum of particles that are fused, plane, angular and colored and contains bubble shall not exceed 20 percent.

606.2.3 Construction Requirements

The painting of lane markers and traffic strips shall include the cleaning of the pavement surfaces, the application, protection and drying of the paint coatings, the protection of pedestrians, vehicular or other traffic, the protection of all parts of the road structure and its appurtenances against disfigurement by spatters, splashes or smirches of paints or of paint materials, and the supplying of all tools, labor and traffic paint necessary for the entire work.

The paint shall not be applied during rain or wet weather or when the air is misty, or when in the opinion of the Engineer, conditions are unfavorable for the work. Paint shall not be applied upon damp pavement surfaces, or upon pavement which has absorbed heat sufficient to cause the paint to blister and produce a porous film of paint.

The application of paint shall preferably be carried out by a machine specially made for this purpose but where brushes are used, only round or oval brushes not exceeding 100 mm in width will be permitted. The paint shall be so applied as to produce a uniform, even coating in close contact with the surface being painted.

Traffic paint shall be applied to the pavement at the rate of 0.33 L/m 2 and shall dry sufficiently to be free from cracking in from 15 to 30 minutes.

All markings shall present a clean cut, uniform and workmanlike appearance. Markings that fail to have a uniform, satisfactory appearance either by day or night, shall be corrected by the Contractor in a manner acceptable to the Engineer and at no cost to the Government.

606.2.4 Sampling

The paint shall be sampled in accordance with PNS 484/ISO 1512 or other Philippine Standard Method of Sampling Paints and Varnishes.

606.2.5 Test Methods

The paints shall be tested in accordance with the methods specified in PNS 461 or other Philippine Standard Method of Tests for Paints and Varnishes.

606.2.6 Packing, Packaging and Marking

The paints shall be packed, packaged and marked in accordance with PNS 140.

606.3 Method of Measurement

The quantity of pavement markings to be paid for shall either be the length as shown on the Plans of painted traffic line of the stated width or the area as shown on the plans of symbols, lettering, hatchings, and the like, completed and accepted. Separate items shall be provided for premixed reflectorized traffic paint and reflectorized thermoplastic pavement markings.

606.4 Basis of Payment

The quantities measured as determined in Section 606.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the appropriate contract unit price for the Pay Items shown in the Bid Schedule which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, sampling and packing, for the preparation of the surface, and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item No.
Unit of Measurement
606 (1)
606 (2)
Pavement markings
(Premixed Reflectorized)
Pavement markings
(Reflectorized Thermoplastic)
Square Meter
Square Meter

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